The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 679 Su Lingxuan Chapter Hello, Lu Shuning

Chapter 679 Su Lingxuan: Hello, Lu Shuning

Su Lingxuan sighed for thirteen consecutive breaths. He shook his head helplessly, took a sip of the lemonade in the glass, and continued to read the report on the tablet. He just felt that he didn't read anything this morning, and his mind was in a mess. of.

He really didn't know how his mother, who was away all the year round, found so many unmarried women in this circle. Could it be that they have a circle of friends, and they spend all day researching whose daughters are unmarried? , and then pile up?

Thinking of this, the corners of Su Lingxuan's mouth couldn't help twitching twice, and he threw the tablet onto the table in front of him.

He gulped down the lemonade, trying to wake him up with the sour taste of the lemon. The smell of various perfumes this morning had already choked him so much that he couldn't think independently.

Otherwise, why is the report on his tablet always on that page?

Su Lingxuan sighed 14 times, and even the waiter beside him couldn't help laughing.

This Young Master Su, who is as windy as he is windy and as rainy as rainy, has today!

After drinking two glasses of lemonade, Su Lingxuan felt that his mind was much clearer. At the same time, he asked the waiter to help him order some sandalwood that can calm the mind. The faint fragrance also covered up the smell of those perfumes. He really I calmed down and read the report.

It's nothing important, it's just that Xue Zhiyan wants to set up another place where orphans and abandoned children can be adopted. You'an Courtyard has reached a certain scale, and the number of people has been saturated.

As for Jian Zelin, as long as Xue Zhiyan didn't take care of it himself, he would nod in agreement.As Xue Zhiyan's closest relative, Su Lingxuan would naturally nod in agreement without hesitation.

This report is the feasibility report for site selection.

Men, once they are engaged in work, they will be completely absorbed in it, and they will not pay attention to other things at all.

Just like Su Lingxuan and Jian Zelin, they are definitely such men.

So Su Lingxuan, who was completely absorbed by the report in just one minute, didn't notice at all. Just five minutes after he finished drinking two glasses of lemonade, a woman sat across from him.

But this woman was completely different from the ones he had seen before.

She was wearing a bulky casual white shirt, black cropped pants, and a pair of white leather shoes. Her hair was not meticulously done to perfection, but was casually tied in a bun on top of her head.

Porcelain-like white and tender skin, no makeup on her face, the sun shines in, and you can see the tiny hairs. She wears a pair of round glasses on the bridge of her nose, and a black fabric bag is casually placed on the sofa.

She exudes a lazy and leisurely atmosphere all over her body, and she is not particularly excited or nervous, as if the man sitting across from him who is completely immersed in the report has nothing to do with her.

She noticed that Su Lingxuan was looking at the documents with a serious expression, so when she ordered something with the waiter, she spoke in a low voice.

With a smile on her face, her lips parted slightly, she ordered a cup of green tea for Su Lingxuan, and a cup of scented tea for herself, then politely thanked the waiter, took her computer out of her backpack, and started to do her own business.

The two don't disturb each other and are busy with their own affairs. If outsiders see it, they will never think that the two are here for a blind date, and they will definitely think that the two are partners at work.

The waiter was very satisfied with this girl like Qingshui, secretly took a photo in a place where the two of them couldn't see, and quickly pressed the send button.

Who is he?He's really a waiter, but he's still the new butler of the Su family, who belongs directly to Yan Wen.

He would take a photo of every girl who came on a blind date and send it to Yan Wen to let Yan Wen know that Su Lingxuan did not go against her wishes.

The "quality" of those women in front is also good, but he still feels that he is not suitable for Su Lingxuan, because he can't stand the smell of the perfume on those girls, and when they see Su Lingxuan again, the hungry wolf rushes to eat. The same look in the eyes made him disgusted with those girls.

It would be great if I could have the temperament of Ms. Zhiyan!The housekeeper secretly thought, even though he is young and the new housekeeper, he also grew up in Su's family since he was a child, so he naturally knows Su Lingxuan's preferences.

Therefore, when he saw this lady coming and seeing her every move, he knew that this lady would not only be loved by Su Lingxuan, but Yan Wen would also like her very much.

Therefore, after he finished posting the photos, he felt relieved, because he knew that the work of supervising the young master's blind date was finally coming to an end!

So when the woman saw the extra black forest on the table that she didn't order, her expression showed a hint of surprise.

"Sorry, did you serve the wrong cake?" She frowned and asked in confusion.

The waiter smiled politely, rolled his eyes towards Su Ling, she gave a clear oh, and continued to busy with her own affairs.

Su Lingxuan really didn't notice the person sitting opposite at all, even when he was drinking green tea, he didn't notice that his drink was changed.

And the woman sitting opposite him didn't care about Su Lingxuan's obsession with the report, because she was also completely immersed in her work.

She is an illustrator and always has endless illustrations.

So when she first agreed to a blind date at home, she thought that if there was a chance, she must let the other party know how busy she was, and she would ignore everything when she was busy. You may not be able to meet the right person.

But to her surprise, the man she was on a blind date with was actually so busy.

This is much more interesting. If two people can be together, sitting together and busy with their respective work, it is also a good thing.Compared with other people showing affection in leisure time, it is also a fresh experience.

If the two are not suitable, it can only mean that her fate has not arrived yet, and she can use this as an excuse to temporarily ask the family not to come and arrange such messy things for her to disturb her busy work.

She thought, and there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

Su Lingxuan only noticed the lemonade in his cup when the phone of the woman on the other side rang. He didn't know when it was replaced with green tea.

As soon as he looked up, he saw a woman on the phone with slightly frowning brows and a bad expression. "Hello…"

The woman stretched out her slender hand to make a stop gesture, and shouted at the other end of the phone, "Tell her, use it if you want to use it, and get out if you don't use it! An illustration has changed from the middle of the month to the end of the month, and it is about to be finalized with me." Said to change again! What about the tired silly girl? Do you really think that I, Lu Shuning, have to listen to her? I, Lu Shuning, will not starve to death without her painting! Well, I am busy and have no time to serve she!"

After hanging up the phone, the woman closed the computer angrily, put her laptop and picture book in the bag, and cursed in a low voice, "Bastard, if you have the ability to draw by yourself! You still block me! I first put You are blocked!"

It wasn't until I packed everything into the bag and drank the cold scented tea that I noticed Su Lingxuan's burning gaze.

She looked up, and met Su Lingxuan's smiling face.

She swallowed, "Hello, Lu Shuning."

(End of this chapter)

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