He is delusional

Chapter 222 It's Difficult To Make Her Get Well

Chapter 222 It's Difficult To Make Her Get Well

Ibiza looked at him unblinkingly.

Yuchi's eyes followed her ankles to her face, meeting her foggy eyes.

Maybe it was because the lights were dim, he couldn't see the emotion in her eyes for a moment, and after a pause, he said, "It's the left foot again."

This is the fourth time, and this foot always hurts.

Yuan also didn't respond, and didn't even want to pull her foot back—this is obviously very wrong, since Basel, she has been extremely repulsed by him, even when she was touched by him when she was using color to seduce him in Qingcheng. At the first moment, there will be instinctive resistance, but this time there is no.

From waking up to now, just looking at him.

She was looking at him, but not at him, as if she was just looking straight at her, and he happened to be within her line of sight.

Yuchi pursed his lips, put her feet down, and reached out to her skirt: "Are there any other injuries on your body?"

He unbuttoned her two buttons, revealing her collarbone where the hickey marks were still intact, but she didn't even push his hand away, allowing him to move.

Yuchi's hand stopped, as if a string was stretched tight. After three to five seconds, he turned back and turned on the headlights. The dazzlingly bright light instantly filled the whole room, but she didn't even instinctively blink, just Like a puppet, it is completely insensitive to the stimulation of external objects.

But at this moment, Yuchi could see clearly that there was no luster in her eyes, they were pitch black, empty and lifeless.

——Sir, you are back, Madam, something is really wrong today! "

——She does what other people say, even when she eats. If no one teaches her how to go upstairs, she falls down the stairs!

Before entering the door, the two words confinement wife hurriedly said to him flashed through his mind, Yuchi frowned tightly, and called out her name: "Yuan Ye."

She is like stagnant water, without waves.

Yuchi said firmly: "Is this your new trick?"

definitely is.

She is Jiang Yuanye, rebellious like a steel bar, Jiang Yuanye who keeps breaking and breaking, no matter what he does, she will struggle to resist, Jiang Yuanye who is always unyielding, how could she be like this?How could it become like this overnight?
This is again what she pretended to escape.

"Yuya, don't make a fuss." He warned her to stop as soon as she was good.

And she just blinked her eyes, it was meaningless, her eyes were too dry after opening them for too long, it was just an instinctive movement.

Yuchi's breath disappeared, and he suddenly leaned over to kiss her lips.

With the intention of making her unable to pretend, he kissed very hard, tossing and turning on her lips, and looked at her closely with half-closed eyes.

She was in a completely relaxed posture, and her lips and teeth were closed. He didn't feel any resistance or rejection.

After a while, Yuchi finally stopped slowly, his face turned slightly pale.


The moonlight disappears, and the night is full of light.

Yuchi called Qin Zibai early in the morning to let him see Yuanye's situation, but he didn't watch and lit a cigarette in the corridor.

He never smoked at home, this is the first time.

Half an hour later, Qin Zibai came out of the room, and Yuchi turned his head: "How is she?" His voice was a little hoarse.

Qin Zibai affirmed: "It's depression. The degree of depression needs to be analyzed again. In addition to depression, she also has mental disorders in it."

"Mental disorder?"

"The simple explanation is that the brain function is disordered, leading to problems in cognition, emotion, behavior, will, and other things related to the spirit."

With every word Qin Zibai uttered, Yuchi's face darkened for a while, and he could no longer be summed up simply as "ugly".

But Qin Zibai is a doctor, and he is obliged to tell the family members the true situation of the patient, so he continued: "To put it simply, she is stupid."

Yuchi almost followed his words and said aggressively: "Impossible."

Dr. Qin has seen many family members who do not accept the results of symptoms, but he did not expect that Yuchi, who has always been known for his reason, would have such an evasive side.

He looked at him in amazement, and then said: "To this extent, it shouldn't be a day or two for her to appear abnormal. Didn't you notice it before?"

Yuchi paused every word: "She can't be stupid."

Is Jiang Yuan also stupid?
This is probably the most unreliable joke in the past ten years!

