The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 636 I only want to be slow, and I will bear the consequences

Chapter 636 I only want to be slow, and I will bear the consequences
Na Mingli on the other end of the phone actually laughed when he heard Jian Zelin say this coldly.

Xue Zhiyan was lying on the bed, biting his lower lip, and stared at Na Mingli angrily.

He used her mobile phone to dial Jian Zelin's number, and then kept the speaker on.

She asked Na Mingli what she wanted, but he just smiled and said nothing.

Then he called Jian Zelin.

Then she soon heard the sound of the phone being connected, followed by a familiar voice.

It's just that the voice was too cold, so cold that even though she was covered with an air-conditioning quilt, she still felt cold, so cold that she had no emotion at all.

This kind of Jian Zelin was the last thing she wanted to see, but she never thought that Na Mingli would make him into such a cold appearance.

Xue Zhiyan's breathing became short of breath, she really wanted to jump up from the bed, and then slap Na Mingli in the face, then snatched her mobile phone from his hand, and told Jian Zelin that she was fine.

But when she made a sound, she realized what a stupid thing she had done.

Her voice was soft, without a trace of strength. She exhausted all her strength and shouted into the phone, "Ah Ze! I'm fine."

After she finished yelling this sentence, she lay on the bed and dressed roughly. She didn't know what medicine Na Mingli had given her, and why she had no strength at all.

But her brain circuit should be different from others. At this moment, she actually thought of the medicine written in the novel, which is called Shixiangruanjinsan, which makes people feel weak.

At this time, her thoughts drifted to the novel, and she couldn't imagine how Jian Zelin on the other end of the phone would be furious after hearing her soft voice.

It's just that Jian Zelin's rage was not reflected in his words. He was still so cold to Na Mingli, so cold and without any emotion.

After he got on the phone, the first thing he said was, N, let it go.

Then Namingli chuckled and didn't answer his words.

The second sentence Jian Zelin said was, N, what do you want.

This sentence came out after Xue Zhiyan said that sentence weakly, and Jian Zelin paused for a while.

Namingli glanced at Xue Zhiyan, who was lying on the bed weakly, but stared at him fiercely.

With a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, he said slowly, "My target is not your woman, you know that."

At this moment, Jian Zelin also turned on the loudspeaker, Na Mingli's voice echoed in the waiting room, Chi Yuan's arms around Feng Ziyao's waist gradually tightened, and even Feng Ziyao's brows frowned.

His target was not Xue Zhiyan, but he took Xue Zhiyan away, what does this mean?Who does he want to trade Xue Zhiyan for?
Everyone held their breath, thinking about what Namingli said, and waiting for what Namingli would say next.

"Chi Qian. I want Chi Qian." Na Mingli said each word clearly.

There was an indescribable confidence in his voice, as if he was sure that Chi Qian would definitely go to see him.

Quite determined and confident.

Chi Yuan's hand suddenly loosened, but his brows were tightly knit together.

Feng Ziyao stretched out his hand and held Chi Yuan's hand tightly, his brows were also tightly knit together.

Na Mingli hung up the phone after finishing those six words, without giving Jian Zelin and the others time to respond.

Listening to the beeping sound from the phone, Jian Zelin really wanted to smash the phone to pieces on the ground.

Xue Zhiyan opened his eyes wide in disbelief, staring at Na Mingli with a sinister face for a moment.

She suddenly understood why Na Mingli was so abnormal today, and told her in the afternoon that he didn't come to look for Chi Qian, but to look for her.

She finally understood.

Namingli finally used up all his patience, since he couldn't wait for Chiqian, he had to use special means to force Chiqian to show up.

And his special method is to kidnap her and force Chi Qian to show up.

Because he knew that if he said he wanted to see Chi Qian, Chi Qian would definitely not see him.If he used Xue Zhiyan as a threat, he was also worried about her slowness, and would definitely come to see him for her safety, even if he didn't want to.

Xue Zhiyan felt sick when he thought that Chi Qian would come to see him again because of his coercion.

Xue Zhiyan's stomach really twitched at the thought of nausea, wondering if it was because Na Mingli gave her the strange medicine.

Because she was lying on her back on the bed, and she had no strength at all, so she lay pale and twitched on the bed.

When Namingli found out that something was wrong with her, Xue Zhiyan's face was as pale as paper, without a trace of blood.

Namingli called a servant to help Xue Zhiyan calm down. She also vomited some gastric juice, and then leaned against the head of the bed weakly.

Xue Zhiyan's eyes were still staring at Namingli's face without blinking, and there was unspeakable anger in his eyes, as if he was silently accusing Namingli of his shameless actions.

Na Mingli asked the servant to drink some water for Xue Zhiyan, then he still looked at Xue Zhiyan with that shameless smile on his face.

He said, "Xue Zhiyan, don't look at me with such eyes, if you want to see but can't see the person you like, you will be like me!"

Xue Zhiyan snorted coldly, rolled his eyes at him, but said nothing. She felt that it would be a waste of her energy to say anything to a radical person like him.

"I don't want to take advantage of you, after all, you are Qianqian's friend." Namingli smiled wryly, and the insidiousness on his face instantly turned into sadness that he couldn't ask for, "She only has you in her eyes, so I can only use you." you."

"In order for her to see me again, I will do whatever it takes." Na Mingli looked at Xue Zhiyan's eyes, suddenly softened a lot, and stretched out his hand, wanting to touch Xue Zhiyan's face.

Xue Zhiyan turned his head abruptly, leaving the back of his head to Na Mingli who was absent-minded.

What Namingli touched was Xue Zhiyan's soft long hair, and he suddenly regained his senses. He put away the longing on his face, and became cloudy and uncertain again.

He looked at Xue Zhiyan's profile, and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, the effect of the medicine will wear off tomorrow morning, and I won't restrict your actions in the villa, but you can't leave until Chi Qian comes to see me."

Then Xue Zhiyan heard the footsteps of Na Mingli leaving, and just as he opened the door, Xue Zhiyan said intermittently, "You... you are like this, aren't you afraid... aren't you afraid that Qianqian will hate you more?"

Namingli's body froze suddenly, he had thought about all the consequences, but no matter how Chiqian would treat him or look at him in the future, as long as Chiqian could look at him, he could bear all the consequences.

Even if, Chi Qian will hate him to the bone in the end.

Na Mingli smiled bitterly with his back to Xue Zhiyan, with Xue Zhiyan on his face that could not see affection.

"I've already been prepared to bear all the bitter consequences. She hates me, isn't that also an emotion towards me?" Na Mingli turned to look at Xue Zhiyan, who happened to be looking at him too.

His eyes were so complicated that Xue Zhiyan couldn't see the meaning in his eyes.

Na Mingli put away all his emotions, and said lightly, "A servant will come to deliver food to you later. After you eat, go to bed early, and you can get out of bed tomorrow morning."

Xue Zhiyan looked at Na Mingli's leaving figure, wondering if it was an illusion, but always felt that he could see a touch of loneliness in his figure.

But that had nothing to do with her, she slowly closed her eyes, hoping that Jian Zelin could calm down and have a good rest this night when she was not around...

(End of this chapter)

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