The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 729 Chi Qian's embarrassing incident

Chapter 729 The Embarrassment of Chi Qian
Facts have proved that two insomniacs get together and coax each other to sleep, which is really a good and good thing.

The two of them slept until dawn, and when Ou Zheqin opened his eyes, he thought he was dreaming. When he turned his head and saw that Chi Qian was sleeping soundly while pressing his arms, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

Once Chi Qian fell asleep, she would sleep soundly, her sleeping posture was not absolutely ladylike, but her sleeping posture was similar to that of a child.

The cheeks are powdery, the long eyelashes flutter like two small brushes, and the pink lips are slightly puffed up, just like a child.Ou Zheqin reached out and touched Chiqian's tender cheeks, Chiqian moaned twice like a child, and slipped into his arms.

Ou Zheqin smiled in a muffled voice, happy for no reason, just feeling uncomfortable in his heart.

He thought that his future pursuits would be too late, and he hoped that he could hug her and fall asleep every night, and when he woke up in the morning, he could see her sleeping face like a baby at first sight in the morning light.

If there is another man and half woman, then the life is really happy and couldn't be happier.

Ou Zheqin's laughter woke Chi Qian up, she frowned and opened her eyes, and saw Ou Zheqin's sunny smiling face, she frowned.

"When you wake up, can't you go out quietly? Why do you insist on waking me up?" Chi Qian snorted dissatisfiedly, and burrowed into his arms again.

She hasn't slept so well for a long time, and for some reason, smelling the faint scent of soap on Ou Zheqin's body can make her feel very stable, and her sleep is naturally much better than before.

This unconscious movement of hers made Ou Zheqin happy.He poked Chi Qian's forehead feigning anger, "Do you have a conscience? You're pressing my arm like this, and you always get into my arms, how do I get up, huh?"

It was only then that Chi Qian realized that at some point she had completely slipped into his arms and was still pillowing on his arm.

With a swipe, his face flushed with embarrassment.

She moved her numb leg, only to realize that her injured leg was resting on Ou Zheqin's leg, and Ou Zheqin's other leg was under her body.

The corner of her mouth couldn't help twitching, but the sleeping positions of the two of them were really the same.

Chi Qian moved the leg that was pressed under Ou Zheqin's body, and it was already numb from the pressure. After just a little movement, Ou Zheqin's eyes twitched.

Chi Qian kicked Ou Zheqin's leg with that injured foot without giving up, "I was crushed to death by you, hurry up! I don't want both legs to be crippled!"

The corner of Ou Zheqin's mouth twitched, Auntie, you don't want to lose both legs, but I will lose all three of my legs!
"Don't move!" Ou Zheqin's voice was obviously much hoarse than before, and there was an indescribable sense of bewilderment.

Chi Qian looked at Ou Zheqin's gradually stiff face, blinked his innocent eyes, and said in an extremely innocent tone, "My legs are numb from your pressure, why don't you let me move! Hurry up and lift your legs!" !"

After Chi Qian finished speaking, she bent her injured leg again, and was about to arch his two legs again, but her knee touched something hard, and she blushed again in embarrassment.

She is not a young lady who doesn't care about people, so after suddenly remembering some of the physical characteristics of men who get up early, and thinking of Ou Zheqin's hoarse voice just now, she obediently shut her mouth and stopped using her injured foot. Kick him.

Instead, she lay down obediently, rubbed her arms out of his arms, and said shyly, "Well, get up quickly, my legs are numb, maybe I have to wait a while!"

Ou Zheqin hummed in a low voice, and quickly pulled out his numb arm that had been pressed by Chi Qian, threw off the quilt and rushed into his bathroom quickly.

Chi Qian clutched the quilt and lay down for another 5 minutes. After regaining feeling in her legs, she lifted the quilt and limped out of the room. She walked back to the guest room where she was supposed to be asleep. After undressing and washing up, I went out to make breakfast.

Just as her breakfast was ready, Ou Zheqin came out with wet hair, smelling the faint scent of rice, Ou Zheqin stood outside the kitchen in a daze.

"Your feet?" Ou Zheqin frowned.

"It's okay!" Chi Qian sat on the chair, shook her feet, and smiled nicely.

Neither of them mentioned the embarrassment just now, they chatted naturally.

"When you stand there, your feet are stressed, won't it hurt?" Ou Zheqin put the towel aside, walked to the stove, stirred the porridge in the pot, and still frowned tightly.

Chi Qian walked over with a smile, took the porridge spoon in his hand, and stirred the porridge in the pot, "No way! I'll sit and stand for a while, it's fine."

After speaking, he turned off the fire and put the lid on the pot again.

"What about the bread and fried eggs?" Ou Zheqin frowned, seeing that Chi Qian was disobedient and dared to refute him, he felt a little unhappy.

"Bread?" Chi Qian glanced at the fried eggs and bread on the table, and smiled, "Bread machine! It's even easier to fry eggs!"

After Chi Qian finished speaking, she pointed to the toaster machine and the baking pan for pancakes, smiling smugly.

The corner of Ou Zheqin's mouth couldn't help twitching, this woman is really smart enough, she just used all the equipment in his kitchen to cook a breakfast so easily.

He didn't expect that his mother felt sorry for the household appliances he bought, and Chi Qian took away the right to use them for the first time. If he knew himself, it was impossible for him to cook breakfast. Have the driver or secretary prepare it.

Seeing that he was speechless, Chi Qian sat down at the table happily with a smile, "You serve the porridge, I'll wait to eat it!"

Ou Zheqin shook his head helplessly, and served her porridge as Chi Qian said, and also found the side dishes that his mother ordered the servant to bring in the refrigerator. The two of them had a very pleasant breakfast.

After breakfast, Ou Zheqin took the initiative to wash the dishes. After he had packed everything in the kitchen, he came out and found that Chi Qian was not in the living room. He checked the time, and it was almost time to go to work, so he went to Go back to your room and change your clothes.

When she came out again, she saw Chi Qian also changing clothes and sitting on the sofa, and when she saw him, sparkling stars appeared in her eyes.

"How about it, isn't your brother handsome?" Ou Zheqin teased with a smile.

Chi Qian rolled her eyes, "Handsome, you are the most handsome!"

Only then did Ou Zheqin realize that Chi Qian was wearing out clothes, and frowned, "You want to go out?"

Chi Qian nodded, "Well, please take me to You'an Courtyard."

Ou Zheqin frowned, where is that?
"In order not to let those people find out that I am abnormal, I have to avoid places where they would go. Those pregnant women will not go to orphanages, ahaha!" Chi Qian smiled triumphantly after finishing speaking, "You send me Go, I can't drive!"

Ou Zheqin nodded, bent down and hugged Chi Qian.Chi Qian closed the door like yesterday, pressed the elevator, and was hugged obediently by him.

To be honest, Chi Qian kind of fell in love with Ou Zheqin's arms.

The two of them didn't communicate any more during the journey. It wasn't until Chi Qian arrived at the destination and got out of the car that Ou Zheqin said to her, "Wait for me to pick you up, don't run around."

(End of this chapter)

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