Yuchi refuses to admit it, but... Ever since he brought her back to Wei's mansion, she has gradually become dull, never talking to him or everyone; , to doing cross-stitch and writing... The expression on her face became less and less, and she even shed tears for no reason. The confinement wife reminded him that she had puerperal depression.

said it all.

"What did you do to her?" Qin Zibai asked, but Yuchi didn't answer, he touched his nose and said a little embarrassedly, "I heard from Yuesao that she had a miscarriage a month ago... I accidentally saw her just now There are some marks on her body, um, what did you do to her?"

Yuchi straightened the corners of his mouth, Qin Zibai sighed, "It's no wonder she's depressed."

How many women can stand it?What's more, after the miscarriage, under house arrest, and when his spirit was already in jeopardy, wouldn't it be the last straw that broke the camel's back if he treated her like that again?
Depression, mental disorder, these two professional terms circled in Yuchi's mind for a few times, and he asked coldly, "Is it cured well?"

Qin Zibai was in a dilemma: "Psychiatric treatment mainly depends on whether the patient cooperates. If a person rejects it from the bottom of his heart, no matter how powerful a psychiatrist is, it will be useless."

Yuchi looked into the room, and Yuan was also sitting on the bed with an indifferent expression.

He withdrew his gaze and said only one sentence: "Let her get better."

It's easier said than done, before it was Yuchi who refused to admit that he was a friend, but now Qin Zibai regretted getting to know Young Master Wei, and the difficulties posed to him escalated every time!
But judging by Yuchi's face, if he doesn't give a guarantee, he might not be able to leave this Wei's mansion today, so Qin Zibai could only say: "I will try my best."

In the room, Tobi, who vaguely heard their conversation, lay down slowly, and at a certain moment, a trace of something flashed through the eyes that made people feel worried even at a glance?
In the next two days, Qin Zibai will come to the mansion to treat Yuan Ye, trying to guide Yuan Ye out of confinement.

However, no matter what he said or did, Kite also gave mediocre reactions, not even opening a mouth.

Qin Zibai's professional ability is not inferior to that of Chen Moqian. He is not famous purely because he has always only accepted patients he is interested in. The weirder he is, the more he likes it. That's true. He has never seen Yuan like this, just like A dead sea, even if you drop a bomb in it, there will be no splash.

Seeing that Kite also showed no signs of improvement after several days of treatment, everyone in the mansion became anxious, and the "Kite is stupid" thing started to spread among the servants.

It must be stupid, how can a normal person not speak for several days and keep an expression?
Qin Zibai also said something to Yuchi: "It's hard to make her get better."

Yuchi looked at the woman sitting on the bay window a few meters away, her expression was as pale as a piece of white paper, without any color, it was almost unrecognizable that she was Yuanye, the Jiang Jiayuan who used to fly wantonly.

At this time, the phone rang, and Yuchi took a look, it was Weimu.


Weimu's anxious voice: "How is Yuanyuan? I heard..."

Before she finished speaking, Yuchi interrupted her: "She's fine."

It seemed to be speaking to her, but also to himself, more like to kite, with a decisive and determined tone.

"She'll be fine."

She will be fine.


For the next two days, Yuchi didn't show up in Wei's mansion again. No one knew what he was up to?
On the morning of the third day, Yuesao knocked on the door twice, but there was no answer as she expected. She couldn't help but sighed again, pushed the door open and went in, trying to wake up Yuanya—yes, Yuanya now wants to wake up. Relying on others to wake her up, relying on others to get her out of bed, wash her hands, and eat her meals—there is no sense of autonomy at all.

Surprisingly, today she woke up by herself and stood by the window.

The golden spring sun shone on her face, causing a faint halo, and the corner of her mouth showed a faint smile.

Yuesao was stunned, this was the first time she laughed in so many days!

She was overjoyed, thinking that she was getting better, and hurried over, and only when she got closer did she hear her muttering words, not talking, but singing.

Very special tone.

Like a song, but not a song.

Euphemistic and moving, Wu Nong spoke softly.

"Chen Boqing, a talent from Quanzhou, sent his sister-in-law away from home for a long journey, enjoyed the lantern scene in Chaozhou during the Lantern Festival, and fell in love with Wu Niang when she met her..."

(End of this chapter)

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