The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 623 Showing love with each other

Chapter 623 Showing love with each other
Xue Zhiyan and Jian Zelin had lunch with Feng Ziyao and Chi Yuan in Jianglin Pavilion. In the afternoon, the four boring people played mahjong in the exclusive box of Jianglin Pavilion.

There was not much winning or losing, Feng Ziyao was very puzzled that Xue Zhiyan didn't lose much money.Because in her consciousness, after Xue Zhiyan and Jian Zelin were together, her IQ should have dropped.

Xue Zhiyan, who had seen through Feng Ziyao's thinking, didn't say anything, just gave her a big roll of his eyes.

The skills of Jian Zelin and Chi Yuan are basically equal, so it doesn't matter whether they win or lose, they just spend time with these two women.

In fact, there is a better way to pass the time, but neither Jian Zelin nor Chi Yuan liked that method very much, so they chose a method that they would like a little bit.

Xue Zhiyan glanced at the chip in his hand, not interested, so he threw it to Jian Zelin directly, and asked leisurely, "Are you still eating here tonight?"

Jian Zelin changed hands and threw all the chips to Chi Yuan, staring up at her, "Well, it should be, what's wrong?"

Before Xue Zhiyan answered, Feng Ziyao answered for her.

Feng Ziyao wailed, and lay down on the mahjong table with a bitter face, his brows were tightly knit together, and he looked at Chi Yuan with as pitiful eyes as he wanted.

Chi Yuan stretched out his hand to block Feng Ziyao's eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Just say what you have to say, I really... um, I can't resist that look in your eyes!"

Feng Ziyao chuckled, and the beast patted Chi Yuan's hand, "I want to hang out with Xue Zhiyan, and then eat!"

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he grinned, leaned back on the chair, patted his chubby stomach, and looked at Jian Zelin embarrassedly, "Well, I just wanted to say that I'm not hungry yet."

The corners of Jian Zelin's and Chi Yuan's mouths twitched uncontrollably. The two of them hid for an afternoon, but they still couldn't dodge in the end.

This is really something you can't escape!

Jian Zelin smiled and rubbed Xue Zhiyan's head, "Are you feeling very supportive, do you want to call cat to prescribe you some medicine to promote digestion?"

Xue Zhiyan pouted, "How can I be so hypocritical! You don't need to take medicine for everything, just take a walk for a while, and you'll be fine." She pressed her phone and checked the time, "Anyway, it's still early!"

"The most important thing is!" Feng Ziyao patted the table angrily, "Always eat Jianglin Pavilion, the taste buds who know how to eat will be paralyzed, and I won't feel delicious in the future!"

"Then go to Nuan Pavilion?" Chi Yuan pinched Feng Ziyao's face with a smile. He remembered that Feng Ziyao used to like to eat seafood in Nuan Pavilion.

Feng Ziyao curled his lips, with an undisguised look of disgust on his face.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Feng Ziyao's disgusted expression, Chi Yuan put away his laughing face.

"I'm not going! Thinking about who their boss is, I can't eat it!" Feng Ziyao patted the table after speaking, "I really regret that I gave all my money to other people's pockets!"

Jian Zelin glanced at Xue Zhiyan, the two looked at each other and smiled, and the corner of Chi Yuan's mouth curled into an imperceptible smile.

"Those are small money!" Chi Yuan's words were full of indulgence, "You don't know what money can't buy your heart, do you?"

"But I regret it now!" Feng Ziyao insisted.

Chi Yuan pulled out the two mahjong pieces tightly clutched in her hand, and they were still on the table, gently stroking Feng Ziyao's palm with his big hand, "It's a big deal, when I collect his account management fee in the future, I will pay more Take him a little!"

Feng Ziyao's eyes lit up, and he became more energetic, "Really?"

Jian Zelin and Xue Zhiyan have black lines all over their faces, these two people really don't know how to avoid people?

Xue Zhiyan thought, he must not save money at their house in the future, otherwise the money would be taken away, and he would have to smile and say thank you to the two of them!
Jian Zelin held Xue Zhiyan's hand, and Xue Zhiyan raised his head to meet Jian Zelin's gaze, and he knew that the thoughts in Jian Zelin's heart coincided with hers, and there was a helpless smile on the corner of her mouth.

Xue Zhiyan coughed, and glanced at Feng Ziyao intentionally or unintentionally, "Feng Ziyao, didn't you say you want to go shopping? Now, have you two finished discussing your plan to steal people's money?"

Feng Ziyao and Chi Yuanmo, why did they forget that there are Jian Zelin and his wife?Although these two people don't cheat people out of money from time to time, they can't let them know about this kind of thing, right?

Jian Zelin waved his hand, "Don't worry, I have no plans to change the partner bank yet."

Chi Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and Jian Zelin said immediately, "But I'm not a fool, no matter how much property I have, even if I lose a penny, I will come to you!"

Feng Ziyao glared at Xue Zhiyan, and Jian Zelin stretched out his hand to pull Xue Zhiyan into his arms, with a look full of protection, "There is also Xue Zhiyan, the same!"

Feng Ziyao rolled his eyes, "You're thinking about protecting her again now, and you don't know who it is, you used to always..."

"Yaoyao!" Xue Zhiyan's face darkened, she knew that Jian Zelin and Feng Ziyao had never been at odds, if it wasn't for her, the two might have started fighting long ago.

Jian Zelin was dissatisfied that Feng Ziyao had more place in her heart, and Feng Ziyao was dissatisfied that Jian Zelin occupied the entire Xue Zhiyan.

"The past is the past, we have to live in the present and look forward to the future!" Xue Zhiyan said solemnly, frowning.


Feng Ziyao and Chi Yuan both burst out laughing unscrupulously.

It's really a couple who stay together day and night, even the movements and exaggeration of their laughter are the same.

"Still looking forward to the future!" Feng Ziyao reached out his hand to poke Xue Zhiyan's forehead, but Jian Zelin blocked it when he stretched out his hand.

Feng Ziyao gave Jian Zelin a dissatisfied look, and ignored his possessive eyes.

"Well, this is indeed a bit too serious!" Xue Zhiyan squeezed his chin, thought for a while and said, "The past is over, there is no need to keep it in mind, we need to live in the present, and walk through the countless days and nights in the future together !"

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he looked at Jian Zelin expectantly, like a child who had done something good and was waiting for an adult to praise him.

Jian Zelin cooperatively pecked her lips, his eyes were full of smiles, his deep voice slowly reached Xue Zhiyan's ears, "Well, we will walk through countless **** years together in the future. Every night."

Both Feng Ziyao and Chi Yuan shook their bodies at the same time, rubbing their hands back and forth on their arms, shaking off the goosebumps all over the floor.

Seeing the reaction of the two, Xue Zhiyan finally laughed out, and gave Jian Zelin a winning look, and Jian Zelin kissed her on the lips knowingly.

"Compared to the two of them studying how to collect money from others, we show our affection and always win!" After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he raised his head and kissed Jian Zelin on the lips.

Jian Zelin pampered Xue Zhiyan's head and did not refute her words.

Feng Ziyao couldn't stand it anymore, she slapped the table with her hand, stood up abruptly, gritted her teeth and squeezed out two words, "Shopping!"

(End of this chapter)

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