The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 638 I Can Find Him

Chapter 638 I Can Find Him

Jian Zelin smoked more than half a pack of cigarettes before he felt a little more comfortable. He stood outside and blew on the wind for a while, and felt that the smell of cigarettes on his body was not so strong, so he walked back into the room again.

When he sat back on the sofa again, Chiqian had already changed into a set of clothes and sat there.

He glanced at Chi Qian, didn't say anything, and continued to close his eyes and meditate.

In the past few days, most of his state has been like this. He can't sleep and can't figure out where Na Mingli will be, so he can only close his eyes and rest.

In the past three days, he missed Xue Zhiyan very much, but he couldn't tell her what he missed. This was really a depressing and tangled emotion.

"You guys, haven't you found out where Namingli is?" Chi Qian frowned slightly, she didn't seem to mention that person's name, but she couldn't help it.

After listening to what Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan said to her, she could vaguely sense that Xue Zhiyan's accident this time was entirely because of her.

It's not even an exaggeration to say that Xue Zhiyan would never have been kidnapped by Namingli if she hadn't hidden her whereabouts and disappeared later.

Na Mingli has made it clear that his goal is Chi Qian, as long as Chi Qian looks for him, he will let Xue Zhiyan go.

So to put it another way, Na Mingli wanted to kidnap her at all, and Xue Zhiyan was just a pitiful scapegoat.

So even if she didn't want to mention the three words Na Mingli, she had to mention it, because if she didn't mention it, there would be no way for Xue Zhiyan to come back.

Su Lingxuan shook his head, "N blocked all the signals that can be tracked, including Zhiyan's mobile phone, which should be blocked by him."

"Did he set a time limit for you?" Chi Qian frowned. If she guessed correctly, Namingli should be there...

Jian Zelin shook his head, "No, he said, as long as you go to him, he will let go."

Chi Qian's hands were tightly drilled into fists, and the crystal nails she just made were embedded in the tender flesh of her palms, and the obvious pain spread to her heart.

She didn't expect that she would bring such an experience to Xue Zhiyan if she wanted to hide her whereabouts from Na Mingli.

She didn't even expect that Namingli would really do anything to get up, for her sake, he would sacrifice everything, including the people she cared about.

She suddenly wanted to know, if she told Namingli face to face that she hated what he did, would Namingli drag her madly to die together.

Because only in that way, she can only see him alone, can only have him in her heart, and can no longer pretend to be others.

Chi Qian didn't know why she suddenly had such an idea. This idea of ​​wanting to die with Na Mingli hadn't appeared in her mind for a long time.

Her hand subconsciously touched her lower abdomen. The last time she had this thought was when she knew that a fresh life had been lost from her body.

As soon as Liang Huan raised her head, she saw Chi Qian's lost face, and she could clearly feel the faint sadness emanating from Chi Qian's body.

She tugged Yan Shaochen's sleeve lightly, motioning him to pay attention to Chi Qian.Yan Shaochen was Chi Qian's former doctor, what kind of emotion does Chi Qian mean by the way of nature?

He shook his head and sighed, and said helplessly, "Qianqian, some things are over, so don't keep thinking about them."

"Well, I know." Chi Qian nodded with a smile, and the hand covering her belly tightly grasped the skirt of her shirt.

"The past, the past is the past. Now we still think about how to find Namingli and bring back the words." Chi Yuan frowned, glanced at Chi Qian, and said such a sentence coldly .

Chi Qian smiled wryly, and said directly, "Don't worry about it, I have a way to find Na Mingli."

As soon as Chi Qian finished speaking, she felt six pairs of eyes looking at her. She still smiled faintly, but didn't explain anything.

How can she explain it?Tell them, in fact, shortly after being drugged by Diwei, was he imprisoned by Namingli?
Then tell them that nothing happened to the two of them during those days in captivity?no kidding!Who would believe it?
Most importantly, she did not guarantee that Chi Yuan would not be furious after she said that.

Since their emotions are the least controllable factor, simply don't tell them.

Just let them not know, after all, she really doesn't want too many people to know about it.

How dare she?She won't tell them. In fact, she has kind of missed the days of being imprisoned in the past few days.

In those days, there were only Namingli and her, without the love-hate entanglement between everyone, just the two of them.

Even if she resisted him at that time, she could say that she hated Na Mingli to the bone, but what about her heart?Only she knows what she is thinking.

Chi Qian said it again, "Don't worry, your words will be fine, I promise."

After hearing her assurance, Jian Zelin sneered.

"What guarantee do you use? Do you know that Namingli won't do anything excessive to her?" Jian Zelin didn't look at Chi Qian, his sharp eyes swept across the crystal lamp on the roof, his eyes were dim and unclear.

The few people who could only see his side face and chin felt that his tone was extremely contemptuous, but no one could see the expression on his face clearly and did not know his true thoughts.

"Chi Qian, you should know that if you do something irreversible because of Xue Zhiyan, she will not only hate Na Mingli, but even you!" Jian Zelin closed her eyes, and then opened them again At that moment, the knife-like eyes fell on Chi Qian's body.

"Xue Zhiyan's life does not allow deceit and concealment. Similarly, she will not agree with someone she cares about and do irreparable things for her."

"She has always believed that everything can be changed, and what she disapproves of the most is to belittle her own life." After Jian Zelin finished speaking, everyone fell into silence again.

After a brief silence, Chi Qian laughed, and tears burst from her eyes.

She laughed and shrank back into the sofa. Her smile attracted everyone's attention to her.

Chi Qian smiled and waved her hands, she was out of breath from laughing, and wiped the tears on her face indiscriminately, it took a few times to stop her laughing.

"You think I'll put myself in and exchange for Xue Zhiyan?" Chi Qian raised her brows, and an evil charm that didn't match her temperament appeared on her pretty face.

Jian Zelin narrowed his eyes, and at the same time glanced at Chi Yuan, and found that Chi Yuan also squinted his eyes, and then slowly said, "Isn't it?"

Chi Qian rolled her eyes at him, it's your size, yes! "I'm not that stupid! Why should I wrong myself to be with Namingli?"

"I went to Na Mingli just for the sake of my words." After Chi Qian finished speaking, her eyes narrowed.

"Are you sure you won't do anything excessive?" Chi Yuan frowned, as if he didn't believe her.

"Seqian, don't you know that your sister is the one who cherishes life the most?" Chi Qian glared at him.

Chi Yuan glanced at Yan Shaochen, Yan Shaochen also looked at him, the two curled their lips at the same time, and said in unison, "Well, you really cherish your life!"

This is the irony!Chi Qian pursed her lips, and quietly leaned back on the sofa...

(End of this chapter)

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