He is delusional

Chapter 206 What Did He Come For?

Chapter 206 What Did He Come For?
Yuan also went up to the second floor to enter the guest bedroom, and with a glance, her computer, IPAD and other things that could communicate with the outside world were gone.

She was not surprised, and she knew very well that from now on, she was really under house arrest.

"Ma Ma." Ating followed and tugged on her pants.

Yuan didn't pay attention to it either, and Ating called out again: "Ma Ma."

She just lowered her eyes and looked at him expressionlessly. A Ting was holding a colorful rope in her little hands, and said in a childish voice, "Ma Ma will play with A Ting."

If she still has the mood to play with him now, her heart will be really big.

Yuan also wanted to go back to bed and lie down, and pushed his hand away, but because she couldn't control her strength, Ating was pushed staggered by her, and fell to the ground.

A Ting didn't know if it was the pain from the fall, or because he didn't expect Yuan to push him too, so he raised his head stupidly and blinked at her.

Yuan also felt palpitated when he saw her, her lips moved, and before she could say anything, Yuchi walked in, picked him up, and said softly: "Mom is tired, I'll play with A Ting some other day, and Dad will buy you some I got a gift, go see if you like it."

A child is a child. Hearing that there was a gift, he forgot the grievance of being pushed down by his mother, and was happily taken downstairs by the nanny.

Yuchi stood up, looked at Yuan Ye with gentle eyes: "He just hasn't seen you for too long and misses you, why are you venting your anger on a child?"

"So you'd better not let him approach me, lest I be locked up by you and threaten you that day. If you catch him and threaten you, then you won't be able to hurt him seriously. How much should you feel sorry for him?"

It's fine if he doesn't say it, but when he says it, Yuan can't understand it.

He loves his and Bai Qingqing's son so much, but what about their child?

He wouldn't even lie to her and say "I'll stop".

Oh, don't ask, asking means "love you".

Yuan also twitched the corner of her mouth mockingly, and continued with what she hadn't done just now—going to bed.

Because of her words, Yuchi's eyebrows darkened: "I advise you to keep your body and mind in order. You can't escape in Qingcheng, let alone in Jincheng. Don't do useless work and increase the risk of exposing yourself."

Kite also covered herself with the quilt, lay down, and closed her eyes.

"I've already said that I won't hide you for the rest of my life. I'll restore your identity after a while. Now you can stay in the mansion for confinement."

Yuan didn't reply him a word, Yuchi looked at the little half of her face exposed outside the quilt for a while, then pursed the corner of her mouth, turned and went downstairs.

When walking to the door, the woman who was stuffed under the quilt suddenly said, "Give me a deadline."

Yuchi paused.

"One month, is it okay?" Yuan also gave in, as long as he releases her after one month, she can stay in Wei's mansion honestly.

But Yuchi replied: "Not sure."

"What do you mean by uncertainty?" Yuan also sat up, and said tightly, "It means, you don't know how long you will be under house arrest? Half a year? One year? Three years is possible?"

"As soon as possible."

The ambiguous reply confirmed Tobiya's conjecture that it might indeed take so long.

Yuan also felt like a stick in her throat: "Yuchi, you..."

For a while, she couldn't think of what to say to him.

Forget it, talking in vain, Yuan also fell back on the bed, and then there was the sound of the door closing, and Yuchi went out.

Yuan also stared at the ceiling in a daze, not moving for a long time.

The next morning, Yuan also went downstairs, and she looked around, only to find that all the servants in the mansion had been changed, except for the housekeeper, they were all new faces.

She was startled for a moment, but soon realized that Yuchi was afraid that those servants who had been with her for a long time had feelings for her, and would be used by her to do something, right?

It's really watertight.

She was already able to have no emotional ups and downs about these things Yuchi did, and sat down at the dining table calmly.

A Ting clumsily picked up a steamed bun with chopsticks and handed it to her: "Ma Ma, eat."

Yuan also only focused on her bowl of porridge.

A Ting couldn't hold it steady, and the steamed bun fell out of the chopsticks, and was caught by Yuchi's bowl. He patted the little guy on the head: "Eat it by yourself."

A Ting bit his chopsticks, tilted his head to look at Yuan Ye, always felt that Ma Ma was not the same as before?
After breakfast, Yuchi got up, and the housekeeper brought a suit jacket to help him put on, and he said, "Dad has gone to the company, and he will come back to eat with you at noon."

"Okay!" Ah Ting responded.

Yuchi smiled slightly, glanced at Yuanye again, turned and went out.

At the entrance, I met A Ting's early education teacher, and she greeted politely: "Mr. Wei, good morning."

Yuchi knew that he and Yuan were not at home during this time, thanks to this early education teacher, Ating was not so noisy, he was gentle with others, and because of this internal reason, he deliberately stopped and said a few more words to her : "Teacher Zhuang is here so early?"

Teacher Zhuang smiled: "Yesterday I promised Ah Ting to play with him on the rope for a while. In order not to take up class time, I came here one hour earlier."

Yuchi nodded: "Ah Ting is self-willed, and Mr. Zhuang worked hard to teach him."

A Ting heard them talking, and shouted at the door: "A Ting, be good."

Teacher Zhuang smiled and said, "Yes, Ting is very good."

Yuan was also full, took out a tissue to wipe her mouth, got up and went upstairs.

Yuchi's gaze followed her back until she entered the study.

Mr. Zhuang was also looking at the upstairs, and looked away first, and said softly: "Mr. Wei, don't worry, the housekeeper told me not to do those things, not to say those things, I will not cause you any trouble."

Naturally, it refers to the fact that Tobi is not dead.

Yuchi just said: "Thank you."


Qingcheng, Erdong Group.

Qi Gao received the news, knocked on the door and entered the president's office, and said to the man behind the desk: "President Wei showed up today."

Chen Jing paused with the pen, and deep marks smudged on the paper. He raised his head and asked, "How is it?"

"It's business as usual."

usual.Chen Jingxian raised one hand, put it under his lips, and announced to the outside world that "because of the sudden death of his wife, he was too sad to stay behind closed doors", Yuchi showed up, and everything was as usual.

Seeing his suspicious expression, Qi Gao couldn't help asking: "Young master, do you think something is wrong?"

Right, it's still too early to say, Chen Jingxian glanced at his watch, at ten o'clock in the morning, he made a decision: "Go to Jincheng."

Qingcheng and Jincheng are just over two hours away by plane, so we can meet Yuchi for afternoon tea.

He came without warning, Yuchi's eyes flashed, he booked a box at the most famous restaurant in Jincheng, and sent Li Yi to pick them up at the airport, and after calculating that the time was about the same, he went to the appointment alone.

Coincidentally, their cars stopped at the entrance of the restaurant at the same time, and Yuchi spoke first: "Cousin."


The two men shook hands, both smiling.

Although they are relatives and they are all in the same shopping mall, but because the Chen family's main business is at sea, they don't have much communication, so they haven't seen each other much.

Yuchi looked gently at this big cousin whom Yuanye placed all her hopes in. He was in his thirties, but he took part in family feuds at the age of 15 and bit off a piece from his wolf-like uncle. Judging from the glorious deeds of using this piece of meat to continuously expand his own power, and finally ascending to the throne of the Patriarch of the Chen family in one fell swoop, it can be said that it is not insignificant.

Now he has come to Jincheng, what is his intention?

(End of this chapter)

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