The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 622 The Last Sentence Is the Key Point

Chapter 622 The last sentence is the point
Hearing this, Feng Ziyao laughed unkindly.

She glanced at Di Wei with a smile, and then at Chi Yuan who was full of depression. I guess any wife would be unhappy if she was told that she had a one-night relationship with another man, right?

What's more, Feng Ziyao was obviously Chi Yuan's from the very beginning, regardless of whether the first kiss or first love was him, he was 100% sure that he, Chi Yuan, was definitely Feng Ziyao's first man!
Since he was Feng Ziyao's first man, where did she and Lin Mo get such a one-night couple and a hundred days of kindness?

Isn't that pure nonsense?

Or is it that the former socialite in front of him wants to wear a colored sun hat for Chi Yuan?
Just as Chi Yuan was about to speak, Feng Ziyao stretched out his hand and tugged at his sleeve, signaling him not to speak, Chi Yuan obediently shut up.

She glanced at Di Wei with a smile, and said calmly, "I don't know if Lin Mo did it on purpose, but he did hurt me, didn't he?"

"Is it necessary to pay such a high price?" Di Wei objected.

"Oh, do you think this is too much?" Feng Ziyao looked at Di Wei coldly.

"At least you don't have to kill them all!" Di Wei said angrily, "No matter what, Lin Mo lost his job because of you, Feng Ziyao!"

Feng Ziyao was completely speechless. Why did everyone think that Lin Mo lost his job at Na Mingli's because of what she said?
She is really innocent, okay?Anyone with a good brain knows that Feng Ziyao and Na Mingli don't get along well, so why would she gossip with him, or even take revenge on Lin Mo?

Have all these people's brains been eaten by zombies?Feng Ziyao shook his head helplessly, there was really no way to communicate with these people, they were not on the same channel at all, did they?

Feng Ziyao is not some kind of Holy Mother White Lotus, who pleaded for Lin Mo after Lin Mo hurt her.

Even after she knew that these things were caused by Chi Qian, she still didn't say a word to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo had indeed hurt her. The two obvious scars on her waist, and the slap on her face back then, were all caused by Lin Mo.

So she did not intercede for Lin Mo.

Whoever does something wrong will be punished.

Feng Ziyao is not a Tang monk type, she likes to preach to others, so she doesn't bother to argue with Di Wei, because she knows that once this kind of person decides something in her heart, she just talks about breaking the sky, and it's nothing use.

It's better not to say it at all, but to save yourself saliva and effort.

Feng Ziyao waved his hand helplessly, "Go, Di Wei, it's useless to come here. If you have the skill, why don't you think about it with Lin Mo, what's wrong with him!"

"You!" Just as Di Wei was about to say something, she felt her feet vacated.

Looking back, Vic brought a team of people dressed in black, and two of them held her arms.

"The rest, go and register the servants who are currently in the main house, supervise them back to the servant's villa, pack up their things, and send them away!" Vic gave Di Wei a cold look, and said directly.

Di Wei was dragged out by two men in black just like that, she looked really embarrassed.

Feng Ziyao looked at the figure of Di Wei being thrown out, and shook his head helplessly, it was really this moment, that moment!

In this society, the reality is really terrible!

Chi Yuan smiled and shook his head, "Jian Zelin is really fast!"

"Huh?" Feng Ziyao looked up in surprise, unable to understand the meaning of Chi Yuan's words, "What do you mean?"

"It's nothing, I'm afraid we're going to Jiang Linge for dinner at noon today!" Chi Yuan stretched out his hand to rub Feng Ziyao's long hair, with a pampered expression on his face.

"Oh." This time Feng Ziyao understood.

No matter how demented she was, she understood the meaning of Chi Yuan's words.

To put it bluntly, these young masters are more or less clean freaks. Once someone they don't like appears on their chassis, they have to clean it thoroughly.

Just like Chi Yuan's two villas in Guanhai Yujing, Feng Ziyao and Chi Yuan moved there within a few days of being together.

But when she moved there, she realized that the interior decoration of these two villas had changed to the minimalist style she liked at some point.

Because of Chi Qian's relationship, she had borrowed from him before, and it was still the guest room where she lived, so she clearly remembered the decoration inside.

Besides, what is her occupation?How could she not see such an obvious change?

Combined with what Chi Qian said to her before, she understood it, and naturally she would not ask Chi Yuan why he suddenly renovated the house. After all, a man still needs to save face!

Sure enough, within a short while, Jian Zelin came down with Xue Zhiyan in his arms.

At this time, the clothes on the two people seemed to be different from the ones they wore when they went upstairs.

Feng Ziyao and Chi Yuan looked at each other, they smiled knowingly, and heard Jian Zelin order Vic, "Disinfect all the first and second floors and the ground floor, and disinfect all the rooms except the study on the third floor!"

Xue Zhiyan stretched out his hand and poked Jian Zelin's waist, but Jian Zelin directly held Xue Zhiyan's troublesome little hand, and continued, "Those people will be kicked out of Jian's house, and they will never be hired again!"

"Yes." Vic replied seriously.

"Well, I'll give you an afternoon!" Jian Zelin raised his wrist and looked at the time on his watch. "It's [-]:[-] in the morning. Clean it up before [-]:[-] in the evening!"

After Jian Zelin finished speaking, he hooked his fingers at Chi Yuan chicly, "The old place!"

Chi Yuan turned his head and kissed Feng Ziyao, "Am I right?"

Feng Ziyao smiled and nodded, "You are the best!"

Chi Yuan and Feng Ziyao smiled and followed Jian Zelin and left the old house of Jian's family.

The two cars that left Jane's old house quickly, and no one in the car noticed the resentful woman standing by the side of the road.

Xue Zhiyan pouted and glanced at Jian Zelin who was driving seriously, but didn't say anything in the end.

In fact, she really didn't know what to say, Diwei came here by herself, and Jian Zelin didn't ask her to come.

Even though she was really feeling a little uncomfortable, she felt much more comfortable because of Jian Zelin's words.

"Have something to say?" Jian Zelin frowned, and from the corner of his eyes, he caught Xue Zhiyan who was hesitating to speak.

Xue Zhiyan nodded, and after thinking for a long time, he slowly said, "The chef on duty today, the food from Hang Bang is delicious, you fire him too..."

Jian Zelin laughed twice, and rubbed Xue Zhiyan's hair with one hand. The tone of his speech was really doting. If other women heard it, they would be envious and jealous of Xue Zhiyan.

He said, "There are plenty of good cooks, I'll just hire you a chef who is good at Hangzhou cuisine."

Xue Zhiyan was stunned for a moment, and Jian Zelin continued, "I, Jian Zelin, don't want my servants to be disrespectful to my women on my territory, not even once!"

"I don't know if they let her in when we were away. But this time today, there will definitely be a second time in the future. They made you uncomfortable once today. If you don't make a sound, they will come back again in the future." It will scare you like this. You have to remember that you are the hostess of Jane's family, you can scare those servants, but you can't let them scare you!"

"I can't bear to let you be wronged a little bit, how can I tolerate them being wronged for you?"

Xue Zhiyan laughed unabashedly, and after talking for a long time, the last sentence was the key point.

(End of this chapter)

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