He is delusional

Chapter 233 Let's Go Out and Talk

Chapter 233 Let's Go Out and Talk

This is of course no problem.Li Xue replied: "Of course."

Nan Yin picked up the makeup case: "Where is your bathroom? Let me borrow the mirror in your bathroom."

"It's over there." Li Xue pointed in the direction.

Nanyin followed the trend and said, "Oh."

When she went to the bathroom with the makeup box, the others in Liyuan were resting in place.

Teacher Zhuang was embarrassed to see them sitting still, so he ordered the servants to serve refreshments and fruits.

In this way, both the housekeeper and the servants happened to be dismissed, so no one noticed that at some point in the Liyuan team, there was a missing person playing the erhu.

Their conversation downstairs fell into Kiteya's ears word for word, and Kiteya put the grapes to his mouth and ate them calmly, got up and went back to the room.


Li Xue had just walked to the second floor when she heard Yue Yue hurriedly shout: "Secretary Li, Secretary Li!"

Li Xue's eyebrows twitched, and she ran into the room quickly, only to see Yuan also fell on the ground, already unconscious.

She hurriedly stepped forward and shook her body gently: "Young madam, young madam!" She raised her head and asked confinement wife, "How could young madam be like this?"

"I, I don't know either. Young Madam went back to her room. I thought she wanted to go to the toilet, but she fainted after taking two steps..."

Li Xue touched Yuan Ye's forehead.

She had a low-grade fever some time ago, and although she took the medicine brought by the family doctor, her body temperature was still low, and she couldn't feel anything now. She took out her mobile phone and wanted to call the family doctor, but this was the only distraction. , didn't notice that the kite on the ground also suddenly jumped up, grabbed an ornament and smashed it at the back of her head!

Li Xue immediately covered her head and fell to the ground!

Yuan didn't hesitate at all, and quickly turned over and rode on her body. Li Xue was hit really badly, and her mind went blank for a moment. : "Woooo!"

She tried hard to throw Yuan off with her legs, Yuan also exerted all her strength to restrain her, she really deserved to be the woman that Yuchi said could beat four grown men, she just took the advantage of being the first to attack Otherwise, I really can't catch her.

Kite also tied her legs to the foot of the bed - this was the rope she had prepared last night, making it impossible for her to move, let alone shout.

She smiled slightly: "I'm sorry Secretary Li."

The entire incident took less than 2 minutes, and the concubine did not react at all. She waited until she tied up Li Xue before screaming: "Madam, you...!"

Li Xue writhed on the ground: "Ugh!!" Hurry up and call someone!Call the housekeeper!
Yuesao was about to run out subconsciously, Yuan quickly stepped forward to block the door, Yuesao backed away in horror, fearing that Yuan would do something to her too.

Yuan also just blocked the door, pursed her lips and said to her: "Aunt Ping, you take care of me for a month, and you know better than anyone else what kind of life I live in the Wei Mansion."

Yuesao: "..."

"My child, my elder brother, all died at the hands of Yuchi, and he would imprison me endlessly. If I didn't pretend to be crazy, he wouldn't know what to do to me. Ruined by him."

It turned out that she had been pretending all this time!
Pretend so much that you fooled them all!
Yuesao became more and more frightened: "Madam, you...do you want to escape?"

"Yes." Yuan didn't hesitate, she thought too much, for more than a month, she thought about it all the time!

Yuesao subconsciously shook her head, it's impossible, she can't leave, and she can't leave, this is Wei's mansion, she can't escape by controlling Li Xue, there are more than a dozen guards in the yard, she can't get out of the gate at all !

And if she really ran away, including her, they would all be punished by Mr. Wei!
The confinement wife hurriedly took out her mobile phone, as long as she pressed it, the housekeeper would know what was going on!

"Madam, don't embarrass us, let Secretary Li go, and let go of this idea. I will pretend that this incident didn't happen today, and I will help you persuade Secretary Li not to tell your husband about it. Be quiet, don't Make it difficult for us!"

Yuan also didn't go up to snatch the mobile phone, or control the confinement sister-in-law. She just said: "Aunt Ping, you also have children, so be careful, my mother worked so hard to give birth to me, and I will grow up to be 26 years old." , and it will be destroyed in the hands of a man, what do you think?"

"I have to go today, please don't stop me."

...Children, yes, she also has children, and her children are the same age as Yuan. She left her hometown alone and worked as a confinement wife in a big city. She didn't see her a few times throughout the year. Poor, I think of my daughter to some extent, and fear that she will encounter similar things one day, so she also cares for Yuan, otherwise she would not go to Liyuan to find Nanyin to record songs for her...

Yuesao looked at Yuanye with a complicated expression, sympathizing with her experience, but she couldn't let her go, she told her the truth: "Madam, my family is controlled by my husband, if you leave, what will happen to my family?" manage?"

"Yuchi is not a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately. You just need to say that you are threatened by me and have nothing to do. At most he will drive you out of Jincheng... After I escape, I will go to Qingcheng, which is where my eldest cousin lives. If you come to Qingcheng, my eldest cousin will definitely let you and your family live a good life, and you don't need to be separated again."

