The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 656 She lied to her!

Chapter 656 She lied to her!

The red wine glass in Jian Zelin's hand shattered.

Xue Zhiyan watched the bright red blood flow out of Jian Zelin's palm, her body began to tremble uncontrollably.

The bright red blood dripped onto the marble coffee table, and a blood-colored plum blossom appeared. In her mind, [-]% of the acquaintances flashed across the scene, all of which were stained red by blood...

She bit her lower lip hard, making her trembling less obvious.

When Jian Zelin heard the lyrics of Xue Zhiyan clearly, "Don't say my dear, what counts as being alive, let me go to the pain and understand the so-called happiness", and smashed the cup with his bare hands in a rage.

He really didn't expect Xue Zhiyan to have the idea of ​​committing suicide besides his extreme thoughts.Could it be that she wants to exchange one life for another, use her life to exchange Chi Qian's life that has already passed away?

The shards of glass and alcohol stimulated his nerves at the same time, and it really hurt him.Coupled with seeing Xue Zhiyan's trembling fear, his heart also ached.

But he still couldn't control the anger in his heart, his eyes were scarlet, and he stared at Xue Zhiyan fiercely.

Sometimes she really doesn't know what it means to be alive, so she pretends to die with her.

Xue Zhiyan seemed to understand the firmness and warning in his eyes, and for no reason, she felt flustered.

Her eye sockets were swollen, as if some liquid was about to flow out. In order not to let Jian Zelin see her tears, she was even more worried about her. She dropped the microphone and threw it out of the box without looking back.

As everyone knows, Jian Zelin saw the tears in the corner of her eyes when she sang the song about her best friend.

After she ran out, Jian Zelin stared in the direction of the door with scarlet eyes, not moving for a long time.

"Aze, how old are you?" Yan Shaochen glared at him, took his hand, and looked at the details.

Yan Shaochen took out the disinfectant wipes he carried with him, wiped his hands, and took out a paper towel, and pulled out the glass shards stuck in Jian Zelin's palm through the paper towel.

"I'll take care of it for you when I get out. I have a first aid kit in the trunk." Yan Shaochen shook his head helplessly.

Liang Huan tugged at Yan Shaochen's sleeve and looked at him nervously, "Zhiyan ran out just now."

Su Ling pushed the door open and walked in, glanced at Jian Zelin, frowning tightly.

"Where is she?" Feng Ziyao nervously looked behind Su Lingxuan, but Xue Zhiyan was not seen.

Su Ling shook her head, "I caught up with her, but she begged me and said she wanted to be quiet..."

"You agree?" Jian Zelin's voice was cold, and he squeezed out such a sentence from between his teeth.

Su Lingxuan nodded, "Let her think about it alone."

"Do you dare to let her leave alone?!" Jian Zelin stood up abruptly, "Not to mention whether she will go into a corner and do stupid things, have you forgotten that someone is waiting to attack her recently?"

When Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan heard the words, they opened their eyes wide and looked at Chi Yuan and Yan Shaochen who were sitting next to them in disbelief, holding their hands tightly.

"Even so, we can't push her too hard!" Su Ling said in a deep voice.

He is not a person who has no idea, of course he knows that letting Xue Zhiyan go out alone may be dangerous, so he has asked Ben to follow her far away.

And he knew that Jian Zelin installed a positioning chip on Xue Zhiyan, so he had already called Vic and asked Vic to turn on the tracker to locate Xue Zhiyan at all times.

It's just that before he had time to say it, Jian Zelin broke out and said that he wanted to hide Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan.

Now Xue Zhiyan was not the only one who gave him a headache, Jian Zelin, who lost his mind because of Xue Zhiyan, also gave him a headache.

For the past [-] days, Su Lingxuan had watched Jian Zelin take care of Xue Zhiyan, so he naturally knew how nervous he was and she was worried about her.

He had lost Xue Zhiyan for more than ten years, perhaps because he knew the fear of losing, so Jian Zelin was particularly nervous about Xue Zhiyan this time.

But even this kind of nervousness and care would inadvertently put pressure on Xue Zhiyan.

The so-called sweet burden, care will lead to chaos, is that what it means?

Jian Zelin also realized that he had said something he shouldn't have said. He avoided the eyes of Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan, took out his mobile phone with his other uninjured hand, and dialed Vic's number.

Of course Vic would not tell Jian Zelin that Su Lingxuan had told him 5 minutes ago to always locate Xue Zhiyan.

After hanging up the phone, Jian Zelin sat weakly on the sofa, leaned on the back of the sofa with his hands spread out, and closed his eyes facing the roof.

The song that Xue Zhiyan sang just now was playing repeatedly on the karaoke machine, but they were all accompaniment tapes.

For the first time, Jian Zelin didn't find the songs in KTV so annoying and noisy. He sighed, sat up straight, and met Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan's inquiring eyes.

He glanced at Chi Yuan and Yan Shaochen, and said slowly, "A stranger entered my villa that day and stole a notebook of Shen Bihua, which contained some things related to Xue Zhiyan."

Feng Ziyao frowned when he thought of the security personnel who had been replaced suddenly a while ago, and the security system that had been reinstalled.

"So, do you think that person wants to deal with Xue Zhiyan?" Liang Huan also remembered that she suddenly had to enter a fingerprint lock a while ago, and she wondered for a while.

But, relying on one point, Jian Zelin can be sure, is that person trying to deal with Xue Zhiyan?Is this a little too abrupt?

"Is that person trying to dig out some news from the notepad and sell it to the media to discredit Xue Zhiyan?" Feng Ziyao felt that what Liang Huan said was a bit exaggerated.

Jian Zelin shook his head, "I'm sure that the mastermind behind the theft stole the notepad in order to hit Xue Zhiyan."

Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan frowned.The two of them were the only ones in this box who didn't know the contents of the notepad, and everyone else knew about it, so they didn't seem too surprised.

"What do Xue Zhiyan hate the most?" Jian Zelin asked suddenly.

Liang Huan glanced at Feng Ziyao, and the two said in unison, "Conceal and deceive."

Jian Zelin nodded, his face became much uglier.He paused every word and said clearly, "Shen Bihua lied to Xue Zhiyan."

Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan looked at Jian Zelin in confusion, not understanding what he meant.

Jian Zelin lowered his head weakly, and leaned back on the sofa back, looking very depressed.

Su Lingxuan took Jian Zelin's words and continued, "Shen Bihua is the culprit that caused the destruction of Xue Zhiyan's family."

"She concealed and deceived Zhiyan at the same time. She used to be Zhiyan's most trusted person. This is undoubtedly the biggest blow to Zhiyan." Jian Zelin's voice revealed his powerlessness.

(End of this chapter)

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