Chapter 655 Singing ([-])

"How long has she been singing?" Yan Shaochen asked Liang Huan while bringing a non-alcoholic drink.

Liang Huan frowned and looked at Feng Ziyao. Feng Ziyao arrived before her, and Feng Ziyao also shook his head ignorantly.

"I don't know what time she arrived, but she was already singing when I came." Feng Ziyao raised his wrist to look at the time, "She called me around three o'clock in the afternoon, and I arrived at four o'clock , I just saw Vic standing outside the door."

"Well, I arrived half an hour later than Yaoyao, and Vic left after I came. Then she kept singing, and now that you are here, she is still singing." Liang Huan took Yan Shaochen's arm, I looked at the time.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I'm really shocked when I see it.

If calculated according to Feng Ziyao's words, Xue Zhiyan has sung for more than four hours since the afternoon.

If she started singing at 03:30, it was just four hours.If she had arrived earlier, the singing time would have been longer.

"Has she had anything to drink?" Chi Yuan asked in a low voice, his eyes drifted to Jian Zelin as he spoke.

Feng Ziyao nodded, pointed to the empty goblet on the table, "I drank a glass of red wine."

Jian Zelin and Su Ling turned their heads sharply, looking straight at Feng Ziyao.This box is very big, although there are not many of them, it is still a bit empty.

Xue Zhiyan was singing again, and Feng Ziyao's voice was not loud, so according to the normal situation, Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan, who were sitting a little further away, should not be able to hear Feng Ziyao's words.

But they both heard it.

Feng Ziyao flinched in Chi Yuan's arms, swallowed, and continued, "At five o'clock, she went to the bathroom, and when she came back, Liang Huan was singing, so she poured a glass of red wine and drank it."

Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan glanced at the goblet at the same time, then quickly fixed their eyes on Xue Zhiyan.

The colorful lights fell on Xue Zhiyan's body and face, her eyelids drooped slightly, and the expression on her face was faint, making her look hazy and beautiful.

Her voice is beautiful, but when looking at her face, people can't help but focus all their attention on her face, thus forgetting to listen to her singing and memorize her lyrics.

The current Jian Zelin is in such a state, he only feels that Xue Zhiyan in front of him is something he has never seen before.

Hazy and beautiful.

Her voice and the lyrics she sang are no longer important. He looked at her lips, and couldn't help but want to kiss them.

Jian Zelin swallowed, his eyes fixed on Xue Zhiyan for a moment.Such Xue Zhiyan made him unable to look away, and he couldn't directly rush up to hold her in his arms and love her well, so he could only suppress all the thoughts in his heart.

In this way, he could hear the lyrics that Xue Zhiyan sang clearly.Unlike the lyrics of the song she sang well the first time I heard it, it was not as sharp as that song.

In this song this time, there is a feeling in it that Jian Zelin can't express or feel.But he can hear it in the literal meaning, this is a song about the emotions of girlfriends.

Looking at the crystal teardrop that quickly fell from the corner of Xue Zhiyan's eye, he knew that he guessed right this time.

"When the banquet of life is gradually dissipated, we should still gather together and toast to recall the song at that time, that adventure, and the constant friendship... Let us grow old together along the time, until the rainbow We will never be separated at the end, in this ever-changing world, it is rare to have you, we are each other forever, the most sincere agreement, we who smile are the most beautiful scenery in the bottom of our hearts..."

At the end of the song, Xue Zhiyan pressed the pause button vaguely, and then sniffed hard. When she put the microphone on the karaoke stand, she made a harsh sound.

"I'm going to the bathroom, you guys sing." After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he covered his mouth and ran into the bathroom as if fleeing.

As soon as she entered, she let go of the faucet, Ren Jian Zelin vigorously knocked on the door, but she did not open the door for him.

Just when Jian Zelin was about to kick the door open to see what was going on inside, Xue Zhiyan opened the bathroom door.

Jian Zelin looked at her worriedly, there were still drops of water on her chin.She shook her hands, pulled a far-fetched smile, and said angrily, "I'm going to the bathroom, so you have to come in and watch? Are you ashamed?"

Listening to her jokes with him, Jian Zelin didn't feel happy at all. He frowned and looked at Xue Zhiyan, and casually took a few tissues for her.

Seeing her pretending to be relaxed and walking back to the position where she was sitting just now, and picking up the microphone again, Jian Zelin's heart was oppressed.

For some reason, he really wanted to have a big fight with Xue Zhiyan.

The two have been together for so long, this is the first time that he doesn't want to follow Xue Zhiyan's thoughts so gently, and wants to yell at her to wake up the Xue Zhiyan he is familiar with.

But he couldn't bear it, he knew that Xue Zhiyan was sad, but if she kept being sad like this, when would she really come out?
He doesn't know.

But this is obviously a sad thing for everyone. Everyone is trying to get out of the grief and return to a normal life. She is the only one who is hurting and unable to extricate herself.

Jian Zelin suddenly turned his head away from looking at Xue Zhiyan, and now he felt an uncontrollable anger in his heart.

He couldn't guarantee that if he continued to watch her like this, he would rush over, drag her to an empty beach, and then have a big fight with her.

There is a reason for anger, what is he for?
Is it because Xue Zhiyan always looks half dead?Maybe, he didn't know why he was angry.

He picked up the goblet that Xue Zhiyan had used, filled it with red wine, raised his head and drank the wine in the glass.

A little bit of red wine stains slid down the corners of his mouth, slid across his well-defined chin, and dripped onto the hem of his shirt.

On the white shirt, there were two wine stains on the neckline in an instant.

Su Lingxuan frowned, and just glanced at the wine bottle in Jian Zelin's hand. Fortunately, there was not much wine in the bottle.

Jian Zelin drank three glasses of red wine, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Xue Zhiyan, who was originally sitting next to the karaoke stand and sang without distraction, saw a crack in his indifferent expression after seeing Jian Zelin's actions.

Her brows were tightly furrowed, her eyes were fixed on Jian Zelin's tense side face for a moment, and a hoarse voice continued to escape from her opening and closing mouth.

"My dear, tell me, why is this? No one's life can be truly happy forever. Tell me dear, what should I do so that every wound buried in my heart can bloom and bear fruit... My dear, don't say, what is life, let me go to the pain, understand the so-called happiness, experience too much, don't remind me in advance, just let every wound blossom and bear fruit naturally, my dearest, my dearest Yes, thank you for making me more like me..."

(End of this chapter)

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