Emotional in the front, reasonable in the back, Yuanye's eloquence has always been good, and she didn't lose it just because she was under house arrest for a month.

The confinement wife is indeed not so determined: "...But, even if you kidnap Secretary Li, even if I don't call someone, with your and my ability, I can't get out."

Yuan also said: "As long as you don't stop me, I can leave."


While they were talking, the erhu master came out quietly from the bathroom, which was just under the stairs. He was extremely agile, as if he had been professionally trained, he climbed over the railing, leaned over, and went straight up to the second floor. building.

The confinement wife walked up and down the room, still thinking about it with uneasy conscience, but Li Xue on the ground never gave up struggling: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!"

"Aunt Ping." Yuan also called out again.

"Aunt Ping!"

The confinement lady closed her eyes and finally gritted her teeth: "Okay!"

"I promise, I will help you!"

She couldn't stand it anymore!

"Ma'am, I'll help you escape!"

Is it for the wife or the enemy?It's house arrest and rape again, everyone is depressed, and the woman who is suspected of being a mistress is left in Wei's mansion to be an eyesore. The husband is too heartless, the wife is so beautiful and so smart, and she can have a better future Why bother to be trapped in this mansion as a shameful pet?

Li Xue twisted her body and struggled even more desperately: "Ugh!"

She wanted to spit out the cloth in her mouth, but finally succeeded after several efforts, and opened her mouth to shout: "Come..."

Before the words could be spoken, a shadow came in from outside the door, and slashed at her neck with a backhand!
Li Xue rolled her eyes and passed out.

There were suddenly more people in the room, and the confinement wife was really frightened!
Yuan was also caught off guard, staring blankly at the person in front of her...

Huadan, the head of Liyuan, often puts on makeup for herself, and she has a good skill called "disguise". She turned a good young man into an old man over fifty years old. If Yuan was not too familiar with him, she would not have recognized him.

It's him.

It's him!

After recognizing him clearly, tears quickly flowed down Tobiya's eyes, and she yelled that sentence with all kinds of unspeakable or unspeakable emotions: "Brother..."

It's her big cousin...

Her eyes were unbelievably red, she looked so pitiful, Chen Jinglian was inevitably touched, and took her into his arms with pity: "Don't be afraid, brother is here."

Brother will protect you.

Yuan Ye tightly grasped his skirt with both hands, biting her lower lip with her upper teeth, finally couldn't help bursting into tears, all the grievances she had suffered in the past month collapsed in this instant.

a month...

It has been a month, she wanted to run many times, and hoped that he would find her many times, but failed every time, until she was locked in Wei's mansion, she even began to become desperate, began to give up struggling, how many nights were quiet, she had The impulse to appoint.

But every time it happens, she will think of her little cousin's words to let her live well, and then she wakes up again, she can't compromise, otherwise, what is the death of little cousin?
It's all right now, she finally got him.

Chen Jinglian stroked her hair and let her cry for a while, but found that she couldn't stop crying, so she had to interrupt with a soft sigh: "Okay, stop crying, this is not a place to stay for a long time, let's start Leave and talk."

? I don't know how much wronged she has suffered these days to cry like this.

Yuan also nodded vigorously, she doesn't want to stay here anymore, not even for a moment!


The confinement wife forced herself to be calm, went downstairs, and said to the butler, "My wife is not interested in listening."

The butler was stunned for a moment, the song hadn't even started yet...

The confinement wife said: "It's not like you don't know. Since my wife got this depression, she has been so moody. She likes this one second and that second. What can we do? She can only do whatever she wants."

Yes, it's very unreasonable. I really hope that the young lady will get better soon, she was so understanding before.

The housekeeper had no choice but to turn his head and said to everyone in Liyuan: "Let's come here first today. Thank you very much for coming to the Wei Mansion to perform today. We will invite you to come again when we need it next time."

As soon as Nanyin put on her makeup, she walked out of the bathroom with her assistant. When she heard such words, she immediately became angry: "Sing Quanzhou Nanyin when you say Quanzhou Nanyin, change Peking opera when you say you want to change it, and stop listening to it if you don't listen to it now?"

The housekeeper said sincerely: "I'm really sorry, we will still settle the agreed reward."

No matter how good-tempered people are, they can't bear to change their minds one after another, let alone Nanyin, a small pepper from Quanzhou, who immediately exploded: "It's amazing to be rich and powerful! I have never seen people who disrespect the stage like you. We will not Come again! Let's go!"

Teacher Zhuang wanted to speak: "Miss Nanyin, we..."

Nanyin didn't want to hear a word, she threw the makeup box to the assistant behind her, snorted, and strode out of Wei's mansion.

Others followed suit.

Zhuang Shu and the housekeeper looked at each other the same way, this matter is well done... They both smiled helplessly.

The bodyguards stationed in Wei's mansion, seeing them making a mess, squinted their eyes keenly, trying to count the number of people, but they crowded and shoved each other, and they couldn't even count.

Seeing them getting into the car, one of the bodyguards followed and wanted to get in the car to check.

(End of this chapter)

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