He is delusional

Chapter 221 The original question was her

Chapter 221 The original question was her

The confinement wife wanted to talk to her, she glanced at the TV, and it was broadcasting entertainment news, saying that the banquet hosted by the HD Group tonight invited celebrities to walk the red carpet, and the scene was full of beauty and splendor.

She said: "Oh, it's great to be a celebrity, wearing beautiful clothes and walking on the red carpet every day..."

In the middle of the story, she almost bit her own tongue. My wife can't even get out now. Isn't it heartbreaking to compare with the stars flying around?
She quickly changed her tone: "HD is a big company, right? It seems to have hired a lot of bosses, why don't you pat them?"

Just saying that, a man appeared in the corner of the camera.

He didn't deliberately walk the red carpet to be photographed by various media like a star, but just passed by, and the camera just swept it away, but this man was too familiar to them, even if it was only for a second or two, they would not I recognized who it was.

At the same time, he recognized the woman following him.

Yuesao opened her mouth, the banquet Mr. attended was HD Group's banquet...why did she bring Teacher Zhuang...

Although it's okay to bring a female companion to the banquet, why is it Mr. Zhuang?This woman has plans for her husband, could it be that he also...

She couldn't bear to look at Yuan Ye, she still maintained the posture just now, but then slowly lowered her head, a few strands of black hair scattered on her cheeks, making her face even paler.

The confinement wife felt that she must have been hurt again, grabbed the remote control to turn off the TV, and stammered, "Madam, it's getting late, I'll take you upstairs to rest."

Yuan is still so obedient, she does what others say, puts down her legs, and goes upstairs with the confinement wife.

The confinement lady thought in her heart, she was really afraid of something happening, she could see this kind of thing while watching TV, and Yuan was also looking at the steps under her feet, counting one, two, three...the fourth step, not too high Not too low, she stepped on the air and fell back weightlessly.

The confinement wife suddenly turned her head and exclaimed, "Ma'am!"

"Doctor! Call the family doctor!"


Li Xue hung up the phone and came to Yuchi's side again, with an eager look on her face, but Yuchi was still talking to Chairman Cheng at that moment, she couldn't get in the way for a moment, Teacher Zhuang glanced at her, and took two steps to get the tableware on the table. the red wine, but it also blocked Li Xue.

Yuchi Wensheng: "Doctor Chen is not here now, will Miss Cheng's treatment be delayed?"

Before Chairman Cheng could answer, a male voice interjected: "I know a psychiatrist. If Chairman Cheng needs it, I can introduce him."

Yuchi's eyes fell on that person, if he had seen the photo that Li Yi had given to Yuchi, he would recognize that the person in front of him was the person in the photo. (210 chapters)
A French man in his thirties.

Yuchi's face remained calm: "Who is this?"

Chairman Cheng introduced: "This is Mr. Siri, the president of French VM Champagne."

Yuchi raised Qingjun's long eyebrows: "VM Champagne, a brand under the Arno Group."

"Exactly." Mr. Xili stretched out his hand to Yuchi, "I have admired Mr. Lieutenant's name for a long time, and I have always wanted to chat with you. I hope I can have this opportunity tonight."

Yuchi glanced at that hand, but didn't shake it, and said calmly, "Wei's company is not involved in the wine business, so there should be nothing to talk to Mr. Siri about."

Xili was not embarrassed, and withdrew his hand: "But VM champagne needs to be sold to the world through the southern European market. I have talked with President Wei about this."

Southern European market.

Yuchi put down the goblet in his hand, his black eyes turned from light to dark as the night outside the banquet hall, and his tone remained steady: "I'm afraid it's not good for us to discuss business at Chairman Cheng's banquet."

Chairman Cheng didn't care: "It's nothing bad, everyone can do whatever they want tonight." Then he said to Siri, "Thank you for your kindness, but there is no need to introduce a doctor. With Dr. Qin here, I think the condition will be stable. Looking back, it's really good. If you need anything, talk to Mr. Seely."

Xili smiled and nodded: "Okay."

Chairman Cheng went to entertain other guests and gave them the place.

Without the presence of outsiders, and knowing each other well, Siri did not beat around the bush, and put on a sincere look: "Last time, my sister cooperated with Mr. Wei quickly, and I hope we still have this honor to be able to meet Mr. Wei again. Collaborate once."

Siri's sister is Mrs. Landau.

A light flashed in Yuchi's eyes: "Cooperation, is it your idea, or Mrs. Landau's idea?"

"Is there a difference?"

Yuchi's expression was indifferent, and it was difficult to see his emotions. In addition, the words he said were as cold as a cold-blooded animal who only knew how to write the word "interest": "Mrs. Is it?"

Mr. Wei, who puts interests first, really lives up to his reputation!

Siri laughed loudly: "It's what my sister meant! She had a great time working with you, so she asked me to come to you again. Don't worry, President Wei, the conditions this time will not be worse than last time!"

Yuchi slightly bent his mouth: "I'm afraid it's inconvenient to say this here."

Siri immediately said: "I've been in Jincheng recently, when President Wei is free, let's have a meal again."

"it is good."

After making a verbal agreement to meet, Siri nodded with a smile and turned to another place, drinking fine wine and chatting with others like an ordinary guest.

Yuchi stared at him, then turned and walked out.

Mr. Zhuang almost didn't keep up: "Mr. Wei, are you leaving?"

Yuchi walked to the door, turned his head, and said in his usual elegant and polite manner, "Mr. Zhuang has worked hard tonight, and Li Xue will take you home."

Teacher Zhuang was stunned for a moment, Li Yi had already driven the car to the door, Li Xue opened the back door, Yuchi bent down and sat in, the car drove away without even having time to say goodbye to her.

...Didn't you just leave in a hurry?He also chatted with Chairman Cheng about his daughter's body, so casually, why now...

Teacher Zhuang clenched the hem of the skirt, then slowly loosened it, and smiled back: "Secretary Lau Li will take me back."


The car drove towards Wei's mansion, and Yuchi asked in a deep voice, "How is it?"

Li Yi immediately reported the news he had just received: "The old godfather is awake."

The old godfather had a hard life. Not only was he rescued, but he was still awake now. Mrs. Landau and Mrs. Li Xi, who were about to move, had to go back to sleep again.

After all, even if the old godfather has reached the point where he needs to rely on ECMO to maintain his life, no one dares to treat him as a dead person. They can only choose to maintain the superficial peace at this moment, find powerful foreign aid, and increase their bargaining chips Do it again.

Yuchi frowned: "I'm asking Yuanye."

Li Yi was stunned for a moment before he realized: "...Young Madam, Dr. Situ went to see him, and he didn't sprain his ankle, it was just a little bruised."

Yuchi stopped talking, turned his head to look out the window, his eyes reflected the flickering street lamps, and the emotions contained in them were so thick that even clear water couldn't release them.

Li Yi was sweating in his heart, thinking that Mr. Wei was asking about the situation of Yuan's family, but it turned out... no.

When Yuchi got home, Yuan had already fallen asleep.

He sat down on the edge of the bed, only a small bedside lamp was turned on in the room, the halo shone on Yuan Ye's face, Yuchi looked at her for a while, then took her feet out from under the quilt.

There was a touch of bruise on the snow-white ankle, which was extremely glaring, and he rubbed it gently.

Yuan also frowned, being woken up by him, raised her eyelids in a daze, and saw him lower his head and kiss her bruise.

(End of this chapter)

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