The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 632 She, Missing

Chapter 632 She, Missing

When the clock jumped to [-]:[-], Jian Zelin dropped the signature pen and documents in his hand, grabbed the car keys and mobile phone on the table, picked up his suit jacket, and left Shengshi like the wind.

When he returned to Jane's old house, in order not to get too excited, he sat in the car to calm down, then opened the door, and walked into the main house pretending to be calm.

But to his surprise, the servant who greeted him was the servant on duty, and Xue Zhiyan was not seen at all.

With a vague smile on the corner of Jian Zelin's mouth, he handed over the coat and car keys to the servant, and kept looking for Xue Zhiyan in the whole living room.

"Where's Zhiyan?" Jian Zelin, who searched around but couldn't find it, couldn't help frowning.

The servant followed behind him respectfully, and replied, "Master. Grandma. Grandma hasn't come back yet."

Jian Zelin was startled, put away the smile on his face, and looked at the servant following him in disbelief.

"What did you say?" Jian Zelin's brows gradually frowned, he thought it was a small part of the surprise that Xue Zhiyan gave him.

"Back to Master, Young Mistress. Grandma hasn't come back." The servant repeated.

"She didn't come back?" Jian Zelin frowned, this was obviously wrong, Xue Zhiyan clearly said at noon in the prosperous age that she would ask Vic to send her back early at three or four in the afternoon.

"Yes, Young Mistress. Mistress went out after you in the morning and never came back." The servant said again.

Jian Zelin frowned and waved his hand, and the servant backed out.

With a sullen face, Jian Zelin took out his mobile phone and dialed Vic's number as he quickly went upstairs.

Xue Zhiyan was not upstairs either.

"Did you receive a call from Zhiyan this afternoon?" Jian Zelin asked in a deep voice.

Through the phone, Vic felt a gust of cold wind blowing from behind him. He subconsciously looked up at the air conditioner and replied, "The lady boss didn't call me this afternoon."

Jian Zelin was silent.

Sitting on the sofa, looking at the empty room, he tapped his fingers on the armrest of the sofa. After a long time, he said, "Zhou Zhiyan's satellite positioning in the phone, to see where she is."

Vic answered and hung up the phone hastily.

Jian Zelin's voice was extraordinarily serious, and he could hear a kind of forbearable worry in Jian Zelin's voice.

Moreover, Jian Zelin asked him about Xue Zhiyan's whereabouts when he came up, and it was obvious that something happened to his "accident-prone place" proprietress again.

Vic naturally didn't dare to neglect, you know, if something happened to Xue Zhiyan, then they would not have a good life.

At the same time, Ben, who was drinking with Vic, also received a call from Su Lingxuan, asking him to pick him up at the airport!

Vic suddenly felt that his shirt was wet with cold sweat.

Ben, who heard the content of Jian Zelin's phone call, also swallowed his saliva, took a sip of wine, grabbed the car keys and left Qingcheng.

Jian Zelin who hung up the phone immediately called Feng Ziyao, but Feng Ziyao's answer made him even more nervous.

Feng Ziyao said, Jian Zelin, are you right?Isn't there a surprise today?Why are you calling me to find someone?

Jian Zelin didn't have time to explain to her carefully, so he hung up the phone and started calling Xue Zhiyan.

Later, the calls that could still be connected directly became out of service area.

Jian Zelin dialed the internal number and asked all the servants on duty today to go upstairs, and he asked them one by one.

The answers they got were all the same, that is, after Xue Zhiyan went out in the morning, he never came back.

As for what Xue Zhiyan said that she would ask Vic to take her back in the afternoon, it was simply not implemented.

where did she goAfter all the servants left, Jian Zelin's face was so ugly that it couldn't be more ugly.

Vic also responded quickly, and there was no way to find out where Xue Zhiyan was now.

As for the reasons why she couldn't follow the locator on Xue Zhiyan, there were only two reasons. One was that the locator on her body was discovered, and the other was that the place she was in now could well block satellite signals.

Obviously, blocking the satellite signal is not valid anymore, because Jian Zelin's phone call to her is obviously through.

As for why she couldn't get through later, it was very likely that her mobile phone was out of battery at this time.

Jian Zelin clutched his mobile phone tightly, paced back and forth in the room, his brows were completely knit together, and his expression was cold and scary.

Jian Zelin called and waited for the number over there, but the answer given there was that Xue Zhiyan left at 03:30 in the afternoon. As for where to go, she smiled and said it was a secret.

Xue Zhiyan, are you trying to surprise me or scare me?Jian Zelin raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to relax his tense nerves.

But there was no way for him to relax at all. Xue Zhiyan obviously left and waited, but he didn't come back, and there was no news. Now he can't even get through the phone. Can you make people nervous?

Jian Zelin couldn't help thinking angrily in his heart, Xue Zhiyan, just wait, when you come back, I'm going to give you a real spanking!

How can it be so silent that people can't find it?Because she couldn't remember where she would go, Jian Zelin had completely changed from being nervous at the beginning to being impatient and irritable.

At the same time, his heartbeat gradually accelerated.

He thought that maybe it was because he was nervous that his heartbeat would speed up.

But this can't convince him at all, he is very clear why his heart beats faster, and he feels uncomfortable.

This feeling is exactly the same as that of Xue Zhiyan after he disappeared in a car accident.

The corner of Jian Zelin's mouth suddenly curled up into a wry smile. A year ago, Xue Zhiyan miraculously appeared in front of his eyes, and just one year later, on this day, Xue Zhiyan will miraculously disappear again?
Could it be that this year, those days with her, were all a dream?
No!Jian Zelin shook his head vigorously, these are not dreams!It was all experienced by him, Jian Zelin!
His mobile phone was stuck on the ring on the ring finger of his left hand, and the obvious pain made him know clearly that all this was not a dream.

How could it be a dream!The pair of rings that Xue Zhiyan put on for him still reflected the light in the room on his hands, how could it be a dream!

Since it wasn't a dream, it meant that Xue Zhiyan must be in danger at this time, otherwise she wouldn't let him find her!

Yes, it must be so!Jian Zelin regained his composure in an instant. Since she is in danger now, he must calm down and analyze calmly, otherwise he will be in a mess, how can he rescue her?

Jian Zelin took a deep breath, unlocked the phone, and before he could dial Vic's number, a call came in.

As soon as the phone was connected, Su Lingxuan's leisurely voice with a smile came from the other end of the phone.

"Aze, don't be so stingy! I haven't seen Zhiyan for two months, and you don't even let her answer the phone? Are you with her? Let her answer the phone, I want to tell her, I came back!"

Jian Zelin frowned, and spoke in an exceptionally low and hoarse voice, "Ling, Zhiyan is not with me, and I don't know where she is."

Jian Zelin paused, and after making sure that Su Lingxuan on the other end of the phone heard his words clearly, she continued, "Zhiyan, she's gone."

(End of this chapter)

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