The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 625 It's Just Disinfection, It's Not Very Willful

Chapter 625 It's Just Disinfection, It's Not Very Willful
For dinner, Chi Yuan and Feng Ziyao invited Jian Zelin and Xue Zhiyan to a private porridge shop to drink porridge. It happened that Jian Zelin was still worried about Xue Zhiyan's stomach, so the problem was solved.

It had to be said that Xue Zhiyan didn't want to eat anything too greasy, so the porridge from this private porridge shop chosen by Chi Yuan and Feng Ziyao really suited her taste.

So Xue Zhiyan was overwhelmed again.

When the four of them separated in the parking lot of the porridge shop, Chi Yuan confirmed with Jian Zelin again and again that he really didn't want to go back to Guanhai Yujing today, so he left like a wind with Feng Ziyao.

After sitting in the car, Xue Zhiyan buckled his seat belt and asked puzzledly, "Why does Chi Yuan always ask you if you want to go back to watch the sea?"

Jian Zelin smiled without saying a word, and started the car.The car drove up the main road, and he said quietly, "You will know when you get to the old house."

Xue Zhiyan pouted in dissatisfaction, hum! He deliberately kept a sense of mystery!

She turned her head to look at the night scene outside the car window, no longer looking at Jian Zelin, nor talking to him.

Jian Zelin laughed twice, and stopped talking to her. He had to be more careful when driving at night.

Xue Zhiyan had been in a car accident before, and he didn't want her to experience it again, so he had to be more careful.

It's one thing to be careful, but quite another to keep your speed up.

Xue Zhiyan felt that he hadn't seen enough of the night view outside the window, so he saw the familiar courtyard.

As soon as the car drove into the yard, Xue Zhiyan smelled a strong smell of disinfectant.

She sniffed her nose vigorously, sniffing like a puppy, and frowned at Jian Zelin, "Why is there such a strong smell?"

Jian Zelin just hummed and stopped the car.

The parking location is still some distance from the main house, so the two of them have to walk a while to get off the car.

Originally, he drove the car in front of the main house, and after Xue Zhiyan got off the car, a driver would come and drive the car to the garage, but today he parked the car far away, is there something wrong?

Xue Zhiyan got out of the car with many doubts, and followed Jian Zelin, holding his hand tightly.

She glanced at Jian Zelin's profile from time to time, but she couldn't see anything abnormal.

When he was approaching the entrance of the main house, Jian Zelin said quietly, "An unimportant person came in today, so I had someone disinfect the main house, so there would be such a strong smell."

Insignificant person?Is it Di Wei?She frowned almost invisibly.

Disinfect the main house...? !Xue Zhiyan couldn't help opening his mouth wide in astonishment.

She blinked her eyes and moved her lips, but no sound came out.

Well, she once again had to admit that being rich can really be willful.Like Jian Zelin, who just disinfected the main house, it's really not very willful.

At least he didn't tear down the house and rebuild it, so it's pretty good, isn't it?
What Xue Zhiyan didn't know was that Jian Zelin really demolished the house, but not the whole house, but her bedroom and his bedroom.

Jian Zelin had a panoramic view of Xue Zhiyan's expressions and movements, he didn't know what was going on in her heart, but smiled silently.

There are some things that don't need to be told so clearly to her, no matter how calm she is, Jian Zelin still knows, and she still minds.

If she didn't say it, it doesn't mean he didn't know.

He just needs to be behind her, do everything well, brush away all her displeasure, and bring her peace of mind.

Holding her hand, he walked up two steps, looked up at the sky, then squeezed Xue Zhiyan's hand, "Look."

"Huh?" Xue Zhiyan looked up at Jian Zelin in astonishment, but saw him looking up at the night sky.

Following Jian Zelin's line of sight, Xue Zhiyan saw the twinkling stars in the sky.

She took out the hand tightly held by Jian Zelin in disbelief, rubbed her eyes, and seeing that the stars in the night sky were still there, she held Jian Zelin's hand tightly again.

In today's heavily polluted city, it is rare to see the bright night sky.

But today, she and he saw it.

This seemed to be the first time for two people to stand under the night sky and look up at the vast starry sky.

Xue Zhiyan just thought it was amazing, seeing the twinkling stars in the night sky, she also became excited.

The most natural smile bloomed on his face, and his eyes were as clear as a child's, watching the night sky sparkle.

What Xue Zhiyan saw were the shining stars in the night sky, but Jian Zelin saw Xue Zhiyan who was beside him, shining and illuminating him.

"Wow - wow!" Xue Zhiyan's eyes flickered, he turned his head and looked at Jian Zelin with a smile, "It's so beautiful!"

Jian Zelin hummed, and a smirk gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Is the night sky beautiful, or me?"

Xue Zhiyan was stunned for a moment, a blush floated on her cheeks in the darkness, she nodded, her voice was still soft and waxy, "Well, they all look good!"

Well, they all look good.

The simple four words, together with her voice that moved Jian Zelin's heart, made his blood boil instantly in such a night.

He turned his head and quietly looked at Xue Zhiyan's profile.

The dim light from the house enveloped the two of them in the light from behind them.

She raised her head slightly, her eyebrows and eyes were curved in a smile, and her moist red lips were slightly raised, revealing her white teeth.

She stared at the stars in the night sky without blinking, but he stared at the brightest star in his life without blinking.

Xue Zhiyan slapped his eyelashes, turned his head to look at Jian Zelin in confusion, and said angrily, "Don't always stare at me, you will miss the beautiful night sky!"

Jian Zelin laughed, and Xue Zhiyan was confused when he laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Xue Zhiyan bit his lip and blinked innocently.

Jian Zelin smiled and shook his head, "You are looking at the beautiful night sky, but I am looking at the brightest star in my life. There is nothing wrong with that."

Xue Zhiyan froze for a moment, the smile on his face deepened, but he said nothing.For Jian Zelin's sudden confession, she seemed to have gotten used to it a long time ago, and she was no stranger to it.

As soon as she turned her head away, Jian Zelin's face came closer.

After being kissed by him on the side of the face, Xue Zhiyan turned his head a little embarrassed, and just wanted to make Jian Zelin quiet and not disturb her from looking at the night sky.

But she just opened her mouth, and before she could make any sound, Jian Zelin swallowed all the words she wanted to say into his stomach...

Xue Zhiyan frowned, and the posture of raising his head remained unchanged, but just now he was looking up at the night sky, but now, a warm palm was supporting the back of his head.

Xue Zhiyan glanced at the vast starry sky, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, such a beautiful night sky has been ruined again!I don't know if there will be a chance to see you again in the future.

It's just that Jian Zelin didn't allow her to be cloned, so he bit her lip and kissed her harder...

(End of this chapter)

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