The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 713 Chi Qian Chapter 1

Chapter 713 Chi Qian Chapter 1
Ou Zheqin just came out to drink coffee with a friend he hadn't seen for a long time. He didn't expect to meet Chi Qian when he was leaving. For this first meeting, he made his heart beat a little faster, the different lady from the Chi family.

Thinking about the first time they met, the two of them were quite awkward.

At that time, he had just returned to China and fell asleep day and night all day long. He is very sensitive to sleep, especially jet lag and lack of sleep, which will definitely make him manic.

The day he first met Chi Qian was the moment when he became manic because of jet lag and lack of sleep.

He walked directly into the garden from upstairs, breathing the air mixed with heat waves in the summer afternoon, the irritable anger in his heart was also limp by the hot and humid air, and he couldn't express any strength.

But just as he was about to take a deep breath, turn around and go back to the room to drink tea and turn on the air conditioner, he heard Chi Qian's excited yet coquettish voice.

What was she talking about?It seems to say, Lu Shuning!How did you get pregnant!Originally, you were married, and I was the only lonely person. Are you stimulating me with the fact that all of you are pregnant and have children?

He didn't remember what he muttered afterward, but he only remembered what Chi Qian said before hanging up the phone, eat!Must eat at night!I want to eat it back hard!You bastards who forget your friends after seeing sex, I will never spare you!
Then when he turned around, he saw that Chi Qian put the phone into the pocket of his shorts angrily, and exposed a section of the pink phone case outside.

Seeing his haggard and a little manic expression, he still remembered Chi Qian's expression, he was stunned for a moment, and then smiled unabashedly.

Of course, Chi Qian didn't strike up a conversation with him, but when she passed by him, her smiling eyes curled into slits, she raised her hand to gently cover the corner of her mouth, and walked past him sideways.

He thought that this was another blind date that his worrying mother had found for him, and just wanted to stop Chiqian and tell her not to come in the future, and let her dispel those thoughts of climbing high branches, but Chiqian suddenly turned around.

She still smiled with crooked eyes, pointed to his hair and said, "Your hair should be hard, so try not to wash your hair before going to bed, and even if you wash your hair, you have to blow dry it before going to bed." , otherwise the next morning will definitely be messier than a bird's nest."

After Chi Qian finished speaking, she turned around and took two steps to meet Mrs. Ou who came out to look for her.

"Miss Chi, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for your inconvenience!" Mrs. Ou held Chi Qian's hand in embarrassment, not to mention how easily the picture was misunderstood.

Ou Zheqin's face was darkened, and he was annoyed by this strange woman talking about his hair. Seeing his mother's enthusiasm, he thought of the blind date, and immediately said in a deep voice, "Mom, didn't I say that I don't want to marry you?" Blind date?"

Chi Qian's smile froze on his face, he looked back at the man who said something inexplicable, and when he looked back at Mrs. Ou, he said politely, "No trouble, I'm a semi-professional anyway, I hope Mrs. Ou you Don't mind if I don't match well."

"Where is it, Miss Chi's eyes are really good, I have nothing to say." After finishing speaking, Mrs. Ou glared at her youngest son. She really didn't know why this guy was crazy and talking nonsense.

Looking at Chi Qian again, she patted her hand lightly, and asked, "Miss Chi, please stay for dinner, it's just that my disappointing old son is back, and I bought a lot of his favorite crabs at home, you Stay together too?"

Chi Qian smiled and shook her head, "Thank you, Mrs. Ou, for your kindness. I have an appointment with a friend, and I have to go to the appointment quickly. They are all pregnant women and expectant mothers, so it's not easy to take care of them. If I'm late, I will definitely be cleaned up."

"Really?" Mrs. Ou didn't believe it.

Chi Qian took out her phone and shook it, the messages on the screen prompted one after another, "Really, don't you think this is urgent?"

"Then I won't keep you. I'll treat you to dinner next time?" Mrs. Ou smiled. She really liked Chi Qian very much.

Although she is a young lady, she has a bad temper, but she is moderate in dealing with people and things, and she will not lose her temper indiscriminately.And she is very approachable. The most surprising thing is that she has good makeup and good hair, which really makes her, a person who is not very good at dressing up, really like her very much.

"Okay!" Chi Qian agreed directly without being pretentious, then she reached out and pulled out a chopstick from the bun on her head, and smiled awkwardly at Mrs. Ou, "Sorry, Mrs. Ou, again I want a chopstick from you!"

"It's all right, chopsticks! But it's a novel experience to see that your chopsticks are neatly plated!" Mrs. Ou smiled and glanced at Chi Qian, then turned her head and shouted to the inside, "Lin Ma, put Chi Bring out the lady's toolbox!"

"Hey, Mrs. Ou, if you want to say this, I will come here a few more times, and I will sweep away all the people who eat at your house!" Chi smiled and turned the beige ivory chopsticks in his hand, a little fondly mean.

"Haha, if you like it, I'll give you a set later!" Seeing Chi Qian carrying her suitcase, Mrs. Ou still gave her son a glare, "Ah Qin, help Miss Chi!"

"Farewell! I'll just mention it myself!" Chi Qian refused directly with a smile, and added before leaving, "Mrs. Ou, eat more sesame seeds and walnuts, and your hair will be better. Of course, your hair is now Very good too!"

Then he looked at Chi Qian, who was like a little hedgehog, and left, and then he was pulled back from his memory by Chi Qian's yell.

"Mr. Ou, may I ask you to respect others and not be lost in thought when others are talking to you?" Chi Qian glared at Ou Zheqin impatiently.

Ou Zheqin coughed dryly twice, he just recalled the first meeting with Chi Qian, and didn't hear what Chi Qian said at all. "Sorry, what did you just say?"

"I'll say goodbye!" Chi Qian rolled her eyes, and she didn't care to separate herself from Na Mingli, and walked to the front of the car angrily, her movements were like flowing water.

Come open the door, get in, close the door, turn the key, step on the gas.

Ou Zheqin looked at the red car leaving in the dust, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, interesting!
He frowned and glanced at the Maserati parked in front of him, then turned around and walked back to the cafe he had just been to.Based on the conversation he had just heard between the two, he also knew the relationship between Chi Qian and the people in the car.

But now is not the time to get to the bottom of the matter and ask about the past, he has other things to do, and he has no time to communicate with the man driving a luxury car in front of him.

As for Namingli, he also half-closed his eyes and watched his leaving back, lost in thought...

(End of this chapter)

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