The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 688 Su Ling Xuanzhang Zhi himself came to the door 2

Chapter 688 Su Lingxuan: Finding Yourself 2
Su Lingxuan and Lu Shuning never expected that the real second meeting between the two would happen in such a chaotic situation.

At this time, Lu Shuning was like an angry little mad dog, sitting on the body of Lu Jinning's so-called boyfriend, slapping him in the face one after another.

And Lu Jinning was also lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment, humming, not daring to move!
Just kidding, if she moves casually, the clothes that have been torn by Lu Shuning will fall off, and it will be Lu Jinning who will be ashamed.

So she could only listen to her boyfriend's humming, lay down on the ground with her head down, clenched her fists tightly, and silently cursed Lu Jinning in her heart.

Su Lingxuan listened to what Ben told him, and just saw Lu Shuning also came to Qingcheng in the lobby, so he left the partner in that box and went directly to the box where Lu Shuning was.

Unexpectedly, before reaching the door of the box, he saw Lu Shuning wrestling with someone.

He didn't know why he was so sure that the woman riding on the man and slapping the man's face crazily must be Lu Shuning.

He had only seen her once, and was not familiar with her figure and back, but he could tell Ben with certainty that that person was Lu Shuning.

Ben looked a little stunned. Originally, he wanted to say that Miss Lu Shuning's personality was a bit like Miss Yan's Biao.

Looking at it this way, it's not just Miss Xiangzhiyan, on the other hand, she has the same temper as the young lady Chi Feng Ziyao they are familiar with.

Ben was so dazed that he forgot, and went to the entrance to stop the manager and security guards from coming.

Su Lingxuan stared at Ben who was stunned and at a loss, before walking into Lu Shuning who was beating him up.

After walking in, I heard Lu Shuning muttering, "You are a weakling! Look at your virtue, and weaklings need someone to want you! When you are with Lu Jinning, you can be regarded as a servant princess at best. A sick eunuch! A rich eunuch!"

After hearing her cursing words, Su Lingxuan couldn't help laughing and walked forward a few steps, but after hearing what Lu Shuning said next, he couldn't help but turn dark.

"Su Lingxuan is thousands of times better than you. Even gay, he is a domineering attacker! You eunuch! What qualifications do you have to criticize him! What qualifications do you have!"

With a dark face, Su Ling turned into an air-conditioning engine, and poked Lu Shuning's shoulder with his hand.

Lu Shuning was in a fit of anger right now, and he didn't care who was behind him, so he waved his hand impatiently, and clapped his cold hand on Su Lingxuan's.

"Stop making noise! ​​I haven't finished cursing yet!" Without turning her head, Lu Shuning shook her hands, stood up, and picked up Lu Jinning who was lying on the ground and pretending to be dead.

"Lu Jinning! The two of us have nothing to do with each other! Today we will have revenge! Don't you always think that I am not from your Lu family? I really am not!"

"Aren't you jealous that your grandpa and your father think about me first? You know? They are making a deal with me! Your grandpa and your parents are blocking you, and you still insist on robbing me! I I’ve seen so stupid, I’ve never seen you so stupid! You’re the one who’s supposed to be so stupid, right?”

"Aren't you jealous that I went on a blind date with Su Lingxuan? Didn't you say that I am inferior to you everywhere? Then why haven't I heard that Young Master Su is on a blind date with you? You are completely inferior to me just because of this!"

"It's none of your business what happened to me and Su Lingxuan? Even if I was really thrown away after playing with him, so what? At least I can climb into his bed! What about you? You just can't eat grapes and talk about grapes." It’s just sour! Climb his bed if you have the ability! Sleep with him if you have the ability! Please remember to take a picture after you’re done sleeping! Then come and show off in front of me!”

After Lu Shuning finished speaking, he pushed Lu Jinning aside, wiped his hands on his pants in disgust, and said in disgust, "What a pity! A good suit of clothes is useless again! Your Lu family won't Pay me for the costume!"

The corners of the mouths of the editors who were with her couldn't help twitching. This little illustrator usually has a weird temper, but he didn't expect it to be quite violent.

With an evil smile on the corner of Su Ling's mouth, he leaned halfway against the wall, put his hands in his trouser pockets, turned his head slightly, stared at Lu Shuning's back, and coughed softly.

It wasn't until Su Lingxuan made a sound that the group of editors realized that at some point there was a handsome guy who they were not familiar with, but who was handsome.

And judging from his attire and his temperament, this man is by no means an ordinary man.

"Lu Shuning." Su Lingxuan's mellow voice was deep and deep, but it fell on Lu Shuning's heart so clearly in the noisy corridor.

Lu Shuning trembled all over, turned around stiffly like a puppet, and saw Su Lingxuan who came over at some time, smiling and half leaning against the wall.

Lu Shuning didn't know what he heard what she said, it's better not to listen to everything she said, otherwise the misunderstanding between the two will deepen.

In fact, Lu Shuning had thought about it, even if Su Lingxuan didn't like her, it didn't matter, at least she knew Su Lingxuan, and from a certain point of view, Lu Shuning felt that the two of them could become friends.

She didn't want the fight with Lu Jinning today to affect the friendship between her and Su Lingxuan that hadn't been established in time.

Lu Shuning really likes the warm feeling on Su Lingxuan, and she doesn't want to lose someone or something that makes her feel warm again because of the Lu family.

Back then, she was young and unable to do anything about certain things, but now that she is old and no longer subject to the Lu family, she can do her best to protect what she wants to protect, what belongs to her.

Lu Shuning just swallowed, looking at Su Lingxuan's eyes flickering, she turned her head slightly, not looking into Su Lingxuan's eyes.

Seeing her reaction like this, Su Lingxuan didn't get angry but laughed a couple of times, then walked up to her and looked straight at her.

"I remember I told you that I really don't like taking pictures!" Su Lingxuan's voice could not hear any emotion, but it was cold, especially when he looked at Lu Jinning, the group of people standing behind Lu Jinning, It felt like falling into a cold ice cellar.

"Besides, what did you say to let this woman climb on my bed? Are you really not afraid that I'll throw up?" What Su Lingxuan wanted to do most at this moment was to hold Lu Shuning in his arms and pinch her Some babies have a fat face, and then press her onto his lap and spank her hard.

"Do you want to thank me, or do you want to disgust me? Huh?" Su Lingxuan took another step forward, and his body was tightly pressed against Lu Shuning's.

(End of this chapter)

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