The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 673 Easter Egg: Aze's Words - You Are Mine 1

Chapter 673 Easter Egg: Aze's Words - You Are Mine 1
Xue Zhiyan never thought about it, but he actually fell asleep for half a year.

I really slept from summer to autumn, and from autumn to winter.

Every time she saw Jian Zelin's much thinner and haggard face, she could imagine how uncomfortable it was for him to stop outside the ward and look at her every day.

Mostly because of her daily recovery exercise, no matter how painful it was, she endured it.

But the only thing she couldn't bear was that Feng Ziyao, who was already two months pregnant, would sit and watch her recover while eating every time, and then pick on her in various ways.

It's still the same today.

Xue Zhiyan really doesn't understand, because Mao Feng Ziyao has a big belly, and the first lunar month is not abroad to accompany her parents-in-law to celebrate the New Year, so she insists on returning to China to see her!

Of course, the reason Feng Ziyao gave was justified, she looked at Xue Zhiyan with disdain, and said slowly, "I didn't come here specially to see you, don't forget that my mother is still in the country, and I'm pregnant now , after the Chinese New Year, I have to think about getting married, and of course I want to get married in China!"

Well, Xue Zhiyan was speechless.

But who could tell her why Feng Ziyao would gloat and gloat at her every time she was exercising?
Feng Ziyao watched Xue Zhiyan walk over slowly holding on to the pole, and his movements were similar to those of an old lady in her [-]s and [-]s, so she couldn't help but get angry.

"Xue Zhiyan, are you half-crippled or something? You walk so slowly! Don't go out with me in the street from now on! I despise you!" Feng Ziyao threw the half-eaten apple into the fruit bowl with a look of resentment. The look of steel.

This sentence was heard clearly by Jian Zelin and Chi Yuan who just came down to check the situation of the two of them.

Because Xue Zhiyan had been lying on the bed for so long without getting out of the ground, her muscles were a little atrophied and weak. If she wanted to walk as fast as before, she had to keep doing exercises.

It was precisely because of this that Feng Ziyao had the opportunity to run on Xue Zhiyan.

Xue Zhiyan gave Feng Ziyao a hard look, and continued to take big strides to make his actions look more agile.

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Feng Ziyao shook his head while smacking his mouth, "I guess after my son is born, you will be able to return to your normal walking speed. If you are running and jumping, you have to wait for a while!"

"Alas... I really didn't expect that my son would have a godmother who is prematurely aging!" Feng Ziyao glanced at Xue Zhiyan, completely ignoring her angry eyes.

Chi Yuan only felt that Jian Zelin who was standing beside him, after hearing Feng Ziyao's words, turned into a big ice lump that could walk.

You should know that Jian Zelin's human nature is cold, or he is ruthless, but Xue Zhiyan cannot be said a word.

It turned out that it was like this, no one could say no to Xue Zhiyan.After experiencing Xue Zhiyan's self-avoidance and self-enclosure, now that she has finally woke up, she is much more cheerful than before, and Jian Zelin will not let others say a word about her.

Even if Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan said that Xue Zhiyan was not serious about rehabilitation, he could only close the door behind him. He told Xue Zhiyan in a tactful and subtle way that no one else could beat her self-confidence face to face.

Therefore, Chi Yuan knew that Jian Zelin was going to explode, and his daughter-in-law was going to be in trouble.

Uh... I can't say that my daughter-in-law is going to be unlucky, I can only say that it will be difficult for Xue Zhiyan and him to be caught in the middle.

What I have to mention is that I don't know if it's because Jian Zelin left a bad impression on Feng Ziyao or something. Every time the two meet, they will definitely quarrel if they can't speak a few words.

Even when Xue Zhiyan was still in the hospital, if two people called, she would quarrel with Jian Zelin.

At first Chi Yuan thought it was because Feng Ziyao was pregnant, so he had a particularly violent temper, but later he found out that it had nothing to do with progesterone at all.

These two just don't like each other.

So as soon as he grabbed Jian Zelin's arm, he saw Jian Zelin froze in place, staring at the two women in the exercise room with wide eyes.

He was also curious about what kind of thing could make Jian Zelin's movements stiff, so he followed his gaze.

I don't know if I don't see it, I was really shocked when I saw it.

Xue Zhiyan, who was walking slowly step by step while leaning on the pole, suddenly let go of the pole, his cheeks flushed with anger, and strode up to Feng Ziyao.

That's not counting, she snatched the orange juice she was drinking from Feng Ziyao's hand with a split hand, raised her head and drank it.

After drinking, he threw the empty glass into the tray, put one hand on his hip, and pointed at Feng Ziyao's nose with the other, like a shrew swearing at the street.

"Feng Ziyao, you can just stand and talk without back pain! Go to bed and lie still for half a year and try, maybe your actions will not be as good as mine! Besides, do you understand what it means to be gradual? What else is your son having?" A godmother who is prematurely aging, who wants to be a godmother to your son! Have you asked for my consent? Have I agreed? Besides, you come to my house all day to show off your power, believe it or not, wait for me Let my servants throw it out for you!" Xue Zhiyan said these words in one breath, a little out of breath.

Feng Ziyao shyly inserted a sliced ​​apple into her hand, "Eat an apple to make up for it!"

Xue Zhiyan bit the apple angrily, and chewed the apple like it was Feng Ziyao's brain.

Feng Ziyao was stunned for a moment, and then saw Xue Zhiyan standing in front of her with one hand on his hips and a toothpick in the other, standing straight in front of her without relying on external force at all.

"Ah! Xue Zhiyan!" Feng Ziyao screamed, jumped up from the leather chair, and hugged Xue Zhiyan tightly in his arms.

Seeing that she was like a frightened rabbit, Xue Zhiyan quickly stretched out his hand to support her, not forgetting to scold Feng Ziyao, "Now you have two lives alone, take it easy, don't jump around , you can stand it, but my godson can't stand it!"

Feng Ziyao was speechless.

The corners of Chi Yuan's and Jian Zelin's mouths twitched a few times to varying degrees. Just now they yelled that they would not be godmothers, but now they are going to be godsons again!

Feng Ziyao gently pushed Xue Zhiyan away, looked up and down, his eyes were full of surprise.

"Look, you can walk over without having to hold on to anything after being stimulated by me!" Feng Ziyao had the urge to cry with joy, "Besides, the big paragraph you just said about me was true. His face is not red and his heart is not beating!"

Xue Zhiyan just finished rolling his eyes, and wanted to reply to Feng Ziyao, when he felt a person rushing from the door and grabbed him fiercely.

Originally, she wanted to scream, but when she smelled the smell she was familiar with, she closed her mouth instead, stretched out her hands and hugged the person in front of her tightly.

"Feng Ziyao! She can walk all the time! It's just that she moves very slowly! It's not that she is disabled and can't walk! So don't say that she is disabled!" Jian Zelin said through gritted teeth.

Chi Yuan came over, put his arms around Feng Ziyao and laughed dryly, "Ah Ze, Yaoyao is also excited! Don't mind!"

Jian Zelin rolled his eyes, "Of course I don't mind! Otherwise, I would have followed Zhizhi's words and asked someone to throw her out!" After Jian Zelin finished speaking, he still gave Feng Ziyao a look and threatened, " She is mine, so when you speak in the future, be more polite!"

(End of this chapter)

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