The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 624 I always knew

Chapter 624 I Have Known All This Time
After Chi Yuan paid for all Feng Ziyao's favorite things, he followed Feng Ziyao and Xue Zhiyan resentfully, carrying a bag.

The corner of Jian Zelin's mouth kept smiling, and he also carried a few bags in his hands, but far less than Chi Yuan's.

Chi Yuan rubbed his nose dejectedly, and glared at Jian Zelin who was smiling all the time, "Will you die if you don't show your affection with Xue Zhiyan for a while?"

Jian Zelin shrugged irresolutely, "I want to be in love with her all the time, but I can't help it!"

Chi Yuan frowned, "No way?"

Jian Zelin hummed, nodded, and looked at Xue Zhiyan's back with tenderness in his eyes, "Zhiyan doesn't like the world of two people all the time!"

Chi Yuan didn't want to talk to Jian Zelin at all, it's been a while, he's still showing off!

Looking at the more and more bags in his hand, Chi Yuan's expression became more and more serious. He didn't feel sorry for the money, but felt that Feng Ziyao vented his dissatisfaction in this way, and later she would be annoyed by her impulsive shopping again!

He really doesn't mind Feng Ziyao spending money on things. Anyway, as long as Feng Ziyao is happy, he doesn't have money, so no matter how little Feng Ziyao bought back, he can't fit in a storage room. There are many storage rooms.

It's really not possible, he still has a lot of warehouses, anyway, he doesn't have much, so it's okay to use them all for Feng Ziyao.

As long as Feng Ziyao is happy.

The main premise is that Feng Ziyao must be happy!
However, Feng Ziyao's current situation was obviously stimulated by Jian Zelin and Xue Zhiyan's show of affection!
Chi Yuan also wanted to show affection with Feng Ziyao, even Yan Shaochen could show affection with Liang Xu, but he couldn't!
Don't look at Feng Ziyao, who is such a wonderful girl, she is still very reserved about things like showing affection.

Therefore, every time Chi Yuan saw Xue Zhiyan and Jian Zelin showing their affection, he really wanted to punch them and beat them up!

Looking at Chi Yuan's colorful face, Jian Zelin couldn't help laughing. He nudged Chi Yuan with his elbow and comforted him, "Don't be depressed, everyone has different ways of expressing themselves. I'm not used to it, it's just that I can't stand my thick skin."

Chi Yuan...he rolled Jian Zelin's eyes, and thought to himself, do you still know you have a thick skin?Do you know that you have a thick skin, so you can't give him a "thin-skinned" way of life?
Chi Yuan sighed helplessly, shook his head, raised his chin and pointed his mouth in the direction of Feng Ziyao and Xue Zhiyan, "Keep close! Otherwise, they won't know where they are going later!"

Jian Zelin nodded with a smile, and strode directly to follow.

These two men and two women became a beautiful landscape in the mall again, walking back and forth without being disturbed by the people around them at all.

Feng Ziyao took Xue Zhiyan and walked with her from downstairs to upstairs, and then from upstairs to downstairs. Turning around, he saw two men obediently carrying their trophies. His heart was just stimulated by Xue Zhiyan and Jian Zelin's show of affection. , finally calmed down.

Feng Ziyao rubbed his hungry stomach, and looked at Xue Zhiyan with pitiful and innocent eyes!

"What's the matter?" Xue Zhiyan was uncomfortable being watched by her, and subconsciously took two steps away from her.

It wasn't that she was timid, it was Feng Ziyao's eyes that made Xue Zhiyan absolutely sure that Feng Ziyao had something to say.

The corner of Feng Ziyao's mouth twitched, he gave her a white look, and said weakly, "Zhiyan, aren't you hungry? I'm hungry..."

Feng Ziyao didn't say that Xue Zhiyan didn't feel it, but when Feng Ziyao asked, Xue Zhiyan subconsciously touched his belly which was no longer round.

Not to mention, I'm really hungry.

So Xue Zhiyan put on the same expression as Feng Ziyao, and turned to look at Jian Zelin pitifully.

Jian Zelin strode up, hugged Xue Zhiyan into his arms, rubbed his chin against her forehead, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"Hungry." Xue Zhiyan pursed his lips and said only one word.

Pointing to a word, Jian Zelin already fully understood what Xue Zhiyan meant.

He smiled and kissed Xue Zhiyan's forehead, his voice was still low and magnetic, "Well, let's go eat."

After speaking, he hugged Xue Zhiyan and turned around to leave, regardless of the opinions discussed by Feng Ziyao and Chi Yuan.

Xue Zhiyan tugged at the corner of Jian Zelin's clothes, and said softly, "Don't go to Jianglin Pavilion."

Hearing Xue Zhiyan's voice, Jian Zelin trembled all over. He looked at Xue Zhiyan in disbelief, as if he saw something new.

Xue Zhiyan blinked in confusion, "What's wrong?" His voice was still soft.

Jian Zelin shook his head, hugged her and continued to walk downstairs to the parking lot.

He hadn't heard Xue Zhiyan's voice for a long time. About a year ago, he could always hear her acting like a baby with Jian Guozheng, joking with Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan, and arguing with him in such a voice.

Later, when Xue Zhiyan talked to him, his voice was somewhat cold and distant, and later the two of them became close, and their voices were full of dependence, but they were rarely so soft.

Now when he suddenly heard it, Jian Zelin thought of the past of the two of them, the smile on the corner of his mouth showed a lot of unspeakable emotions.

I don't know why, but recently I always think of those things between the two people this year for no reason.

Good and bad, they will always be played in front of his eyes one after another like the scenes of a movie.

He hugged Xue Zhiyan tightly, and saw her pretty face with his eyes lowered, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

With such an expression, Jian Zelin knew that she was in a happy mood.

Just like himself, although he doesn't know why he always thinks about all the past in the past year, and his mood is very complicated, but he clearly knows that there is an indelible sense of happiness in his heart.

"What's wrong?" Sensing that the people around him had been staring at him, Xue Zhiyan raised his eyelids, and met Jian Zelin's unabashed gaze.

The corners of his mouth are raised, the corners of his eyes are curved, and an obvious smile hangs on his face without any disobedience.

Jian Zelin shook his head with a smile, thought for a while before saying, "I like you and everything that belongs to you. Xue Zhiyan, do you know?"

Xue Zhiyan was obviously stunned for a moment, and he came back to his senses in a second, with the same smile on his face as Jian Zelin, and nodded, "I know, I always knew."

"However, if you confess your love so unpreparedly, do you still say it in public while walking, so that you are not afraid of being heard by passers-by?"

Jian Zelin nodded solemnly, "Don't be afraid, every time I confess, I hug you, so the feeling of confessing to you while walking on the road is quite novel!"

Xue Zhiyan smiled and pinched the soft flesh on his waist, "I really want everyone who knows you to see whether you are still that cold and cold Young Master Jian."

"Huh?" Jian Zelin raised his eyebrows, "Isn't it me?"

Xue Zhiyan smiled without saying a word, clutching the corner of his clothes tightly, trying to keep up with his pace, and walked towards the parking lot.

(End of this chapter)

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