The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 635 N, Letting Go

Chapter 635 N, Letting Go
Naming calendar.

When they heard Jian Zelin say these three words, Su Lingxuan and Chi Yuan suddenly opened their eyes wide, looking at Jian Zelin in disbelief.

It seemed that Jian Zelin said something strange, but in fact, the two of them would rather have misheard what Jian Zelin said.

But Feng Ziyao was not too surprised, he just looked at Jian Zelin with a frown.

Her lips moved, and she said in a trembling voice, "I think Namingli's target is neither Zhiyan nor you." After speaking, she looked straight at Jian Zelin.

Jian Zelin frowned, he couldn't understand Feng Ziyao's words at all.

Na Mingli took Xue Zhiyan away, if not because of him, then who?Is it just to make him nervous?He doesn't think so.

Namingli has a clear purpose in everything he does, and he rarely does useless work.So taking Xue Zhiyan away this time must have a purpose.

As for the purpose, Jian Zelin really couldn't think of it.

In the past six months, the two of them haven't competed for the market or grabbed any projects, so Na Mingli's sudden visit really confused Jian Zelin, and he couldn't figure out what Na Mingli wanted.

But Feng Ziyao's analysis was correct.

After she said that, Jian Zelin, Su Lingxuan and Chi Yuan remained silent all the time, and the waiting employees had already left, and there were only four of them in the empty shop.

The silence of the four people made the already quiet and so on even quieter.

Terribly quiet.

Feng Ziyao suddenly thought of a sentence, if you don't break out in silence, you will perish in silence.

But the silence of the three men in front of her really made her uncertain.

Especially when Xue Zhiyan was not present, no matter how smart she was alone, she still couldn't figure out what they were thinking.

If Xue Zhiyan was there, the two of them would be able to get some information out of their jokes.

But now, she could only roll her eyeballs and look at the three men who were collecting gold silently.

Just when Feng Ziyao was about to be driven mad by the terrible silence, the bell hanging on the door suddenly rang.

Several people raised their heads almost at the same time, and saw Liang Huan and Yan Shaochen who looked surprised.

Feng Ziyao thought he was dreaming, rubbed his eyes, and realized that the people standing in front of him were really Liang Huan and Yan Shaochen.

She burst into tears, threw herself into Liang Huan's arms aggrieved, and cried out with a wow.

In fact, Feng Ziyao rarely looks like such a child. She doesn't know if it's because of Xue Zhiyan's sudden disappearance, or because the aura of these three men is too strong, anyway, she just wants to cry.

Just happened to see Liang Huan, and as if he finally found support, he threw himself into her arms and cried.

Yan Shaochen, who was pushed aside by Liang Huan, couldn't help but twitched at the corner of his mouth, put down their luggage, walked over to Jian Zelin and sat down.

He rubbed his nose dejectedly, "Liang Huan and I escaped back to wait for something to eat, but we didn't expect to run into you."

As Yan Shaochen spoke, he glanced at Su Lingxuan, reached out and punched him on the shoulder, "When did you come back? What are you doing here? What about Zhiyan?"

Jian Zelin's expression turned dark when he heard Yan Shaochen's question.He pursed his lips tightly and stared straight at the paper box in front of him. The cookies inside had been smashed to pieces long ago.

"Where's Zhiyan?" Liang Huan walked over with Feng Ziyao, who was still crying, and swept Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan's faces, not forgetting to glance at Chi Yuan.

Seeing Liang Huan's eyes, Chi Yuan walked over knowingly and pulled Feng Ziyao over, let her sit on his lap, and wiped the tears off her face.

Liang Huan saw that no one answered her, so she looked at Yan Shaochen, and Yan Shaochen gave her a look that he didn't know.The two looked at each other and joined the tide of silence.

Waiting for the tranquility to return, only the dim lights at two stations were on, otherwise it would really make people think that there is no one here.

After a while, Jian Zelin sighed heavily, and touched Xue Zhiyan's bag with his fingers, his deep and hoarse voice gradually sounded in the quiet room.

He said, "Zhiyan was taken away by Namingli, and we don't know what the purpose of Namingli is."

Because Liang Huan turned her head too violently, her neck creaked, and then she raised her hand to cover her neck.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at Jian Zelin in disbelief, "Jian Zelin, are you kidding me? I just returned to China today, isn't your present too big?" Her tone was full of disbelief.

Jian Zelin raised his eyes and glanced at Liang Huan, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were cold and devoid of warmth.

"Do you think I look like I'm joking?" His voice was cold without any emotion.

Compared with when Ping Xue Zhiyan was around, Jian Zelin like this is not the same person at all.

Yan Shaochen reached out and rubbed Liang Huan's neck to ease the soreness caused by her excessive movements, and asked with a frown, "What's going on?"

With a nasal voice, Feng Ziyao explained the details of the two of them. After hearing Feng Ziyao's words, Yan Shaochen and Liang Huan's brows became more and more wrinkled.

"Since you know that Na Mingli did it, why don't you call him to ask for someone? Or go to the door directly?" Liang Huan didn't understand the use of them sitting here in silence.

Would Namingli take the initiative to send Xue Zhiyan back?When will we have to wait?She didn't think Na Mingli was that good, she just took Xue Zhiyan for a drive and then sent her back.

Yan Shaochen shook his head, and his tone of voice became much heavier, "Calling someone to ask for someone, Na Mingli can definitely not admit that Xue Zhiyan is with him, and..."

"Besides, Namingli has many residences, you can't even guess where he lives!" Su Lingxuan said coldly.

Both Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan have entered the freezing mode, turning into big ice cubes that can walk.

"Then you just sit like this? Do nothing? Have you ever thought about the possibility..." Liang Huan's tone was quite eager.

With a bang, Jian Zelin's fist hit the table in front of him heavily.

Liang Huan looked at Jian Zelin who suddenly got angry, wondering where he was singing.

She opened her mouth, and when she was about to say something, Jian Zelin took out her mobile phone and quickly dialed a number.

"Where is Chana Mingli now!" Jian Zelin's words were very concise, and he hung up the phone without waiting for a response from the other side.

When he hung up the phone, the phone rang.

Jian Zelin looked at the phone number jumping on the screen, and his frown suddenly relaxed.

There was no emotion on the originally cloudy face, it was cold, just like the face of the K of Diamonds in a playing card.

"N, let it go."

(End of this chapter)

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