The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 651 Contents in Notepad

Chapter 651 Contents in Notepad

Jian Zelin sat on the tatami in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, staring at the sea outside the window in a daze.On the bed behind him, Xue Zhiyan was sleeping peacefully, breathing evenly and long.

His expression was very serious, as if he was thinking about something important, his brows were knit together from time to time, and his thin lips were pursed from time to time.

The whole person gives people the feeling of being cold and chill.If Xue Zhiyan woke up at this time, he would definitely be frozen by the aura of not being close to strangers emanating from him.

The hands on his legs were clenched tightly from time to time, and they would be loosened after a while. All these subtle movements showed that Jian Zelin's mood was very unstable now.

In fact, he didn't think about anything too serious, but just remembered some words in Shen Bihua's notebook.

"She is a demon, she is the demon who took his life. I love you so much, but you are willing to sacrifice your life to protect her. But I, when I can't get your love, can't get your love. After being born, I have to take care of the demon who killed him against my will. Am I crazy? Occasionally I can see your shadow from her body, and then I will be very kind and gentle to her. But suddenly I think of her fate. It's your life, and I can't help but speak ill of her. I think I'm really crazy, otherwise how could I say such cruel things to her as a child? And she is still a lost My loved one is seriously injured and my child, I think I'm really crazy, that's right. I'm crazy, I love you and I'm crazy. I want to love Wujiwu, but I can't really love Wujiwu so indifferently. I love you, love you Your child. But I hate you, and I hate her even more. I am such a contradiction..."

"I put the blame on that child over and over again. She is really innocent. Every time I see her clear eyes, I think of you, and I can't bear to say cruel things to her. But then How? I can only find relief from the infinite shirk responsibility, so that I can feel better in my heart. Is it really good? I don’t know. I only know that I personally sent the man I love to death The road. Hehe, what’s even more funny is that I obviously didn’t want you to go with that woman, but in the end I let you go on the same road. In the end, I can only take care of the daughter you protect with your life. She is you and your love But I can only hide all my love in the bottom of my heart and take care of her in every possible way. Sometimes when I see her grateful and close eyes, my heart will be infinitely soft. Have you seen it? Your daughter can also love me! So why did you refuse to accept my love for the sake of your child at the beginning? Do you want to emphasize again and again that you love her?'s ridiculous..."

"Yanwen is here. She recognized the child, and she wanted to take her away, but I refused. I blurted out that I love you for a moment. In Yanwen's surprised eyes, I shed my innocent eyes. You have never hesitated because of my tears, but Yan Wen hesitated. Sure enough, women are women, and they are always hesitant. Yan Wen agreed to keep the child here, but the prerequisite is , she will visit the child once a week, and I can't stop it. I agreed, why didn't I agree? Anyway, the child will not leave now, she has believed my words, and in the future education of her, I will occasionally give her Instill some of my opinions and thoughts, and she will not doubt it. Have you seen it in the sky? Your daughter now regards me as a mother! Obviously we can also make a happy family, why do you choose to leave? ?”

"Your daughter was almost abducted by human traffickers today. The moment I found out that she disappeared, I felt that my heart and soul had to go with you, because the only remaining person related to you was also missing. Yes, I am really desperate. But after despair, there is still a little bit of hope, she came back. She is really a smart child, as smart as you. But so what? Her mother is also smart, no Still dead? So I locked her in a dark room and showed her all the things that abducted children can go through. And the two children who pleaded for her were all thrown into the I just want to let her know clearly that not everyone in the world is a good person. If she is really lost, I may not have enough ability to find her. And you know what? ? When she came out of that room, she looked at me with a trace of fear! Hehe... I took care of her for so long, and everything was for her own good, yet she started to be afraid of me! What a shock I am heartbroken..."

"People from the Jian family still found them. Then she brought the child from the Jane family to You'an Courtyard. That child must be a smart child. Although I haven't contacted him, I know that he is a smart child. I will definitely notice something. So I said a few harsh words to her. But she has grown up and knows what is right and what is wrong. When she got close to Yan Wen's son, I thought It is necessary to block, but what is blocking, the blood relationship is there after all, no matter how blocked, she will still want to get close to her brother. This is the so-called kinship, right? In the end, I am still a stranger who has nothing to do with her !Even after taking care of her for more than ten years, she still won't be so close to me. My heart is chilling! I miss you again..."

"That child came to me to ask for her information. I saw a touch of emotion in his eyes, just like the way you looked at her back then, firm and without hesitation. However, this child looks a bit awkward, I hope Is everything going well when she goes back there? I think I just looked away, as long as she is happy, don’t you want her to be happy too? If going back can make her happy, let her be happy! As for everything The truth, just let it rot in my stomach. To be honest, I really don’t want to see despair in her eyes, and I don’t want her to hate me. Over the past ten years, although I still hate her occasionally I took your life away, but I still have feelings for her. People are not grass and trees! What's more, she is your daughter, I think I am really Aiwujiwu this time, right?"

"The character of this child is really similar to that of you and your wife. There is no room for deceit in life, and even the choice of feelings is based on your example! It seems that no matter how many decades have passed, her In my heart, the most important people are you and your wife."


Jian Zelin's thoughts were interrupted by Xue Zhiyan's calling.

Xue Zhiyan didn't sleep for a short time this afternoon. As soon as she woke up, she saw Jian Zelin sitting in front of the window, staring at the sea outside the window in a daze.

She called him twice, but he didn't respond.

Xue Zhiyan frowned, his voice was soft and waxy, with the hoarseness of just waking up, "Jian Zelin?"

With the third sound, Jian Zelin responded.

"Well, you're awake?" Jian Zelin walked over, reached out to pull Xue Zhiyan into his arms, and kissed the tip of her nose, "Do you want to go out?"

Xue Zhiyan wanted to ask him what he was thinking, but was distracted by his topic, and immediately nodded, "Then wait for me, I'll go wash my face and change my clothes."

(End of this chapter)

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