Chapter 652

Jian Zelin took Xue Zhiyan to the seafood market, but the two dressed brightly, walked around the market full of the fishy smell of sea water and bought nothing.

The outfits of the two of them were really incompatible with the seafood market, so when they came out of the seafood market, Xue Zhiyan was amused by the expression of the aquatic products seller at the door.

Seeing Xue Zhiyan walking in front of him with a smile, Jian Zelin put his hands in his pockets and followed behind in a rare way for more than half a month.

The sea breeze mingled with heat was blowing towards her face, Xue Zhiyan's ponytail was flying with the wind, and a few strands of hair were stuck to her face, but she rolled her eyes with a smile and stood still, waiting for Jian Zelin to come up.

Xue Zhiyan looked at the smiling, docile jade-like man, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became stronger and stronger.

To say that Xue Zhiyan, who has been depressed for too long and hasn't laughed like this for a long time, is really not used to it.

But obviously, Jian Zelin seems to prefer her as she is now.She could see his love from Jian Zelin's eyes.

Xue Zhiyan thought, she tried her best to return to the previous state as quickly as possible.

But when she thinks of Chi Qian, her heart still hurts.

Jian Zelin walked towards her with strides, and stretched out his arms to wrap her waist. The two of them were like characters walking out of a painting, with elegant demeanor, moving slowly towards the parking position.

Xue Zhiyan held Jian Zelin's arm tightly, and asked softly, "Shall we practice it for Feng Ziyao and Chi Yuan?"

"Well, yes."

"Go out to eat, then go sing."

"Well, as long as you're happy."

"How long will they go abroad?" Xue Zhiyan stopped by the car door, looking at Jian Zelin with questioning eyes.

Jian Zelin frowned and thought for a while, Chi Yuan said something, because he was paying attention to Xue Zhiyan with all his heart, so he didn't remember it.

"One more week?"

Xue Zhiyanmo, brother, you answer the phone, and you will ask me what do you mean? "Why don't you call and ask?"

Jian Zelin opened the car door, pushed Xue Zhiyan onto the seat and sat down, "Don't ask, we have to leave anyway."


"They tell us to drop off the plane someday, we just go!"

Xue Zhiyan was completely speechless.

Jian Zelin got into the car, started the car, and stepped on the gas pedal, all in one go.

On this side, while driving, Jian Zelin notified the others on the phone that they will meet in the pavilion tonight.

Xue Zhiyan looked at the clock on the car, and it was already 45:[-] in the evening. He only thought of inviting someone to dinner at this time, and he knew it was not sincere.

If you eat early, dinner will be over by this time!

Xue Zhiyan pouted and didn't express any opinion, but he despised Jian Zelin in his heart.

It's really too capricious!There is wood!Completely disregarding people's feelings!If I tell you to eat, you have to go!

But Jian Zelin wasn't really so capricious, it was because he knew the other three men too well, knowing that they would definitely not be able to eat at this time, that's why he called them.

Soon they arrived at Jianglin Pavilion, it was an old box again, there were still so many chairs, but there were fewer people.

The originally cheerful atmosphere dropped a little when seeing the vacant chairs.

However, because the matter of Yan Shaochen and Liang Huan had been put on the agenda, and the matter of Chi Yuan and Feng Ziyao going abroad was also a foregone conclusion, there were still many things to discuss around these four people, so the atmosphere quickly became active.

It's been more than half a month, and it's really not easy for everyone to gather together in such a not-so-dreary atmosphere for the first time.

Su Lingxuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion, he had to go back to China for a month, and it really hurt him to welcome him now!
Xue Zhiyan smiled without saying a word, thinking that it would be the easiest for you, a warm man, to have a reception or something!

As long as he waved his hand, it is estimated that all the girls in the upper circles of S city would rush towards him.Obviously he didn't want it himself, but he still pretended to be pitiful here!
But Jian Zelin obviously didn't want to give Su Lingxuan this face. He gave Su Lingxuan a blank look, and while picking on Xue Zhiyan, he said casually, "You think too much, this is not a welcome feast for you."

Several people opened their eyes wide and looked at Jian Zelin puzzled.Jian Zelin, who was watched by others, still picked up the fishbone leisurely, and continued to maintain a careless look.

"It's just that if the two of us come to eat, it's very difficult to order. I asked you to come, just to make up for it!"


Xue Zhiyan laughed, she really didn't know that Jian Zelin had such a vicious tongue.

Seeing Xue Zhiyan's smile, Jian Zelin's mouth burst into a smile, and he put the selected fishbone on her dinner plate, and watched her enjoy the fish with a doting face.

The originally depressing atmosphere became much more relaxed because of Xue Zhiyan's smile.

Gradually, the people at the table temporarily forgot their sadness and became active.At the same time, there was a lot more laughter on the table.

For a while, as if nothing happened, the group of them returned to their original state.

Different from the gradually easing atmosphere on their side, in the exclusive box of the Nuan Pavilion, Namingli sat on the sofa with a gloomy face, tightly clutching a piece of paper in his hand.

The secretary didn't dare to talk to Namingli. Ever since he received a call in the afternoon and went out and came back again, Namingli had been sitting there with such an expression, motionless.

The secretary didn't know what he knew, and when he came back, he didn't sign the documents or answer the phone, just sat there clutching a piece of paper like an idiot.

Occasionally when he looked up, he still caught the sadness that inadvertently flashed in his eyes.

If it is something that can make his boss sad, there is no one else except the woman who died more than ten days ago and has not yet become his boss's wife.

But that woman is already dead, how can you let the boss feel sad?

The secretary couldn't stop the eldest lady's series of deadly calls, but he didn't dare to ask Na Mingli to answer the phone.Seeing the foreboding look on the boss's face, the secretary really felt that he was being forced.

Just when he was worried and didn't know what to do, Namingli's voice suddenly entered his ears.

"Tell my sister, in half a month, I will go back and marry that woman. But one thing is stated in advance, I will just marry her in the door, and I will not do anything else to her. As for the inheritance of the family, just Forget it." After Namingli said this, a trace of sadness flashed in his originally dull eyes.

His eyes fell on the piece of paper in his hand, which was a B-ultrasound sheet and the test results.

Obviously, the woman who was tested was already pregnant for two months, and the shadow of the fertilized egg can be clearly seen in the picture of the B-ultrasound sheet.

Namingli's thumb gently stroked the cherry blossom tail ring that was worn on his little finger, which was too tight, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

She is pregnant with his child.

He kissed the ring he had stolen from her tomb, and he had been hurting Chi Qian all his life.

But she still gave him a chance, otherwise, why would she write his phone number on the hospital's family contact list?

Na Mingli suddenly agreed with what Xue Zhiyan said, it wasn't her who should be damned, but him.

He folded the test report and put it in the pocket close to his chest.Stand up and walk to the window, looking at the bustling city under the night.

He decided that he would use the rest of his life to repent to Chi Qian...

(End of this chapter)

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