He is delusional

Chapter 232 This is an insult to me

Chapter 232 This is an insult to me

"Where is Aunt Ping going?"

Yuesao thought that the recording was nothing, but she didn't want to be questioned endlessly by Li Xue, so she simply lied about it: "Oh, it's nothing, I have something to do at home, my wife will give me half a day off, and I'll be back in the afternoon."

Yuesao's family members are all in Yuchi's hands, Li Xue believed that she would not dare to betray, so she had no doubts about her words, nodded and said: "Come back early, Young Madam can't leave you here."

After the confinement wife answered vaguely, she went to Liyuan.

After hearing her words, Nanyin heard another message - Zhuang Shu was not in Wei's mansion these two days, and their plan had to be postponed until the day after tomorrow.

"Miss Nanyin, is it okay?" Yuesao was still waiting for her reply.

"Of course." Nanyin responded readily, "But the sound here is a bit noisy, I'll go inside to record, you sit down and wait."

"OK, thanks."

Nanyin took the recording pen and went to the inner room, closed the door, but called Chen Jingxian.

The concubine returned to Wei's mansion with the recording pen. After all, she kept an eye on it and listened to it on purpose. She was sure that it was all opera, so she dared to hand it over to Yuanye.

What she didn't know was that Nanyin had the ability to sing vernacular into tunes, Yuan also opened it to listen, and heard Nanyin telling her in Chaoshan dialect that she and her eldest cousin had already figured out a way to save her, the plan was... ..., she just cooperates when the time comes.

Rao had already guessed that they were in contact, but now that she heard Nanyin's confession with her own ears, Yuan couldn't help but blush.

When Yuchi announced her death, Jiang Yuanye was completely erased from the world. The feeling of "the whole world treats you as dead and no one will come to save you" is more disturbing than killing her. She suffers.

so far so good.

At least there is still her big cousin in this world, who never gave up on her.

Thinking of the big cousin, it is inevitable to think of the little cousin... Yuan also raised her head, not letting the tears really fall... She will take revenge, she will definitely take revenge.

It was another two days of normal life, and Yuan didn't show any abnormality at all, she only asked Yueyue Yuchi when she would come back?
The confinement wife inquired with the housekeeper: "Sir, it should be a few more days. It seems that something happened in Benghazi and I can't come back for the time being."

Kite also sliced ​​the hot dog, picked it up with a silver fork and put it in his mouth, chewing and swallowing: "Really."

I was afraid that he would come back suddenly.

On the third day, Teacher Zhuang finally appeared. She first apologized to Yuan Ye, saying that the training came suddenly, and she was not informed in advance, which delayed her time. I am sorry.

Yuan also looked at her indifferently: "Mr. Zhuang seems to like apologizing a lot?" It feels like every time I talk to her, she has to apologize.

Zhuang Shu lightly pursed her lower lip: "It's my fault, I should apologize."

"Ms. Zhuang was hired by Wei's family to serve as A Ting's early childhood teacher. Other things are not within your scope of responsibility. Instead, I caused trouble for Mr. Zhuang." Yuan also said.

Teacher Zhuang's words should be very decent: "It's nothing. I didn't know much about Quanzhou Nanyin. I listened to so much with my wife during this period, and I have a strong interest in this world-class cultural heritage from the bottom of my heart."

The corner of Yuan Ye's mouth twitched: "Call the theater troupe."

With Mr. Zhuang around, of course the opera troupe can be called.

It's rare that it didn't rain today, but the dark clouds gathered in the sky hadn't dissipated yet, and the whole city was gray, like a picture with a filter, so the housekeeper arranged to sing in the living room to avoid sudden rain and confusion.

The screen was still erected beside the railing on the second floor, and Yuan was also sitting there, pinching a grape and peeling it carefully, when the soundtrack suddenly started downstairs, the grape in her hand suddenly jumped from her fingertips, and she frowned.

The confinement wife hurriedly said, "I'll help my wife peel it off."

Yuan also pushed the fruit plate forward, and said unhappy: "I don't want to listen to Quanzhou Nanyin anymore."

Li Xue was taken aback, didn't she keep calling for the troupe to sing Quanzhou Nanyin?Why don't you want to hear it all of a sudden?I don't want to hear what she wants to do?
"Young lady..."

Yuan also said, "Let them sing Peking Opera."

Li Xue heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was just a different genre. Peking opera is Nanyin's housekeeping skill. This request is not difficult, so she complied: "Okay."

Before going downstairs, she took a look at Yuesao, Yuesao understood what Li Xue meant, she wanted her to keep a close eye on Yuan as well.

The confinement lady nodded.

It's not like Yuan didn't miss their small movements, so she ignored them, picked up another grape, and peeled it carefully.

Downstairs was not so peaceful.

Li Xue whispered Yuan Ye's words to Teacher Zhuang, and Teacher Zhuang raised her hand to interrupt Nanyin who was singing well: "Excuse me, please wait a moment."

Nanyin has never been interrupted in the middle of singing, and immediately frowned: "Why?"

Teacher Zhuang said softly: "I heard that Miss Nanyin is best at Peking Opera. I haven't seen it for so many days. Why don't you sing Peking Opera today."

"Don't listen to Quanzhou Nanyin?" Nanyin looked obviously unhappy, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Li Xue originally thought it was just a matter of changing the song, but she unexpectedly lost her temper and asked, "Can't you sing now?"

Nanyin sneered: "Although I'm just an opera singer, I also have my own rules. To sing Quanzhou Nanyin is to sing Quanzhou Nanyin's outfit, and to sing Peking Opera is to sing Peking Opera outfit. Let me pretend to be Quanzhou Nanyin to sing on the stage of Peking Opera. It's an insult to me!"

Li Xue and Zhuang Shu who were present had never heard of opera before, but they knew that each business has its own rules, just like a businessman must be trustworthy, and a teacher must be responsible to the students. Seeing Nanyin's outburst now, it is probably true Violated her bottom line.

Zhuang Shuzhou said: "I'm really sorry, I made it difficult for Miss Nanyin. I definitely don't mean to disrespect Miss Nanyin and the art of opera."

"I won't sing anymore. Ms. Zhuang please ask Gao Ming. There are quite a few people in Jincheng who can sing Peking Opera, so I won't accompany you. Xiaobao, pack up your things and let's go." Nanyin gave an order and left as soon as she said, It was not negotiable at all.

The second floor couldn't hear Yuanye, who she wanted to hear for a long time, her complexion sank, Yue Yue quickly walked to the railing, and shouted: "Secretary Li."

Li Xue raised her head, and the concubine shook her head, she looked in the direction of Nu Yuanye with her eyes, and Yuan was not happy anymore——Doctor Qin said that trying to make her feel as clear as possible will help her recover from her illness.

Li Xue stood in front of Nanyin: "How can Miss Nanyin agree to stay and sing Peking Opera?"

Nanyin held a group of soldiers who could be killed but not humiliated: "It's impossible!"

Li Xue said kindly: "Seeing that there are so many gatherings, Liyuan and our Wei Mansion are both for the enjoyment of the guests and hosts. I hope Miss Nanyin can think about it again."

After a pause, she added, "I can give you double reward."

Hmmmm?Nan Yin's eyes brightened: "Double?"


Nanyin raised the corners of her mouth, she was very satisfied with this number, and stopped holding it: "Well, you are also my regular customers, I won't be so unreasonable, I can sing as I want, without costumes and wigs, at least let me Do you want to put on some makeup?"

(End of this chapter)

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