He is delusional

Chapter 207 Can't pick out the loopholes

Chapter 207

Chen Jingxian smiled slightly, and explained the reason for his sudden arrival in Jincheng in a natural way: "Recently, I was discussing a cooperation with HD, and Chairman Cheng made an appointment to meet in the evening. I think there is still time, so I just want to have dinner with you Fan, it shouldn't delay your work, right?"

Yuchi Wensheng: "Of course not. My cousin came to express his condolences a few days ago. I was seriously injured and was bedridden. I couldn't return the gift in person. I should have apologized to my cousin in person long ago."

"Although Yuan is gone, we are still a family. It's a small matter, it doesn't matter."

They are all well-rounded people, even if they have met only a handful of times in the past two years as relatives, they still look familiar.

The manager personally led the way, and two handsome men in suits and leather collars walked towards the box side by side.

This restaurant is quite stylish, with soft and bright lights covering the corridors, and oil paintings hanging on the left and right sides, most of which are works of contemporary artists. Chen Jingxian glanced at a few of them, then turned his head to look at Yuchi's face, and said in a concerned tone: "It hurts better." Yet?"

Yuchi said: "No serious problem."

"That's good."

They wanted to talk, and after ordering, they asked the waiter to leave. Yuchi picked up the decanter bottle and poured two glasses of wine himself: "How long will my cousin stay in Jincheng?"

"In three or five days, I will visit HD's factory." After Chen Jinglian finished his answer, he brought the topic back, "Mercenaries are only loyal to money, and in terms of safety, they are not as good as our own. Next time, we should be more careful."

"Indeed, if it wasn't too late to transfer my own people, I wouldn't use mercenaries either." Yuchi nodded.

Chen Jingxian frowned slightly: "What was the situation at that time? Mo Qian didn't tell me too much in detail, he only said that Yuan was also kidnapped. How could the two of them be together the next day..."

"It's a few wanted criminals." Yuchi explained, "They originally wanted to escape from Paris to Basel by train, but they met Toya on the way, maybe because they saw that Toto was well-dressed, they had an evil idea and kidnapped her to ask for The ransom, and later the little cousin found them, and the two sides clashed, and a wooden warehouse battle broke out in the mountains."

Chen Jingxian heard about these remarks from the Basel police—the wanted criminal kidnapped a rich man with the intention of extorting ransom and flew away. He was accidentally discovered and died. Can not pick out the cause of the loophole through the result.

He believed it at first, but when he talked to the gentleman in Zurich that day, there was obviously something more in the other party's words, as if implying that this was not a simple kidnapping, and he mentioned Yuchi inexplicably, but he checked and checked, and couldn't find out why. , decided to come to Jincheng in person to test his details.

But what Yuchi is repeating now is still the same set of official rhetoric.

Chen Jingxian narrowed his eyes: "No one alive?"

Yuchi said, "There are two, but the forest caught fire, they were trapped for a long time, and they inhaled excessive harmful gas, and they all became vegetative."

That is no different from death.

Chen Jinglian pursed his lips: "When Mo Qian was studying abroad, he was often invited by the local police to communicate with criminals. He is very good at dealing with such people. How could it be reduced to the point where the two sides fought in a wooden warehouse?"

"If you care about it, you will be in chaos. It was Tobi who was kidnapped. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to calm down."

Yuchi answered every question without revealing anything, even if Chen Jingxian had a faint feeling that something was wrong, he couldn't keep asking.

He shook his glass, his eyes reflected in the glass, and after a moment of silence, he returned to remembering the old man: "The torch burned Mo Qian beyond recognition. If it weren't for the DNA test certificate issued by the police, I wouldn't dare Recognize him, so does Yuan, that girl has loved beauty since she was a child, but she didn't expect it to be like this in the end."

Yuchi lowered his eyes.

The meal ended amid mutual exclamations, Yuchi and Chen Jingxian walked out of the restaurant together, and while waiting for the bus, the latter took out a coin from his pocket.

Something flashed across Yuchi's eyes, and a puzzled look appeared on his face, Chen Jingxian said: "You put it in front of Yuanye for me, this is our game, she has heard it and still remembers it."

Yuchi took it with one hand, the cold touch was no different from the two coins picked up by Li Xue. It was because of this secret signal that only the Chen family could understand to arouse Chen Jinglian's idea.

If Li Xue hadn't taken two of them, the news that she was still alive would have leaked out.

Slowly tightening his palms, Yuchi asked peacefully: "Have you arranged your cousin's place?"

Chen Jingxian nodded: "The hotel has been booked."

That being the case, Yuchi didn't say any more, and ordered Li Yi to send him away, while he returned to Wei's alone.

Li Yi sent Chen Jingxian to the hotel where they were staying before leaving. Chen Jingxian walked up the steps and ordered lightly: "Find a way to install someone in Wei's mansion. If you really can't, just watch carefully."


The door of the hotel is revolving, Chen Jingxian waited for a while, the door turned around before walking in: "I always feel that there are other reasons for the few days when he disappeared when he declared that he was 'intertwined with pain and unable to get up from bed'."

No matter what the internal cause of this incident was, he had to investigate clearly, it was impossible for his Chen family to lose two lives in vain.


Yuan also took a book from the study and was about to go back to the room to read it. When passing by the baby's room, she accidentally saw Teacher Zhuang teaching A Ting the formula of multiplication.

"How much is Sanqi?" As expected of the person she selected after many screenings, Teacher Zhuang is indeed very gentle and amiable.

Ating said sharply: "21!"

"How much is four or six?"


Teacher Zhuang smiled and handed him a candy, it was the kind of laser packaged, twinkling little candy, and A Ting was very happy to hold it in his hand.

Teacher Zhuang asked again: "How much is Qi San?"

Atingka took the initiative, opened his eyes and flickered, and scratched his head: "I don't know."

Teacher Zhuang smiled: "Qisan and Sanqi are the same."

A Ting responded immediately: "21!"

Teacher Zhuang rubbed his hair: "A Ting is so smart, here, I'll give you a candy."

Yuan just stood there for a short while, and Ah Ting got two candies. Looking again, there were already four or five candies on the table. She frowned, and said without much thought: "Children can't eat that Polysaccharides."

As soon as she made a sound, the two people in the room found her, and Ah Ting immediately got up from the ground, rushed over and hugged Yuanye's thigh: "Mama!"

Teacher Zhuang also came out, pinned her sideburns behind her ears, and explained softly: "Don't worry, Mrs. Wei, this kind of candy is specially made for children. The proportions are well prepared and it is harmless to the body. And Ah Ting didn't eat all of it."

"A Ting, take out your 'piggy bank' and show it to mom."

Ating listened to her very much, immediately let go of Yuan Ye, ran back to the room, picked up the glass bottle on the bedside table, and presented it to Yuan Ye as if offering a treasure.

Teacher Zhuang whispered: "He will save these candies, and when he saves a certain amount, he can exchange them with me for something."

Playing with teaching is indeed a good way to stimulate children's learning, and Yuan Ye is still polite to outsiders: "It's hard to think of Teacher Zhuang."

Teacher Zhuang smiled, Yuan didn't bother them, and was about to go back to her room to read, but A Ting pulled her by the hem of her clothes, reluctantly: "Ma Ma..."

(End of this chapter)

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