The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 674 Easter Egg: Aze's Words - You Are Mine 2

Chapter 674 Easter Egg: Aze's Words - You Are Mine 2
Xue Zhiyan did not expect that Feng Ziyao's temper would change so much after she became pregnant.

Just because Jian Zelin said to her that day, "She is mine, when you talk to her in the future, be more polite", she became angry like a child.

Annoyed that Jian Zelin spoke too much, she was obviously Xue Zhiyan's friend, but Jian Zelin didn't give her any face.

Angry Xue Zhiyan smiled so happily, she was obviously her friend, and it was for her own good, but after Jian Zelin finished saying that, Xue Zhiyan didn't react at all, and even smiled so happily.

Xue Zhiyan suddenly felt that the current Feng Ziyao had the temperament of a primary school student.

She called Feng Ziyao a few times, and Feng Ziyao said that she wanted to be at home with prenatal education, and that she could not let her son receive any kind of education from a young age, so she would not go to Xue Zhiyan in the near future.

Before hanging up the phone, Feng Ziyao also told Xue Zhiyan to let her do her rehabilitation at home and be his Jian Zelin's person. She is now his personal property, and if they want to meet, she has to talk to her Jian Zelin made it clear.

See, this is obviously something that a troubled child would say.

But when Feng Ziyao said it, Xue Zhiyan wanted to laugh happily.

"Can't you stop arguing with her?" Xue Zhiyan brought out two bowls of hot chicken soup from the kitchen, which the cook had boiled all day.

Since she was discharged from the hospital, she has never been back to Guanhai Yujing's villa, and has always lived in the old house of Jian's family.

Jian Zelin replaced most of the original servants and cooks, and the remaining old people only came in after Xue Zhiyan returned to Jian's house.

As for the newcomers, Jian Zelin ordered Vic to carefully screen them out. If he could find any good people, Vic would quickly pack up and leave for South America, and come back in a year or two.

As for the person who eats inside and out, Jian Zelin is talking about the person who stole the access card to Di Wei last time.

As for Di Wei and Lin Mo's fate, Xue Zhiyan never asked, because she knew that even if she didn't ask her or tell her, Jian Zelin would handle it very cleanly.

Besides, it has been more than half a year, and there is no need to always bring it up, which will make both of them feel uncomfortable for a while.

Jian Zelin raised his head, shifted his eyes from the tablet to Xue Zhiyan's face, and said with a troubled expression, "No way, why is she always thinking of robbing you from me!"

Xue Zhiyan felt very helpless about what Jian Zelin said, and she didn't know how Jian Zelin could tell that Feng Ziyao was going to rob him.

But Xue Zhiyan thinks about it carefully, sometimes it is true that when Feng Ziyao wants to say something private to her, Jian Zelin will not let Xue Zhiyan go, for fear that Xue Zhiyan will go out with Feng Ziyao and never come back again. of.

Xue Zhiyan smiled, took a sip of chicken soup, squinted his eyes and said, "Before you appeared, I was indeed Yaoyao's!"

Xue Zhiyan didn't know how he would say such a sentence, but Jian Zelin was really jealous.

Even if his father and grandfather called her and said a few more words, after a little longer, he would be directly displeased.

So Xue Zhiyan thought of Jian Zelin's black face, and she even looked forward to those domineering and possessive love words he said after the black face.

But Jian Zelin disappointed Xue Zhiyan this time, he blew on the golden oily flowers floating on the chicken soup, took a sip of the chicken soup unhurriedly, and the old god hummed.

Xue Zhiyan was a little dazed, this reaction was obviously wrong, it didn't exceed her expectations at all!

Just when Xue Zhiyan was blinking his eyes and thinking about why Jian Zelin was so abnormal today, his voice came into her ears again at a leisurely pace.

"No matter what, I knew you before her! If there were no more than ten years of separation, there would be no chance for her to show up! What she should do now is to have fun instead of talking to me. Steal you! Besides, I watched you be born and watch you grow from a baby boy to a little princess! Your Xue Zhiyan is destined to belong to me, Jian Zelin! You are mine! It doesn’t matter if it’s Feng Ziyao or Yun Ziyao It's still Chen Ziyao, no one can take you from me, you are mine, mine!"

look!You can be so domineering in a confession!

Xue Zhiyan drank the soup quietly, smiling so hard that his teeth could not see his eyes.

Xue Zhiyan didn't refute, so what did she refute?Jian Zelin really didn't say a single word wrong!She doesn't want to refute!

It's just that Feng Ziyao hasn't come to see her for almost a month, is this really okay?
Seeing her laughing so hard that she couldn't see her teeth, and frowning again, Jian Zelin sighed helplessly, and drank the soup in the bowl in one gulp.

"Be good, drink slowly, call her after drinking, and ask her to come to your house for dinner tomorrow!" Jian Zelin was also helpless.

Feng Ziyao went back to the country and even raised a baby before getting married. Only she can have time to accompany Xue Zhiyan.

Liang Huan and Yan Shaochen were already very busy, and because Xue Zhiyan woke up, Yan's mother put the wedding on the agenda again.

A while ago, it was Chinese New Year, and there were very few weddings, so Yan's mother postponed the wedding until the Chinese New Year.

But now it's been half a month since the first lunar month, and their wedding date is coming soon, so they are even busier and have no time to accompany Xue Zhiyan.

And Feng Ziyao originally accompanied Xue Zhiyan to recover, since Jian Zelin scolded him during the last Chinese New Year, he hasn't been here for almost a month.

Can you walk freely without seeing Xue Zhiyan?That's not counting, she can still walk freely with two bowls of soup?

So seeing Xue Zhiyan's tangled look, Jian Zelin felt sorry for her, so he let her go and asked her to call Feng Ziyao over, and the two of them chatted to pass the time.

He's been a little busy recently, and he can't always accompany her. Even if he wants her to go to the prosperous world with him, he spends most of his time in the conference room and cannot work in the office to accompany her.

After hearing what Jian Zelin said, Xue Zhiyan became even happier. He hurriedly finished a bowl of chicken soup, before he had time to wipe off the soup on the corner of his mouth, he ran to Jian Zelin's side.

He took the tablet off his lap and sat directly on her special seat.

She pecked Jian Zelin's lips, and said with a smile, "I belong to you! So don't worry, I won't forget this important point!"

Jian Zelin nodded with a smile, and wrapped her hands tightly around Xue Zhiyan's waist, bringing her closer to him.

When Xue Zhiyan was awake, he lived the life of a monk, guarding her hard all day long.

After she woke up, Jian Zelin's life was more painful than that of a monk. The feeling of being able to see but not eat really made him feel so painful.

Because of this, Jian Zelin reconsidered a long time ago, whether to temporarily ignore the issue of having children.

During those days, Xue Zhiyan's body was still very weak, and Jian Zelin hugged and hugged him every night, but he never made it to the next step.

But today, Xue Zhiyan seemed to have forgotten that Jian Zelin was a very normal man, and he seemed to have forgotten what he had tried to endure every day before.

Sit on his lap, hold his face, and say "I'm yours" with every kiss.

I don't know if it's reminding him or reminding herself.

For the last time, Xue Zhiyan kissed Jian Zelin's lips again, but this time Jian Zelin did not let go of her, but kissed her lips tightly.

Jian Zelin chuckled, and his hoarse voice escaped from between the four tightly connected lips, "You are mine!"

(End of this chapter)

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