He is delusional

Chapter 208 As if in the previous life

Chapter 208 As if in the previous life

Tobi also clenched the book in her hand.

She knew that she couldn't take it out on a child even if she was angry, but now she was really not in the mood to play with a child, being so clingy to him, she didn't know how to respond, so she simply remained motionless.

Mr. Zhuang was considerate: "I'm about to teach Ating how to write. How about Mrs. Wei? With you here, Ating should learn faster."

"No." Yuan also avoided eyes, bypassed Ating, and left.

Ating's mouth flattened: "Ma Ma..."

Teacher Zhuang was also looking at Yuan Ye's back, stayed for a short two seconds, and squatted down: "Mom is in a bad mood, it's okay, teacher will accompany you."

But now he just wants to play with Ma Ma, A Ting took out a small colored rope from his pocket, Ma Ma hasn't played with him for a long time.

Mr. Zhuang looked at: "Want to play with the rope? Well, but only for 5 minutes."

A Ting pulls out the first trick Yuan Ye taught him, a star, and holds it high: "Twinkle, twinkle, sparkle."

But the next moment she was ripped off by Teacher Zhuang, A Ting blinked, and she said with a smile: "Didn't the teacher teach you how to pull out a turtle? Do you remember?"

A Ting's little nose wrinkled, he didn't want the little turtle: "Mama taught me." He wanted the little star.

Teacher Zhuang still had a smile on his face, and put the colored rope back into his pocket: "Okay, A Ting, stop playing, let's continue the class, don't you want to save enough candies to exchange something with the teacher? It's almost finished. .”

When this matter was mentioned, Ating regained his composure and nodded heavily: "En!"


Tonight, Yuchi had dinner and didn't come back for dinner, Yuan also thought that if she went downstairs, she would have to face Ating, so she simply asked the servant to bring her share to the room.

After dinner, Yuan also turned on the TV to watch the eight o'clock file, then picked up the book, and used it for two purposes. After reading it after ten o'clock, she took it back to the study.

Unfortunately, Yuchi just came back.

He loosened his bow tie as he went upstairs, and unexpectedly passed through the steps and bright lights, and met Tobiya's eyes in the corridor.

Yuan also felt that his gaze seemed to be tainted with the coolness of the rainy night in late spring, extremely cold.

Mr. Wei is always approachable inside and out, rarely has such a steep side, what is it that makes him unhappy?

The coldness was only fleeting, and soon he showed gentleness again: "Haven't you slept yet?"

Yuan also looked away, without answering, walked into the study, put the book back to its original place, and picked out a book to read tomorrow by the way.

Now she can only rely on this method to pass the time, otherwise she will be stupid sooner or later if she sits blankly all day.

Before he could turn around, a chest that smelled of alcohol was pressed against his back, and Yuchi put his hands on the bookcase, huddled around her, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Does your stomach still hurt?"

Yuan also wanted to go from the other side, but he raised his other hand, blocking her another way.

She said calmly, "Please get out of the way."

He lowered his head, looking down from a high place to a submissive and concessional gaze. The indifference he saw when he met upstairs and downstairs just now seemed to be just an illusion of Tobi.

Yuchi was a little drunk, a few pieces scattered in front of his eyes, vaguely covering his faint eyes: "Does it still hurt?"

"..." Yuan also decided not to compete with the drunk, "It doesn't hurt. Can I get out of the way?"

Yuchi's brows loosened, and his voice lowered: "I asked Li Xue to find a confinement wife, and she will come over tomorrow. You can see if you like it."

He remembered the few days when she was trapped on the mountain, the rain in Basel was endless, she just had a miscarriage, wondering if she would catch cold?After thinking about it, I made an arrangement: "After confinement, I will go to the hospital for a detailed physical examination."

Yuan also raised her eyebrows: "Are you discussing with me, or are you giving me orders?"

Yuchi frowned: "Are you going to argue with me because of your health?"

I'm really sorry, it's her fault that my temper is getting worse every day after being restricted for ten days.

Yuan also looked at him indifferently for a while, and repeated: "Get out of the way."

Yuchi suddenly put his head on her shoulder, took a breath of her scent, and before Yuan could get angry, he retracted his hands together, and walked out of the study first.

There were no windows in the study room, and the air was not circulating. Long after he left, the faint smell of alcohol was still in the air.

Yuan also went back to the guest room expressionlessly, put the book on the cabinet, and went to bed.

I don't know if she was affected by the smell of alcohol, but she slept very deeply that night.

When she was woken up by the biological clock the next morning, her whole head was in a state of confusion, she forgot what she was doing, she mechanically got out of bed to wash, and then arranged the things to do today while putting on makeup, first went to the company to check in, and then took the little girl The secretary went to the factory to look at the tile samples. After watching it, it should be noon, and I can invite a client to eat...

With a pause for eyebrow pencil, Yuanye's eyes regained clarity, and she fixedly looked at herself in the mirror.

After a while, he laughed at himself.

What class do you have?She is now "dead".

Holding her breath in her heart, Yuan also dropped the eyebrow pencil.

After working hard for a year, I finally got the position of minister. I only sat for a few days, and if I say no, it will be gone.

And her little secretary, her office, gone.

Those days of wearing suits and walking high-spirited in high-rise buildings seem to be a thing of the previous life.

After sitting motionless for a while, Tobi still picked up the eyebrow pencil, finished the makeup, changed into another skirt, and went downstairs to eat.

Yuchi raised his head inadvertently, saw her attire, and paused slightly.

Kite also turned a blind eye, ate breakfast, and then went to the back garden with a book.

"Master." The butler called softly.

Just then Yuchi withdrew his gaze from Yuan Ye, and said calmly: "Chen Jingxian is in Jincheng, pay more attention recently."

The butler said, "Understood."

Yuchi continued to eat, seeming to have nothing else to do, only he knew that Yuanye's attire was still in his mind, and he couldn't let it go.

After breakfast, Yuchi was going to the company, met Mr. Zhuang at the door, nodded his head, got in the car and left.

The butler smiled: "The young master is still awake."

Teacher Zhuang smiled and said, "I know, I just got up early today, and I have nothing to do at home, so I just came here."

The butler invited her to sit in the living room, thinking that it doesn't have to be earlier every day, right?
There is a swing sofa in the back garden, and Yuan is also lying on it to read a book. After a while, the housekeeper brought a confinement wife to see her. She just asked her name, Aunt Ping, and ignored it.

In fact, the servants in Wei's mansion are very careful, knowing that after she has a miscarriage, she has scruples about eating and drinking. In fact, there is no need to find a confinement wife at all. She is too lazy to discuss such things with Yuchi, so he can do whatever he wants.

Although Yuan also had a cold attitude, the concubine was still dedicated, and soon cooked a bowl of red dates and lotus seeds soup for her.

Yuan also took a sip, and the taste was not bad. She has always disliked things that are too sweet. She should have known her preferences and considered the dosage.

With this bowl of soup, Yuesao asked her some physical questions.In the end it was for her own health, Yuan also answered in cooperation, and Yuesao nodded to show that she understood, and would not disturb her reading anymore.

Near noon, there were footsteps in the garden, and someone approached her: "Yuan."

Yuan was also taken aback, put down the book and looked, it turned out to be Wei Mu.

(End of this chapter)

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