The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 671 The ending is all right

Chapter 671 The ending is all right

Liang Huan just pushed open the car door, and before she could close the car door, she heard a deafening explosion not far away.

She followed the sound and looked over, her whole body froze in place.

She looked at the source of the explosion in astonishment, unable to move at all.

The cat came from the car behind and pulled Liang Huan back a little bit, protecting Liang Huan in front of him.

She and Liang Huan witnessed with their own eyes that the factory they were in just now was instantly razed to the ground.

That's not counting, but looking at the flames constantly emerging from that piece of land, there is nothing he can do.

Ben and Brother Leng Yun rushed up quickly with the fire extinguisher in the trunk, but they couldn't put out the burning fire.

The three dropped the empty fire extinguisher cans and stepped back, frowning at the burning place.

The bosses of the few of them are still inside and haven't come out yet...

Liang Huan didn't know how long she had been standing, and it really wasn't that long, but when she wanted to take a step forward, her legs felt weak.

The three most important people in her life were all in that factory.

Why did they explode before they came out?Yan Shaochen clearly assured her that there would be no mistakes in their plan, and they would come back with Xue Zhiyan intact!

"Cat, help me, my legs are weak!" Liang Huan said softly, reaching out to cat.

"Miss Liang, don't get close, the temperature over there is too high!" Cat was very considerate, she remembered what Yan Shaochen told her before, don't let Liang Huan get too close to that broken factory.

Liang slowly shook his head, "Go and have a look! I don't believe that none of them came out!"

Cat was a little embarrassed, but nodded in agreement with Liang Huan. She supported her, and the two of them slowly approached the factory that was no longer visible.

"Didn't you see them?" Liang Huan's voice trembled, she turned her head slightly, but her eyes were fixed on the burning factory for a moment.

Brother Leng Yun shook his head, and Ben's expression was also very solemn, it seemed that they didn't see it.

Just when Liang Huan's knees were weak and she was about to fall to the ground, her familiar voice came from not far from her left side.

"Didn't I tell you not to let you get close?" Yan Shaochen frowned, his hair was covered with dust, and he walked towards Liang slowly step by step with an expression of displeasure.

Liang Huan turned around in astonishment, and what she saw was Yan Shaochen, who was messed up and messy. She bit her lower lip tightly, didn't say a word, just looked at Yan Shaochen like that and cried.

Su Lingxuan was following Yan Shaochen, his appearance was not much better than Yan Shaochen's, his face was cut a little by the gravel, he looked very embarrassed.

The one who came out from behind was Di Wei covered in injuries. She had passed out, maybe because she had bled too much before, and her face looked as pale as white paper.

Lin Mo was also dragged out by Jian Zelin's people. Jian Zelin and Xue Zhiyan came out behind Lin Mo.

All of them turned into natives, their bodies and faces covered in ashes.

"How is it? Did you get hurt?" Jian Zelin asked with concern as he brushed the dust off Xue Zhiyan's eyelashes.

Xue Zhiyan shook her head, she patted Jian Zelin's shoulder, "Put me down, I'm fine."

"Can you stop?" Jian Zelin asked.

Xue Zhiyan nodded, "Just now I was tied up for too long, so my hands and feet are weak."

Xue Zhiyan withdrew his arms around Jian Zelin's neck, only to find that his palms and forearms were covered with blood.

She screamed, and before Jian Zelin could stabilize her, she jumped out of Jian Zelin's arms, "You're hurt! Your back is hurt!"

Xue Zhiyan walked around behind Jian Zelin in a panic, and saw that his shirt had been dyed red in a large area.

She just felt that her tears were becoming less and less valuable, and they kept flowing out like this.

"Does it hurt?" Xue Zhiyan's voice trembled a little, and even the hands on Jian Zelin's back trembled.

Jian Zelin shook his head, "It doesn't hurt, it's a skin injury, just ask Chen to help deal with it later!"

"How about Yaoyao and you, are you alright?" Xue Zhiyan turned around after speaking, only to find that Feng Ziyao and Chi Yuan were not following behind them at all.

As soon as Xue Zhiyan's words fell, everyone fell silent.

They all narrowly escaped from the dilapidated factory, but what about Chi Yuan and Feng Ziyao?

Xue Zhiyan rushed to Lin Mo like crazy, her originally weak hands tightly grabbed Lin Mo's collar, and her eyes gradually became crazy because of the excitement.

"Where is Feng Ziyao! Isn't she standing behind you?" Xue Zhiyan's words seemed to be squeezed out between his teeth, "Where is she!"

Lin Mo frowned, he didn't hear what Xue Zhiyan said clearly, he was still dazed by the explosion just now.

Xue Zhiyan let go of Lin Mo's collar, swung his arms, and slapped Lin Mo in the face, "Lin Mo, you bastard! Didn't you tie me here just to negotiate terms with Feng Ziyao? The talk is over, but what about Feng Ziyao! What about people! Give Feng Ziyao back to me!"

Accompanied by crisp applause and Xue Zhiyan's hysterical roar, no one noticed the rustling sound coming from behind a few people.

Xue Zhiyan didn't know where she got so much strength to be able to slap Lin Mo with both hands in turn.

She seemed to put all her resentment and anger on her palm, and slapped Lin Mo's face fiercely.

Lin Mo's face became red and swollen within a short time.

Su Lingxuan and Jian Zelin tried to stop Xue Zhiyan, but they found that no matter which of them called her, she ignored it.

He just slapped Lin Mo blindly, and asked him, "Where is Feng Ziyao! Where is Feng Ziyao! Give me back Feng Ziyao!"

She didn't know how long Xue Zhiyan had been beating her, but her movements gradually slowed down. Lin Mo, who was dizzy from the shock of the bomb, was already dizzy from Xue Zhiyan's beating.

But Xue Zhiyan still murmured to him, "Where is the person! Where is Feng Ziyao?"

"Okay, okay, Feng Ziyao will be fine!" Jian Zelin stepped forward and hugged Xue Zhiyan from behind.

Xue Zhiyan was trembling all over, and her breathing became much faster.

It was as if she couldn't hear Jian Zelin's words at all. Originally, she was slapping Lin Mo's face, but now she was beating his chest.

His mouth was still repeating what he had just said, over and over again, non-stop.

It seemed that as long as Feng Ziyao and Chi Yuan didn't show up, she would continue like this.

"Xue Zhiyan!" Feng Ziyao's voice suddenly came from behind her, followed by a violent cough.

Xue Zhiyan turned her head blankly, she broke away from Jian Zelin's hands holding her, turned around mechanically, and looked at Feng Ziyao who was like a rat behind her.

Her body and face were covered in dust, as was Chi Yuan's body, the two of them seemed to have just crawled out of a pit.

Xue Zhiyan opened his lips awkwardly, and made two simple sounds, "Yaoyao..."

Feng Ziyao nodded while coughing, "Yeah, it's me, I'm fine!"

When Xue Zhiyan heard Feng Ziyao said that she was fine, he smiled brightly at the two natives who gradually walked in from afar.

Seeing Xue Zhiyan's smile, Jian Zelin and everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

But before this breath was completely smoothed out, Xue Zhiyan slowly closed his eyes, and the whole person fell backwards on his back...

(End of this chapter)

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