The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 689 Su Ling Xuanzhang Zhi himself came to the door 3

Chapter 689 Su Lingxuan: Finding Yourself 3
Lu Shuning only felt that his breathing was starting to become difficult. Su Lingxuan's step forward was really just right.

The tip of her nose just touched the second button of his shirt, and she could smell the faint smell of cologne and some red wine on his body.

And she could only hold her breath so that her chest would not rise and fall so obviously, otherwise she could just rub against his chest.

And Su Lingxuan looked down at her again, as long as he had the heart, he would see the sight of someone in her neckline.

This suffocating and ambiguous standing posture really made Lu Shuning want to push him away and run away.But she was a little bit reluctant, as the chances of getting close to him like this were really rare.

Lu Shuning didn't know what was wrong with him, but he was greedy for the warmth of a strange man, and his warmth was only revealed inadvertently.

At this time, Lu Shuning completely forgot that there is a word called love at first sight.So she remembered this word later, and when she told Su Lingxuan what she thought, Su Lingxuan happily pulled her to roll on the bed for another night, but these are all for later.

Su Lingxuan looked at Lu Shuning holding her breath carefully, her whole face gradually turned red because of her holding her breath.

Su Lingxuan couldn't help laughing, the hearty laughter shook his chest, at the same time, Lu Shuning, whose face was almost pressed against his chest, felt his laughter turn into a puff of heat, and hit her chest cheek.

Su Lingxuan watched Lu Shuning's face getting redder and redder, and felt a hot current running around in his body non-stop.

He didn't know what was wrong with him, he swallowed subconsciously, his original mellow voice became hoarse.

He said softly, "As for whether I'm gay or not, I don't think I need to explain to a group of men."

Lu Shuning swallowed, glanced at the man who had been beaten by her and was lying on the ground, and nodded.

"But I think I should let you know that I'm actually a very normal man!" After Su Lingxuan finished speaking, he held Lu Shuning's cheeks and forced her to look up at him.

But he lowered his head, moved his thin lips together, and kissed Lu Shuning's slightly parted red lips in astonishment, with lips that smelled of red wine.

In an instant, Lu Shuning felt that his face must be completely red, just like the pig's head meat in the cart selling lo mei at the roadside, it was red.

And she also vaguely heard the siren sound of the kettle when the water was boiling.

Su Lingxuan watched her stunned movements, but the smile on the corner of her mouth became more and more obvious. The woman he was kissing in front of him was a little more stunned than he imagined.

And those who were watching just now, after knowing his identity and seeing him kissing Lu Shuning, couldn't help but took out their phones.

It's just that before the photo was taken, he was stopped by the security guards and waiters who were allowed by Ben.

Then, while Lu Shuning was still blushing and heart beating, everyone was quickly sent away.

In the entire corridor, only Su Lingxuan was left with a satisfied smile, Lu Shuning who was in a daze, Lu Jinning who was in a panic, and the man who was beaten into a pig's head by Lu Shuning.

"Tune the video, and wish for the sound at that time." Su Lingxuan coldly glanced at Lu Jinning and the pig-headed man, and said to Ben in a cold voice.

He turned around and wanted to walk towards the control room, but suddenly remembered Lu Shuning who was still in a daze, shook his head helplessly, walked over to hold Lu Shuning's hand, and walked towards his exclusive box.

He had to make sure that Lu Shuning was not injured first, after all he had heard from the cat that the reason why Lu Shuning went to the hospital and met cat in the hospital was because she accidentally smashed her own foot.

At that time, what Su Lingxuan thought of was that common saying, "lifting a rock to hit oneself in the foot, although the meaning is different, but the image is so strong that he really couldn't find other words to describe it.

As soon as Su Lingxuan pulled her closer to the box, he snapped his fingers in front of her.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Lu Shuning blinked and looked at Su Lingxuan puzzled.

Su Ling smiled and shook her head, then took her hand, put one on her shoulder, and looked at her three times from left to right.

Finding that she had no obvious injuries, Su Lingxuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"My god! Don't turn around! You turn around a few times, it's more lethal than my painting without moving for a day!" Lu Shuning raised his hand and pressed his temple.

After only two presses, Su Lingxuan's expression darkened again, and he stared at her sullenly.

Lu Shuning didn't know what he did or said that made him unhappy, so he subconsciously took a step back and leaned against the door of the box.

She looked at Su Lingxuan timidly, because Su Lingxuan with a gloomy face really scared her a little.

"I really didn't intend to take advantage of you that day! Besides, I didn't mean to attract your attention today!" Lu Shuning swallowed, and explained in a panic, "I didn't know you would appear in the Here, my colleagues also said that I want to sing K, and I came only after they reserved a box!"

Lu Shuning looked at Su Lingxuan, but he didn't speak, but still looked at her sullenly.

"My colleague was afraid that I would be bored at home, so he asked me to come out and relax! I didn't expect to meet Lu Jinning, let alone fight with her!" Lu Shuning puffed out her chest after she finished speaking, as if she had just fought. People who are human are the ones who are reasonable, "Lu Jinning poured dirty water on you, saying that you are gay, and you always give up. I will throw it away after playing. You are just a rich son. I can't help but feel sorry for you." If you are not convinced, you will do it..."

Seeing him staring at her all the time, Lu Shuning felt a little weak, and slowly lowered her head, and her voice gradually became much lower, and there was even no sound at the back.

"You know I'm not gay?" Su Lingxuan reached out and pinched her chin, making her look at him.

Lu Shuning blinked, "Well, that, I only know you are a man, as for whether you are gay, don't tell me..."

"Hmm..." Lu Shuning had only finished speaking halfway, but Su Lingxuan blocked her mouth to prevent her from continuing.

Su Lingxuan didn't let go of her red and swollen lips from his kiss until Lu Shuning was out of breath.Panting slightly, he pressed his forehead against hers, and said in a deep voice, "I'll let you know if I'm gay after finishing dealing with Lu Jinning!"

Before Lu Shuning could react, he was held by Su Lingxuan again and walked out of the box.

When Su Lingxuan pulled Lu Jinning to the control room, the part where Lu Jinning and her boyfriend slandered Su Lingxuan happened to be played, and the recording was quite clear.

Su Ling listened to the entire recording, and snorted coldly, "You really helped me solve a big problem!" After finishing speaking, Lu Jinning gave Lu Jinning a glance, and dragged Lu Jinning out.

"Let your wife's disinfection and pain relief medicine be sent to the south gate of Jinyuan Community." Su Lingxuan walked out and said such a sentence. After speaking, Lu Shuning, who hadn't reacted, dragged her towards Go outside Qingcheng...

(End of this chapter)

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