The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 730 Chi Qian: Her Forbearance 1

Chapter 730 Chi Qian: Her Forbearance 1
The days are still passing day by day, and in the blink of an eye, half a month has passed since Chi Qian's foot was injured, summer is coming to an end, and autumn has entered again.

Autumn in S City is much later than other places, and the weather is still hot.

In the past half month, even though Chiqian tried her best to cover up her injury, because of Hengyuan's sudden high-level meeting, all her concealment was in vain.

When Chi Yuan watched his sister limping into the meeting room, his first reaction was what that bastard Na Mingli did to her again, but seeing Chi Qian's pretty good spirit, he He didn't ask her too much.

Because whether a person's life is good or not depends entirely on her mental state, and Chi Yuan knows Chi Qian, if it was because of Na Mingli that she was limping like this, Na Mingli would have fallen out a long time ago God.

And as Hengyuan's boss, Chi Qian's brother, and Na Mingli's opponent, he must have gotten the news a long time ago, and he would never be in such a state.

And after Chi Qian finished the meeting, before Chi Yuan had time to push away the high-level people surrounding him, he ran away without a trace, and asked Leng Yun to tell him what happened, which made him smile bitterly.

Chi Qian said, live your life well, I can't die with your old sister.

Knowing what she said at the time, Ou Zheqin twitched the corners of his mouth helplessly, and said coldly, if something happens to you with me, your brother will definitely tear me apart, and you will be assigned to deal with it Namingli is even more ruthless.

Chi Qian just smiled, but didn't speak.

Will Ou Zheqin let something happen to her?

The answer is definitely no!
The two of them "lived together" for so long, she could tell that Ou Zheqin cared about her, and he would definitely do everything perfectly if he could keep her from doing it.

And in order not to embarrass Chi Qian when washing clothes, he bought her a new washing machine in the bathroom of her room.

Look, how much you love her?
Ou Zheqin gave without thinking of anything in return, and Chi Qian took advantage of it with peace of mind.

In the eyes of outsiders, the two are definitely in love with each other.

But the real situation is really not like that.

The so-called cohabitation of two people is nothing more than sleeping on the same bed, helping each other solve the paper tiger of insomnia, Chi Qian is in charge of breakfast and dinner, and Ou Zheqin is in charge of driving Chi Qian to and from get off work.

As for other things, although Ou Zheqin endured and endured every morning, he really didn't do anything out of the ordinary without nodding his head and disagreeing with Chi Qian.

He really did what Chi Qian said, respecting her, and Ou Zheqin would not force her as long as she said no to it.

The only intimate thing the two of them did was that Ou Zheqin would sometimes kiss Chi Qian on the cheek when he was happy, and sometimes when Chi Qian was excited, he would directly throw himself into Ou Zheqin's arms.

This is the most intimate thing.

So when Xue Zhiyan and the others knew that the relationship between these two people was as pure as paper, but they were extremely evil, when they got together and just got along with each other like a guest, they were really shocked.

Even He Senxu, who had been here a few times during this period, thought that Ou Zheqin had taken Chi Qian down, so when he learned the truth from Ou Zheqin, he looked at Ou Zheqin like a monster.

No wonder Chi Qian just got into Ou Zheqin's car today and heard Ou Zheqin's sighing voice.

"What's wrong with you?" Chi Qian pulled on her seat belt and looked at Ou Zheqin with a puzzled expression.

"A Sen invites you to eat Japanese food tonight, and they will scold him again!" Ou Zheqin said helplessly, looking at Chi Qian affectionately.

"Let's talk about it, just eat enough!" Chi Qian chuckled, "Where should I eat?"

Ou Zheqin rolled his eyes, "Food!"

"Don't eat if you have the ability!" Chi Qian pouted, and poked Ou Zheqin's arm, "Drive! If they dare to reprimand you, I'll eat more to avenge you!"

Ou Zheqin smiled wryly twice, and started the car obediently.

He always knew that Chi Qian was a smart person, so he naturally knew that Chi Qian was avoiding what he had mentioned before.

But don't mention it if you don't mention it, everything will be fine, the way the two of them get along is very good now, as long as there is no trouble, Ou Zheqin is absolutely sure that one day, Chi Qian will be his wife Ou Zheqin .

The car arrived at the destination very quickly, Chi Qian pushed the door open, her feet were still walking with some difficulty, Ou Zheqin wanted to hug her, but she directly refused.

Ou Zheqin held her arm and scolded her as he walked, "I said I'll hold you, go in early and rest early, what are you doing to yourself like this?"

Chi Qian pursed her lips, "Aren't you afraid that your bad friends will say you are a wife slave?"

"You are not my wife, are you afraid they will say it?"

"Didn't you say that you want me to be Mrs. Ou's? I have to do some research in advance, right? The inspection is the inspection, so you can't lose face every time, right?" Chi Qian smiled.

As Ou Zheqin knew, Chi Qian was a smart woman, and she would always inadvertently save his face and not let them suffer from their friends.

Hearing Chi Qian's words, Ou Zheqin felt that he had something to do, so he stopped talking and quietly supported her as she walked slowly.

"Besides, I've had this leg for more than half a month. I can't just let you hug it as soon as I go out, can I?" Chi Qian brushed back her loose hair, and glanced at Ou Zheqin who was carefully supporting her, " Activities are also good for recovery!"

Ou Zheqin's mouth twitched, "Don't recover by then, you're serious again!"

Chi Qian glared at him, reached out and pinched his arm, "Bah, bah, you crow's mouth!"

Ou Zheqin gave her a doting look, followed by a few pee pee pee, and supported her to continue walking towards the box.

"Yo! Little cripple! Didn't we, Young Master Ou, hold her today?" He Senxu would tease them about Ou Zheqin carrying her around when he saw them.

Seeing Ou Zheqin helping Chi Qian in, the other friends smiled in unison, and looked at Ou Zheqin and Chi Qian ambiguously.

Chi Qian raised her chin, followed Ou Zheqin's hand and sat on the tatami mat, sitting cross-legged in a cowhide manner, not afraid of crushing her injured foot, "Yo! Young Master He! After drinking so many desserts, I can still get out of bed." What you said smells like vinegar!"

Ou Zheqin let out a muffled laugh, sat next to Chi Qian, reached out and stroked her long hair, and poured her a cup of tea, "Drink tea."

He Senxu curled his lips resentfully, "You are eloquent."

"Thank you for the compliment!" Chi Qian just took a sip of tea, and replied with a faint smile.

Ou Zheqin couldn't bear it any longer, he just laughed out loud, "A Sen, don't argue with her, you can't speak up to her!"

He Senxu glared at Ou Zheqin, "You're not used to it!"

"It's up to you? Order quickly!" Chi Qian was very familiar with friends like Ou Zheqin, so naturally she wasn't so awkward, picked up the menu and threw it to He Senxu. "I've been hungry all day and I've been waiting for your meal!"

Ou Zheqin glanced at He Senxu, and several other friends who came with him, "Is everyone here, let's hurry up and order!"

(End of this chapter)

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