The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 672: The Ending: I Wake Up

Chapter 672: The Ending: I Wake Up
Xue Zhiyan didn't know how long she slept, she only knew that she had a long, long dream.

There are all the people in the dream, the parents and grandfather who died more than ten years ago, the inhuman Shen Bihua who was tortured by illness, Chi Qian who fell down the stairs because of saving her, Jian Zelin with various expressions, Su Lingxuan who is calm and composed, Nervous Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan, helpless Chi Yuan and Yan Shaochen...

She didn't know how long she had been lying on the bed, she just felt that when she opened her eyes, she was somewhat uncomfortable with the light in the room.

What made her feel even more at a loss was that her limbs had no strength, and her whole body was like a soft ball of cotton.

She wanted to speak, but found that her lips could move, but she couldn't make any sound, and she was wearing a big oxygen mask.

Xue Zhiyan frowned, and listened carefully to the movement in the room, but could only hear the tick-tick sound of the monitoring equipment, the gurgling sound of the water in the humidifier, and the sound of the bottle of hydrogen peroxide at the oxygen valve. The sound of gurgling.

Other than that, there was no movement at all.Not to mention the movement of people, she could feel that there was no one else in this ward except her.

Xue Zhiyan sighed heavily, and closed her eyes again. Such a quiet place made her feel a trace of fear.

Is it the fear of being abandoned?Or is it the fear that she is still immersed in her dreams?She was a little confused.

She felt that she must have slept for too long, and could no longer distinguish dreams from reality.

All the people in the dream gradually left her, and they all told her that she did not belong to that world, so they could not take her away.

So they all left, leaving her standing alone.

Xue Zhiyan didn't understand why Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan would leave her. These two men clearly said that they would protect her for the rest of their lives.

But they left anyway, leaving her behind in her dream.

So the first time she opened her eyes, when she felt the silence in the white-flowered ward, she felt the fear of being abandoned again.

She was suddenly eager to see Jian Zelin immediately, she had a lot of things to tell him, to tell him.

She felt that she was so far away from Jian Zelin during the time she fell asleep, as if she would leave her alone if she woke up without opening her eyes.

She closed her eyes and thought carefully, where should she tell Jian Zelin first?

Should I tell him first that she misses him very much?Or tell him first that she will never let herself sleep for so long in the future, and make him worry?
Or tell Jian Zelin that the little knot in her heart has been untied, and she no longer thinks that she is a devil who will kill everyone around her?

Her mind was a little messed up and she didn't know where to start.

She tried her best to calm her breathing, trying to find a clue, thinking about how to speak to Jian Zelin what she wanted to say.

In fact, the words she wanted to say were practiced repeatedly in her dreams, and in her dreams, she would always be with Yan Xi and Chi Qian and tell them about her troubles.

She didn't know if her behavior could be regarded as superstition or something, but she really dreamed of Yan Xi who had passed away for a long time and Chi Qian who had just passed away in her dream.

None of them complained about her or blamed her, the only thing they blamed her was the slowness in the dream.

Chi Qian in the dream said to her, "Xue Zhiyan, if you don't live a good life and think about what you have and what you don't have all day long, I will never let you go as a ghost."

Xue Zhiyan cried when she heard that sentence, she finally understood their intentions, so she thought in her dream, when she woke up, she must tell Jian Zelin, let all those ghostly thoughts in her mind go to hell!She wants to live well and be with him.

So she woke up, but after waking up, the emptiness in the room made her feel scared again.

In fact, she didn't know that during the period of her drowsiness, Jian Zelin and Yan Shaochen moved her to the sterile ward for protection, so there was no one in the ward.

If Xue Zhiyan turned her head and looked to the side, she would see the big glass window not far away, and the nurse sitting outside who was dozing off.

There is one more thing she didn't know, the time she cried in the dream, Jian Zelin was with her on the hospital bed at that time, he saw the tears overflowing from the corner of her eyes, thought she was about to wake up, excited for a long time.

But after that tear, Xue Zhiyan didn't move any more, and he was still lying quietly on the hospital bed, motionless.

She still didn't know that Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan fought twice again during the nearly half a year that she fell asleep, all because she refused to wake up.

Yan Shaochen, a miserable doctor, also delayed her marriage with Liang Huan because of her illness, so when Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan fought outside the ward for the second time, he also got involved.

The end result was that the three of them were all injured by each other, but it was not serious, and there would still be people talking and laughing to visit her the next day.

What she didn't know was that after she fell asleep for a month, Chi Yuan and Yao Xin partnered to trick Feng Ziyao out of the country. Zhiyuan's son, Chi Yuan, has no way to soothe his parents' wounded hearts.

Therefore, Feng Ziyao was kicked out by Yao Xin and abducted by Chi Yuan onto the plane, and he has not returned yet.

Xue Zhiyan still closed his eyes thinking about how to talk to Jian Zelin, and he heard several familiar voices after a while.

She slowly opened her eyes, twisted her somewhat stiff neck, and looked in the direction of the voice.

What caught her eyes were three faces she was familiar with - Jian Zelin, Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen.

It's just that Jian Zelin has lost a lot of weight, and his chin is pointed. Although his eyes are bright and energetic, they can't hide his fatigue and haggardness.

The moment Jian Zelin turned his head to look into the ward, he met Xue Zhiyan's clear eyes, and his eyes widened instantly, with an incredible expression on his whole body.

Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen got together to look at Xue Zhiyan's data today, but they didn't find anything unusual about Jian Zelin.

"Aze, today's words are still..." Yan Shaochen turned to talk to Jian Zelin while looking at the data, but found that Jian Zelin was no longer behind him and Su Lingxuan.

"What about others?" Yan Shaochen asked Su Lingxuan.

Su Lingxuan shook his head, "You were still here just now, where can you go?" Su Lingxuan turned his head to look at the ward, and then his eyes widened.

Yan Shaochen noticed Su Lingxuan's abnormality, followed his line of sight, and saw the side that made him excited.

Xue Zhiyan woke up, and was hugging Jian Zelin tightly.

He quickly took out his cell phone and called Liang Huan.Just kidding, if he doesn't tell her in time, he will definitely sleep on the sofa at night!
The two hugging tightly, completely forgot that there were several pairs of eyes staring at them outside the window.

"You're finally awake!" Jian Zelin's voice was as deep and hoarse as usual, even a little choked up.

Xue Zhiyan smiled and nodded, all the words he wanted to say were condensed into the simplest words, "Well, I'm awake."

 This is the end of the text!The ending is actually a bit hasty, but there are some things that Weiliang doesn't want to write too detailedly, so I can give everyone a space to think about it!Cover your face and beat me!

  Starting from tomorrow, Weiliang will start to add some little easter eggs!Warm boy Obasu Lingxuan, I think I should be able to give him a gentle wife...

  I also want to write a little easter egg for Chi Qian, and I want to give her a happy ending. To be honest, I personally like Chi Qian, but the ending is... sorry everyone!Off topic!
  This article is the first work of Weiliangliang Children's Shoes, so there are many deficiencies, please forgive me, but Weiliangliang will make many improvements in the process of Xiewen in the future!But how long does it take to improve and perfect, Wei Liangliang will not make it!I just hope Weiliangliang will get better and better, and more and more people will like the articles I write!Cover your face, act like a spoiled child~
  Well, Wei Liangliang is not wordy, and finally, congratulations to Sales☆悳薆 for becoming Wei Liangliang's deacon!Tears run, thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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