The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 712 Chi Qianzhang Zhi Listening to the Corner, Are You Shameless?

Chapter 712 Chi Qian: Listening to the corner, shameless?
Chi Qian only felt that she must have killed Na Mingli's family in her previous life, and that she would be pestered by him in this life.

Didn't it mean that she slept with him after being drugged last time, and then after being imprisoned by him, she slept with him again after drinking and having sex? As for that?

She was blocked on the way to work, blocked on the way home from get off work, and she didn't answer the phone, so she just sent an email directly, and she was short of using the oldest way - writing a letter, to attract her attention.

This is not the case today.

Knowing that Guanhai Yujing can't get in, he just sits by the door and waits for her. Is this really the case?
Chi Qian knows the truth of repeating the same thing again and again, but she is already asleep, so maybe she has to turn back the clock, then pinch her eyelids and say to her: Hey, look at the man next to you. If you don't love him, and don't even plan to get back together with him, then don't sleep with him!

What's the point of all this?If there is such a good thing, when will so many 419 fall in love at first sight every day?

Chi Qian thought about her own thoughts, this love at first sight is a bit inappropriate, it should be called love at first sight.

Looking at the white Maserati that was following behind her and keeping a safe distance, the corner of Chi Qian's mouth twitched. It was her favorite car and color.

But looking at it now, why is it so dazzling?As the saying goes, things are right and people are wrong, and that’s the truth, right?
Chi Qian turned the steering wheel, stepped on the brake lightly, and the fiery red car stopped by the side of the road. She unbuckled her seat belt, opened the door, got out of the car, and walked to the back.

Raise your hand and knock on the window.

The car window was down, and the side face of the familiar man in the driver's seat made her panic for a moment, but it has been so long, she has loved and loved, hated, and slept no matter what , what else can't be said?
"Namingli." Chi Qian's voice was light, and in such a summer day, it actually brought a cool feeling to the man in the car window.

"En." His eyes narrowed slightly, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, and he made such a sound.

"Stop following me!" Chi Qian was a little annoyed, "You keep following me like this, I'm so irritable that it affects those pregnant women who are waiting!"

Naming Li frowned, "Chi Qian, I..."

"I apologize for my previous abruptness. It's fine if I sleep you or you sleep me, neither of us suffers, and neither of us owes the other?" Chi Qian frowned, looking Very irritated, "It's impossible for me to be with you. I'm not that Virgin Mary Mary Sue. I forgive you for hurting me so much. To put it bluntly, we are the most familiar strangers in the legend. .”

After Chi Qian finished speaking, before hearing Na Mingli's reply, she heard a strange but familiar laughter.

She frowned, and raised her head impatiently, thinking that she was eavesdropping on people's conversations on the curb in broad daylight, and she had no morals at all!Today, if she wants to see who eavesdropped on someone's corner and is still smiling so happily, she must slap her mouth!It's just a fire!
Looking up, I saw a well-dressed beast standing by the curb, oh no, it was a well-dressed man.

This man has smooth eyebrows and fair skin. Chi Qian looks at this man from the perspective of a professional makeup artist, and thinks that if he puts on makeup, he should be a beauty!
However, she doesn't like this beauty ruffian at all.

She knew this person, he was the youngest son of Mrs. Ou who she was helping with - Ou Zheqin.

A typical second-generation ancestor who has just returned from studying abroad, is proficient in eating, drinking, and playing, and even looks much younger than the native-born second-generation ancestor.

This person is wearing coquettish casual clothes, standing on the curb, looking at Chi Qian with a happy expression on his face, his eyes are fixed on Chi Qian's face for a moment, as if she has written some big characters on her face like.

If we put aside the image of his playful second-generation ancestor, Chi Qian should still have a good impression of him. After all, the two of them have lived alone abroad, and they will feel a little sympathetic to each other.

But Chi Qian couldn't feel sorry for him, who told him to break up a box of loose powder she managed to get from abroad with Leng Feng when she was working, and smashed a bottle of pure powder that she managed to mix up? Plant essence.milk.Liquid, that thing was supposed to be used by those stinky pregnant women and mothers, but it was all smashed by this playful young master.

If you smash it, just smash it. If you don’t have a little remorse, let it go, and tell her something with a smile. I’m just curious about the unique charm of those things that you women smear all day long. At the end, I said something, Don't mind!
do not mind!Don't mind you big-headed ghost!In front of Mrs. Ou, Chi Qian naturally didn't dare to explode her temper, but she was also famous for her bad temper. She was completely spoiled by her father Chi Weiran and brother Chi Yuan. clearly.

So Mrs. Ou asked her to do her hair more and more frequently recently, but today she doesn't have to go to Ou's house, and she doesn't have to go to Mrs. Ou's hair. After breaking his own things, and the current practice of listening to the corner, he became angry.

As for how angry she was, Chi Qian thought later, it must be bigger than the anger Na Mingli had been following her, otherwise she couldn't have forgotten to listen to Na Mingli's answer, so she rushed to Ou Zheqin and told him theory up.

"Ou Zheqin! Do you have any sense of privacy? Do you know that there is an old saying in China that you can't listen to other people's corners!" Damn!Forgot the words at the critical moment, Chi Qian wanted to bite off his tongue as soon as the words came out.

Ou Zheqin was still smiling, and his smile was bright and bright, even more dazzling than the big round sun above his head at this moment.The mottled tree shadow above his head fell on his face, adding a little bit of mystery to his already handsome face.

Pooh!Mysterious ghost!Chi Qian cursed in her heart, what's so mysterious in broad daylight?Isn't it just a nose and two eyes?

"There's an old saying that walls have ears." Ou Zheqin pursed his thin lips, and his voice fell into Chiqian's ears so faintly. For a while, Chiqian couldn't even hear the sound of the cars driving on the road. Just listening to his voice echoing in my ears.

His voice is not very pleasant, the voice of an ordinary man, the voice is a bit deep, with a mellow feeling that makes her palpitate, because he has just returned to China, so when he speaks Mandarin, he still has a little foreign accent , Anyway, let Chi Qian listen to it, and feel that this voice is special.

"I listen to the corner, do you want to be ashamed?" Chi Qian pouted, and said this.

Ou Zheqin took two steps towards Chiqian, looked down at Chiqian, and continued to say calmly, "It's broad daylight, I was waiting for the bus on the side of the road, and you just said those words, so it can't be regarded as listening to the corner, right?"

 The serial number of the previous chapter is wrong, but the content is correct and does not affect reading.

(End of this chapter)

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