The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 633 The note she left behind

Chapter 633 The note she left behind
Xue Zhiyan opened her eyes, and because she was not used to the light from above her head, she squinted her eyes and looked at the surrounding environment.

Completely unfamiliar environment.

The whole room is in warm colors, light warm colors, without losing the warmth, but also generous and concise.

The room was big and clean.

The bed was also big and soft.

It's just that she doesn't have the time to feel how comfortable it all is.

She wanted to turn over and get out of bed, but her whole body was so weak that she had no strength at all.

Just wanting to turn over, she was so tired that she was sweating profusely, lying on the bed panting.

Xue Zhiyan didn't know where this was. The only thing she was sure of was that this was definitely not the old house of Jian's family, nor a villa with a view of the sea.

As for where, she really didn't know at all.

Her memory is only that when she was waiting to come out in the afternoon, she met Namingli head-on again.

She only remembered that she told Namingli that she really didn't know where Chiqian was, and then Namingli smiled gently at her, nodded, and told her that he didn't come to find Chiqian, but came for her.

All the memories are only here, after that she has no feeling, let alone memory.

Xue Zhiyan turned her head to look out the window, and found that it was already dark outside, she couldn't help frowning.

She had no idea how long she had been lying in this strange room, and she didn't know if Jian Zelin had noticed that she was missing now.

She thought, if she hadn't been in this strange place, she would be hugged tightly by Jian Zelin now, reluctant to let go.

Xue Zhiyan sighed heavily, and didn't know if Jian Zelin, who found out that she was missing, went crazy, she really couldn't imagine how Jian Zelin would eat people when he knew she was gone again.

Xue Zhiyan, who was lying on the bed and couldn't do anything, suddenly realized that she seemed to be particularly easy to be kidnapped this year.

There have been three or four kidnappings, big and small, and I don't know whether I was lucky or unlucky in the year I became the eldest lady of the Xue family.

But the only thing she is sure of is that it is definitely the luckiest and luckiest thing for her to have the relationship with Jian Zelin like today.

Thinking of Jian Zelin, Xue Zhiyan's brows that had already been stretched were frowned tightly again.

She was a little worried about him, and he took her too seriously, so sometimes, when encountering her, he would lose his mind and be crazy at the same time.

Xue Zhiyan didn't know how crazy he was, but it was obvious that she didn't want him to go crazy.

She didn't want Jian Zelin to go crazy because of her, she liked the leisurely attitude that Jian Zelin showed from time to time when he was with her.

She didn't like the cold appearance that made people dare not get close.

She is the only one who won't let him turn into that cold appearance again and keep him from going crazy.

Xue Zhiyan turned her head and looked straight at the crystal lamp on the roof. She knew that if Jian Zelin wasn't going to go crazy, she had to contact him as soon as possible to let him know that she was fine, and that was enough.

She turned her head to look at the bed, and found that her mobile phone was lying on the bedside table, the screen was black, and even the signal light was not flashing.

Xue Zhiyan frowned, staring at the phone in a daze, it must have run out of battery.

There is no electricity, and there is definitely no fixed phone in this room for her to contact the outside world. How can she let Jian Zelin know where she is?

She couldn't wait for Jian Zelin to rescue her like the previous few times. If she waited until then, Jian Zelin would be extremely manic, and she might do something she didn't want to happen.

In this case, she can only find a way by herself, but she clearly knows that she can't be head-on, if her life is threatened, she still has to give up and wait for them to come to her.

Xue Zhiyan sighed, and closed her eyes again. Now that she can't move, it's useless to think of any solutions.

The most important thing right now is to rest!Xue Zhiyan already had a score in her heart, and she probably knew where she was.

And judging from the current situation, the environment she was in could not threaten her life safety for the time being.

However, one thing Xue Zhiyan didn't understand was what purpose did Namingli take her away?
If he threatened Jian Zelin, then his goal must have been achieved.But Xue Zhiyan always felt messed up in her heart, she felt that his goal was not Jian Zelin.

Na Mingli returned to China for more than half a year, if he had any purpose for Jian Zelin, he should have done it long ago, there is no need to lie dormant for half a year.

Therefore, it was not because of Jian Zelin that he took her away.

Thinking that Na Mingli did not pose any threat to Jian Zelin, Xue Zhiyan felt more relaxed.

It's not that she is too optimistic, but that there is no way, as long as she is not threatening to the people she cares about, she can really not be so nervous.

In addition, the environment she was in at this time was really not very bad, so she was really not very worried, and at the same time she was not very nervous.

She didn't know what Namingli ate or smelled for her, but at this moment she thought that Jian Zelin was not in danger, she relaxed and wanted to sleep again.

Xue Zhiyan thought, if Jian Zelin knew her state of mind at this time, he would definitely spank her, and he would definitely hit her hard.

When Xue Zhiyan thought of Jian Zelin's pretentiously fierce face, there was always a smirk at the corner of his mouth, and the corner of his mouth unconsciously raised.

Xue Zhiyan, who had re-entered sleep here, had no idea that the Jian family's old house was already in chaos.

Because Su Lingxuan, who just got off the plane, knew that Xue Zhiyan had disappeared again, the first thing he did when he entered the door of Jian's old house was to punch Jian Zelin in the face.

And Chi Yuan and Feng Ziyao, who arrived not long after Su Lingxuan, watched the live broadcast of a fight.

To be honest, Su Lingxuan and Jian Zelin only fought twice, one was when Xue Zhiyan's necklace fell into the swimming pool last time, and she went around half the city with a fever, and the other is now.

Su Lingxuan didn't know whether it was Xue Zhiyan's physical problem, or Jian Zelin would bring trouble on her. This year, Xue Zhiyan basically didn't live in peace.

If it is an exaggeration, Xue Zhiyan will be kidnapped every 360 days on average for [-] days in this year.

Jian Zelin didn't fight back, it wasn't that he was inferior to Su Lingxuan, it was just that he wasn't in that mood.

There was no news about Xue Zhiyan, he didn't want to argue with Su Lingxuan at all, even if it was to defend himself, he didn't bother to open his mouth.

Now only the news of Xue Zhiyan can make him react a bit.

Su Ling paced back and forth in the living room angrily, and just as she walked to the piano, she realized that something was wrong with the piano.

He lifted the cover on the keyboard and saw a yellow sticky note fall down.

Jian Zelin also saw the yellow shadow falling, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

While Su Lingxuan bent down, he quickly rushed to the piano.

When Su Lingxuan picked up the sticky note, Jian Zelin was already standing firmly beside him, and both of them saw the handwriting on the sticky note at the same time.

It's Xue Zhiyan's handwriting.

"Brother Linlin (shy):
See the note, please go to the handicraft room in the upstairs room, there are gifts! "

(End of this chapter)

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