He is delusional

Chapter 205 He Said I Love You

Chapter 205 He Said I Love You

Today is Thursday, most of the students have classes, and there are few tourists. Although Kite can move freely, she has always been within Yuchi's line of sight.

Walking to the end of Yulan Avenue, Yuan also pointed to the public restroom, Yuchi nodded: "Li Xue will accompany you."

Kite also shrugged, casually.

Li Xue sent her to her door, Yuan also took a step, stopped again, turned around and said with a half-smile: "Secretary Li, do you want to check if there is a back door?"

She said this on purpose, with a bit of sarcasm, but this is also Li Xue's responsibility. She went in and took a look, and made sure that this is an ordinary toilet structure. The size of more than ten square meters is divided into individual rooms, and there is no back door. .

She retreated to the door with a respectful tone: "Young Madam, slip carefully."

Yuan also sneered, walked to the innermost single room, went in and closed the door.

The moment the door was locked, all expressions on her face restrained.

After standing still for three seconds, she turned and pushed away the "wall" behind her.

—Yes, this wall is a secret door.

Behind the door is the place where the cleaning lady puts the tools.

Outsiders would never have thought that there would be a door here, let alone Li Xue who came here for the first time.

She didn't expect that Yuchi would take the initiative to mention Qingcheng University and take her to see Magnolia. There was no better opportunity than this, so she made up her mind in the hospital that she would run from here.

Yuan also entered the cleaning room, bypassing mops, plastic buckets and other sundries, and walked to another door. As soon as she opened it, the sky light came in with a stench, and she covered her mouth and nose—this is Qingcheng University's centralized garbage disposal field.

Without the slightest hesitation, she ran immediately.

She has been here many times since she was a child, and she knows the terrain better than the students. She walked around and arrived at the student activity area. She did not borrow the mobile phone or ask for help from the students, because now she can leave Qingcheng University directly and go to The Chen family is looking for her big cousin!
Her heart was beating so fast that it was uncomfortably fast, and she had to stop running, her fingers clenched tightly.

How could she stay by Yuchi's side?

She said she would leave, and she will definitely leave!
Yuan couldn't hold back the corner of her mouth and said, as long as she gets to the big cousin, the big cousin will definitely protect her, Mrs. Landau, right?She can't avenge this revenge now, maybe she won't be able to avenge it in the future, she has plenty of time, and Yuchi... Yuchi, even if she is a "dead person" now, she must break with him completely, and she will never have anything to do with him again!
She thought about many things and didn't stop for a moment, but when she turned a corner and looked up, she saw Yuchi standing three meters away.

His eyes were dark and deep, as if he had pretended to be chaos and engulfed a glacier, he looked at her calmly and straightly.

The heart stopped for a moment, Yuan also froze, staring at each other for three seconds, no time to think about how he knew she would run, took two steps back, turned her head and ran wildly.

She didn't dare to turn her head, wondering if he had caught up, and tried her best to move forward, as if something deadly was chasing her behind, and she didn't dare to stop a step.

Shuttle between the well-proportioned buildings, passing many students, she had no time to stop.

Yuan also used the fastest speed in her life, the school gate was right in front of her, just a short distance away.

She gritted her teeth and accelerated to run forward.


She saw Chen Jingxian!
He is shaking hands with the principal of Qingcheng University!

A thrilling hope erupted in Yuanye's eyes, and she yelled: "Big cousin!"

There were too many people at the school gate, and the distance was still too far. He didn't hear it, and Yuan also yelled again: "Big cousin——"

"Big - ugh!"

Before he finished speaking this time, someone covered his mouth from behind!

The man forcibly dragged her behind a tree, and Yuan also watched Chen Jingxian bend over to get into the car, and the driver closed the door. Tears burst out of her eyes, and she tried desperately to get out.

She is here!
Yuchi's arms around her waist were very strong, standing still like a loose did not give her the slightest possibility of breaking free.

Yuan also struggled "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" and desperately stretched out her hand in the direction of Chen Jinglian, but it was useless, he didn't see her.

The car still drove away, leaving under Kiteya's eyelids, her eyes were wide open, tears were pouring down, her hand was still in the air, grabbing a section of nothingness.

Yuchi lowered his eyes and asked slowly: "Didn't you promise to stay by my side?"

After Chen Jingxian left, he let go of the shackles, Yuan also broke away from him, and beat him in a broken way: "You did it on purpose! You did it on purpose! You let me get the phone on purpose! You brought me to Qingcheng University on purpose! You already knew that My eldest cousin is here, take me to see and let me know that no one can save me even if I'm close at hand, I can't escape you!"

Yuchi grabbed her hand and pulled it hard, she fell into his arms.

"So don't think about it any more. If you want to come to Qingcheng, I will bring you to Qingcheng. If you want a mobile phone, I will give you a mobile phone. If you want to see Chen Jingxian, I will let you meet. I will satisfy you. Can you go back to Jincheng with me now?"

Satisfy her?Satisfy her or crush her hopes?Whatever hope she was harboring, he told her directly with reality that it was impossible to stop thinking about it. He didn't even give her the possibility of dreaming. He wanted her to know from body to heart that she couldn't escape!
Yuan also gnashed her teeth: "Yuchi, you bastard! You are a bastard!"

He wiped away her tears: "I love you."

She had longed to hear this sentence from him.

Now that she really heard it, she only felt chills all over her body.


Chen Jingxian was sitting in the back seat of the car. Today he came to present some manuscripts of Chen Moqian to Qingcheng University.

He rubbed his eyebrows, and asked suddenly: "How about the matter I asked you to investigate?"

Qi Gao said while driving: "I've confirmed it. There are two women and one man who rented the car. They both came from Rongcheng, and have nothing to do with Ms. Yuanye."

Chen Jinglian closed his eyes: "Really."

He was still holding the coin in his hand, his mind was deep and he didn't know what he was thinking?

Yuan also was taken on the plane back to Jincheng by Yuchi in a daze.

From putting down coins to pretending to be dizzy and hospitalized.

From getting the phone to taking the opportunity to escape.

She even took advantage of the child she didn't want to let him know. She undressed in front of him, used sex as bait, and did everything she could, but it still fell short.

Is she really unable to escape?
Yuan also looked at the vast expanse of white clouds outside the plane window, as if she was tied up in a glass box ten years ago, with the same despair and suffocation.

Will there be a "star" to save her this time?

Two hours later, the plane landed, and the Wei Mansion had already sent a car to pick it up.

The housekeeper got the notice and waited at the door. When he saw them get off the car, he immediately stepped forward to greet them with a smile: "Young Master, Young Madam, it's been a hard journey."

"Ma Ma!" Ating rushed out and hugged Yuan Ye's calf.

Yuan didn't even look at him, and went straight into the mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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