The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 680 Su Ling Xuanzhang's Strange Feeling

Chapter 680 The Strange Feeling of Su Lingxuan
Su Lingxuan smiled and looked at the woman opposite who suddenly changed her attitude, feeling like laughing.

One second he was cursing angrily, and the next second he introduced himself to him with a sweet smile.

Hello, Shuning Lu.

His tone was calm, and although he swallowed before speaking, he was a little nervous, but once he spoke, there was no expression of nervousness at all.

Su Lingxuan thought, either this woman was too scheming and good at pretending, or she had such a good personality that she didn't take him seriously at all, and didn't take this blind date too seriously.

Of course, Su Lingxuan's thoughts at this time were verified by his personal experience in the days to come. For such a rough girl, even if you change her heart, she won't be able to make her think more.

And when he later found out that Lu Shuning didn't take the blind date with him seriously, but just had the mentality of trying it out, he was really unceremonious, and carried her into the bedroom, And Shuning's little friend who was punished for this, even couldn't get out of bed for three days, and didn't even have the strength to pick up a paintbrush.However, these are things to come.

Su Lingxuan laughed twice, not hiding at all that he had seen and listened to everything he said just now.He politely stretched out his hand in front of Lu Shuning, "Hello, Su Lingxuan!"

Lu Shuning reached out and shook his hand, which was rare and warm and dry.Compared with her slightly cold hands, his hands are really hard to let go.

After a simple shake, Lu Shuning quickly withdrew his hand and pointed in the direction of the bathroom, "Sorry, I drank too much water and peed too much!" ran away.

Looking at her figure running away in a hurry, the hand that he shook with her just now moved unconsciously.Su Ling turned her head and looked out the window. It's midsummer now, and the sun outside is very bright. Only in the air-conditioned coffee bar can there be a little bit of coolness.

But it was clearly midsummer, and even with the air conditioner on, her hands were actually cold on a day when the sun would still feel hot.

Su Ling frowned, and glanced at the empty cup she had just used on the table, as well as the untouched black forest, and waved to the waiter not far away.

"Young Master Su, what's your order?" The waiter glanced at the Airbus seat opposite him, and frowned slightly. It's over so soon?
"Bring me a pot of hot lemon black tea. By the way, turn up the temperature of the air conditioner by two degrees, and bring me a thin blanket." After Su Lingxuan finished speaking, he took a sip of green tea.

Sitting there, he always felt a little weird, when did he care so much about a person he met for the first time?or a woman?
He sat there a little at a loss, frowning, completely unable to figure out why he was like this.

In the end, Su Lingxuan gave him an explanation that she thought was perfect. She has cold hands and a carefree personality. When she encounters things or people she doesn't like, she will directly express her truest thoughts. All of this is very similar to Xue Zhiyan. picture.

Yes, he must have treated her as his most beloved sister, Xue Zhiyan, to be so abnormal.

When Su Lingxuan thought about it, he felt that he was not as awkward as before. When he turned his head and saw the bag thrown on the sofa by Lu Shuning, he thought of her performance just now, and couldn't help laughing.

Lu Shuning came out of the bathroom, while shaking off the water stains on his hands, when he looked up, he saw Su Lingxuan smiling brighter than the sun and dazzling in the sunlight.

He felt so warm, like a ray of sunshine in winter, warming her whole body.

Lu Shuning felt that she had never seen such a handsome man with a smile, and there were even fewer smiles that could give her that warm feeling all over her body.

Not to mention that she is rarely seen in life, even in her paintings, there are very few men who smile so brightly.

Lu Shuning looked a little crazy for a while, she just felt that at this moment, she couldn't see other people or things in her eyes, only this man with a bright smile was alone.

Regardless of her wet hands, she took out the mobile phone in her pocket, and took pictures of the happy Su Lingxuan who was smiling to herself.

For a while, the flash flashed wildly, and there was the sound of the shutter.

Su Lingxuan, who was blinded by the flash and heard the voice, instantly put away the smile on his face and looked at the person taking the photo.You know, he rarely accepts interviews and takes pictures.

Only a few times, it was because of Xue Zhiyan's request that he reluctantly agreed.

Seeing Lu Shuning's embarrassed expression and his frantic movements, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch again.

Lu Shuning wished he could hit the wall directly!How did she forget to set it to turn off the shutter sound and flash?What a shame!

Lu Shuning sticks out her tongue, grabs her hair in embarrassment, puts away her phone and walks over in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I just want to take a picture and make a material." Lu Shuning smiled embarrassedly, picked up the cup in front of him and took a sip of the lemon black tea that Su Ling spun.

As soon as the warm tea was in his mouth, Lu Shuning squinted his eyes comfortably, holding the teacup and reluctant to put it down. She really likes warm things, maybe it has something to do with her natural body cold!

"Lemon black tea, not bad!" Lu Shuning smiled, showing a canine tooth.

Su Lingxuan changed his posture, continued to cross his legs, and looked at Lu Shuning with a smile.

"Miss Lu, you have to know that I rarely take pictures." The tone of his words can't be said to be harsh, but there are domineering and orders that are hard to refuse.

Lu Shuning frowned, she didn't like being called Miss Lu very much, she felt it was a kind of humiliation to her.

Yes, humiliation.

"Sorry, you can call me Shuning, or Lu Shuning, but don't call me Miss Lu." Lu Shuning looked at Su Lingxuan seriously, not joking at all.

Su Lingxuan nodded with a smile, Lu Shuning took out her mobile phone, entered the photo album, checked the photos she just took, and showed Su Lingxuan a look, "Since you don't like taking pictures, I can delete them. "

After Lu Shuning finished speaking, she pursed her lips. It was obvious that she didn't want to delete these photos, especially those that made her feel warm.

Her fingers trembled, and when she was about to press the delete button, a big hand stretched out from the opposite side and snatched the phone from her hand.

She looked up in astonishment, and saw Su Lingxuan looking at his mobile phone, nodding with satisfaction.

He didn't react at all. What does Su Lingxuan's reaction mean? Does it mean that she can keep those photos?

She blinked, and heard Su Lingxuan say in a mellow voice, "You used it as a material, so can you show me the character drawn based on me?"

Lu Shuning was stunned for a moment, and then happily jumped up from his seat in the next second, reached out and took the mobile phone, and hurriedly put it in his bag.

"What you say is what you say!" Lu Shuning put on her bag after finishing speaking, her eyes were bright and bright.

After she came out of the bathroom, she took off her glasses, so Su Lingxuan could clearly see her eyes.

Su Lingxuan likes her bright black eyes very much, and likes her eyes without any impurities.

He smiled and nodded, and heard her say happily, "I'm very happy today, if there is a chance, see you next time!"

(End of this chapter)

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