The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 728 Good Night Good Night Chapter Chi Qian

Chapter 728 Good Night, Good Night, Chi Qian
Ou Zheqin suffered from insomnia again.

Yes, how could he not suffer from insomnia?
The woman who makes his heart beat faster and makes him feel different is sleeping in the room next to him. How can he sleep well?
He said that he is not Liu Xiahui, he does not have such a firm willpower, nor such a strong control, when facing the woman he is attracted to, he can still think about nothing, and he can't sit still. Pregnant not disorderly.

So after half a month of sleeping well, he suffered from insomnia again.

He tossed and turned the pancakes on the bed, but he finally lost to himself. After this trip, he was actually a little thirsty.

Sitting alone on the wide bed and sighing, he opened the door and walked out.

In order not to let his movements disturb Chi Qian's rest, he tiptoed around like a thief, but he never expected that Chi Qian would also be unable to fall asleep.

When she walked into the living room like a thief, she saw Chi Qian lying on the big sofa with annoyed face, tossing and turning non-stop, ravaging the pillows on his sofa.

That's not counting, before the pillow in his house made any sound, he heard Chi Qian's low sigh.

"What? Don't sleep, and play a game with our pillow?" Ou Zheqin looked at Chi Qian with a smile, this woman obviously also suffered from insomnia.

Suddenly hearing Ou Zheqin's voice, Chi Qian suddenly sat up from the sofa with a pillow between her legs.It's not that she has any special hobbies, but that she can't fall asleep whenever she moves to a strange environment. If she can't sleep, she has to hold something under her body to fall asleep.

But she thought that her problem was cured, but she didn't expect that when she went to bed at night, her problem really popped up.

And she didn't want to disturb Ou Zheqin, and she didn't want to ask him for the pair of fox dolls she got, so she had to come to the sofa and try those pillows, and if they were soft and the right size, she would take one back to the room up.

However, isn't there such a saying that makes heaven fail to fulfill people's wishes.

So, when Ou Zheqin couldn't sleep and came out, what he saw was Chi Qian choosing a pillow with annoyed expression on his face.

Chi Qian rubbed her messy hair, which had already been tossed by herself, and said helplessly, "Ou Zheqin, I accept the bed!"

... Ou Zheqin stood there watching her for a long time before he found his ability to speak.

What can he say?You can't pull Chi Qian over and spank her buttocks, can you?If she had said this earlier, he could have asked Chi Qian, and the two of them could figure out a way.

What should we do now?Ou Zheqin frowned, went over and poured two cups of warm water, put one cup on the tea table in front of him, and held a cup in his hand, "Do you want to take sleeping pills?"

"Don't!" Chi Qian never liked to take advantage of the effects of drugs. She knew that some drugs, once taken, would become addictive, so even during the saddest period of the year, she couldn't bear it anymore. Chi Qian Yuan was so distressed that he couldn't stand it anymore, so he asked Yan Shaochen to give her sedative drugs.

"Then what can you do?" Ou Zheqin frowned. If Chi Qian didn't take the medicine, wouldn't the two of them just stare until dawn?

Chi Qian narrowed her eyes, "Didn't I give you a pair of red foxes earlier?"

Ou Zheqin was stunned for a moment. He had put the fox in the company. He originally carried it with him to and from get off work every day, so that when he really missed Chi Qian, he could hug the fox to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

But today Chi Qian suddenly called him to say that his foot was injured, so he didn't care about his own things, and ran like crazy from the company to the hospital where she was, to see her condition.

and so……

Ou Zheqin coughed, his face turned a little red with embarrassment, "Not here..."

After hearing these four words, Chi Qian was still a little excited, but immediately fell into the freezer, "Okay."

Hearing her disappointed voice, Ou Zheqin really felt uncomfortable.

"Then what do you need to do to fall asleep?" Worrying that she would suffer from insomnia, Ou Zheqin asked this question.

Chi Qian frowned, blinked pitifully, and said slowly, "Either someone coaxes me to sleep like a child, or find me a few dolls that are just the right size and soft enough for me to cuddle to sleep. .”

Ou Zheqin was speechless again, this request, really!He looked at Chi Qian from top to bottom, he didn't expect that this hot-looking girl had such a soft and childlike side.

Chi Qian hummed and rolled on the sofa twice, then sat up straight as if touching a switch, her eyes sized up Ou Zheqin for a moment, and those eyes swept him like X-rays, It made him feel uncomfortable all over.

Ou Zheqin twisted his stiff body due to discomfort, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Why don't you sleep?" Chi Qian asked with narrowed eyes.

"That..." Ou Zheqin scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "I haven't been able to sleep well, you know that!"

After hearing this, Chi Qian smiled wickedly, patted Ou Zheqin on the shoulder and said, "You can't sleep anyway, so you can put me to sleep!"

"Ah?" Ou Zheqin leaned back subconsciously, and looked at Chi Qian in surprise.

To be honest, he was really surprised. He didn't expect Chi Qian to say such a thing. He didn't want to reject Chi Qian, but he was afraid that he would be misunderstood by being too eager.

So he had no choice but to make himself look like he was under her words, but only he knew how fierce his heartbeat was at this moment.

Chi Qian smiled sheepishly, "Anyway, you can't sleep, you have nothing to do, find something to do, it will save you from insomnia and boredom!"

The corner of Ou Zheqin's mouth twitched, he really thought of him, didn't he?
After Chi Qian finished speaking, she yawned a lot, and did not forget to stretch her waist, "I'm already so sleepy, the pain-relieving waist that I ate is also stable, hurry up, take me to sleep !" After speaking, he reached out and patted Ou Zheqin's shoulder.

Ou Zheqin sighed helplessly, stretched out his hand through Chi Qian's armpits and knee sockets, and carried her directly into his bedroom in the posture of a princess hug.

"Eh? The room is wrong!" Chi Qian opened and closed one eye, looking at Ou Zheqin's room.

The color is a very heart-warming beige tone, unlike the rooms she knows when men are single, which are only as rigid and cold as black, white and gray.

Ou Zheqin snorted twice, then gently placed Chi Qian on the other half of the bed that he hadn't been lying on yet, then he walked to his side again, lifted the quilt and lay down in it. "Since you also suffer from insomnia, let's coax each other to sleep. Whoever falls asleep first will be lucky!"

Then Ou Zheqin stretched out his hand and patted Chi Qian's body lightly, really coaxing her like a child. His eyes were also slightly squinted, but he was secretly watching the expression on Chi Qian's face.

Chi Qian sighed softly, shrank into his arms automatically, then found a comfortable position, raised her feet and put them on his lap, with a smile on her lips, her breathing gradually became even. stand up.

Listening to her gradually breathing evenly and long, Ou Zheqin's mouth curled into a faint smile, and he said softly, "Chi Qian, good night."

(End of this chapter)

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