The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 639 Chi Qian Comes

Chapter 639 Chi Qian Comes
Chi Qian wanted to say, so she asked Jian Zelin to go find Na Mingli with her, who knew!This time it was all out again.

Looking at the black cars in front of him, Chi Qian's mouth twitched.

"Brother!" Chi Qian frowned, "What are you guys doing?"

"Follow you! To prevent Shi Namingli from raising any messy conditions, you are in trouble alone!" Chi Yuan rolled down the car window and said coldly.

Chi Qian really wanted to stamp her feet in a hurry like a little girl, "Isn't there Jian Zelin?"

"When he sees Xue Zhiyan, he will focus all his attention on her. How can he have time for you?" Chi Yuan glanced at Jian Zelin's car parked at the front, and didn't intend to put down the window at all.

After Chi Qian said that she would find a way to find Namingli, it was already the third day since she set out to find Namingli.

During the week that Xue Zhiyan was away, Jian Zelin only slept for two hours last night.

The rest of the time, he just nestled in their room, not knowing what he was doing.

When I eat, I simply take a bite and then stop eating.

That is, this morning, Chi Qian told him that he would take him to Namingli's villa after breakfast, so he drank half a bowl of porridge.

After hearing Chi Yuan's words, Chi Qian's mouth twitched, she opened her car door silently, and then got in.

As soon as she entered, she put on the bluetooth headset, and then dialed Xue Zhiyan's number.

She knew that even if Na Mingli blocked all satellite positioning, he would not block Xue Zhiyan's cell phone signal.

She knew him too well, and he knew her too well.

He knew that when she returned to China, she would definitely look for Xue Zhiyan.

So as long as Xue Zhiyan's phone is unblocked at any time, then he will be able to know her news at the first time.

He also knew her, even if she knew that Xue Zhiyan was in his hands, she would not call him and ask him for someone.

"Namingli." After the call was connected, Namingli did not make a sound, and Chi Qian said these three words softly.

Namingli's hand holding the phone trembled a little. He tried to take a few deep breaths before he could hold his breath.

But because of his excitement, his voice trembled a little when he spoke, "Well, it's me."

Just these three simple words, Chi Qian could tell that he was very nervous.

Chi Qian sneered, turned the steering, kicked the accelerator and passed Jian Zelin's car, driving at the front of the convoy.

"See you in half an hour." Chi Qian stared at the road ahead, speaking in a cold voice without any emotion.

"Do you know where I am?" A gleam flashed in Namingli's eyes, and he turned to look at the gate of the villa.

What catches the eye is the lush green plants, and there is a gray road among the green plants.

He was standing in a position where he could see the whole villa clearly.He arranged this rooftop according to Chi Qian's previous preferences, so that one day in the future, he could hug Chi Qian here and look at the beautiful things in front of him.

"I want to talk to Zhiyan." Chi Qian didn't answer his question directly, but expressed her own request.

Namingli turned her head to look at Xue Zhiyan who was on the recliner by the fence. At this moment, she was resting with her eyes closed, her face was pale, and her eyes were black and blue.

The servant reported to him that she ate and slept on time, and her physical strength had fully recovered, but he could clearly see the word tired on Xue Zhiyan's face.

Seeing Xue Zhiyan's haggard look at first, he thought that what the servant did to Xue Zhiyan behind his back, he wanted to see Chi Qian, and of course he knew how distressed Chi Qian would be when he saw Xue Zhiyan like this.

So he let that servant disappear from his eyes forever in a fit of anger, but in the next few days, Xue Zhiyan became more and more haggard, and changed a few servants, but the servants' answers were the same.

Only then did Na Mingli know that it was not the servant who lied to him, but Xue Zhiyan, who had suddenly changed his environment, and was not used to it at all, so he became more and more emaciated.

"She..." Namingli hesitated for a moment, and frowned calmly.

"What's wrong with her?" Chi Qian could hear the hesitation in Na Mingli's words, her expression turned cold, and her whole person also became more indifferent.

"She's fine, she's just sleeping." Namingli glanced at Xue Zhiyan on the recliner, his eyes were tightly closed, and his breathing was even and shallow.

sleep?Sleep at this time?Chi Qian's eyes glanced at the time, it was [-]:[-] in the morning, how did Xue Zhiyan sleep?

She knew that Xue Zhiyan was drowsy, but when her phone rang and Na Mingli had talked to her for so long, she didn't respond, which was somewhat abnormal.

"What did you feed her?" Chi Qian said in a deep voice, it really wasn't that she had persecution paranoia, it was because she had been thinking about it for a long time, but she couldn't think of any reason for Xue Zhiyan to sleep.

The only explanation that can be explained is that Xue Zhiyan was drugged by Na Mingli, that's why she slept so peacefully.

Namingli smiled wryly, and asked back, "Qianqian, in your heart, is this the kind of person I am?"

Chi Qian sneered back at him, "What do you think?"

Namingli was silent.

Chi Qian continued to speak in a cold tone, "Namingli, you'd better make sure that Xue Zhiyan didn't get hurt in the slightest, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Namingli sighed softly, turned his back to Xue Zhiyan, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"What do you think?" Chi Qian laughed suddenly, but there was no trace of emotion in her laughter, "Is it going to die with you? Don't you think highly of you?"

"Chi Qian, I don't like your tone of voice." Na Mingli's face turned cold, and his whole body exuded a dangerous aura that people should not get close to.

"Then what tone do you want me to use to talk to you?" The smile on the corner of Chi Qian's mouth became more and more obvious, and there was obvious disdain in the tone of his speech, "Please? Haha, you are so funny! "

Just as Namingli was about to say something, Chi Qian interrupted him again, "Okay, I said I would arrive where you are in half an hour, so you start now, and within the next twenty minutes Inside, you must confirm that Xue Zhiyan is intact, otherwise I will really be rude to you!"

After Chi Qian finished speaking, she hung up the phone decisively.

Na Mingli looked at Xue Zhiyan's phone in her hand, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She didn't even listen to his explanation, so no matter whether Xue Zhiyan's current appearance had nothing to do with him, she didn't believe it anymore.

Namingli looked up at the sky. Today's sky is overcast, so there is no big sun, but it is muggy.

But on this roof, there is a cool breeze blowing from time to time.It was precisely because of this that Xue Zhiyan chose to catch up on sleep here.

The reason why Na Mingli followed her was because he didn't want to miss Chi Qian's call, and because he wanted to make sure that Xue Zhiyan was fine.

He walked to the recliner next to Xue Zhiyan and sat down, gently put down her mobile phone, and said slowly, "Xue Zhiyan, Chi Qian is here, you don't have to be unable to fall asleep."

(End of this chapter)

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