He is delusional

Chapter 234 Take Your Home Now

Chapter 234 Take You Home Now

Nan Yin taunted: "What? You still want to come up and search? Do you suspect us of stealing?"

"Let Miss Nanyin and the others go."

As soon as the butler made a sound, the bodyguard stopped in his tracks.

Today's matter, after all, they did not handle it well, and Nanyin was already displeased. If there is any friction again, and the face is completely turned, what will the young lady still want to listen to Quanzhou Nanyin in the future?Right now, the young lady's condition should be the most important thing.

The bodyguard obeyed the order, backed away again, and signaled the guard to open the gate to let him through.

Nanyin snorted coldly, sat down on the seat, and the medium-sized bus with 24 seats slowly drove out of Wei's mansion.

The housekeeper looked at the rear of the car, and a thought flashed in his mind. They used to drive two 7-seater cars. Why did they switch to a bus today?I thought so, but it was only convenient for a car. After the bus completely disappeared from sight, he turned around and asked the confinement wife: "Young Madam, why don't you want to hear it all of a sudden?"

It was the first time to do this kind of thing, although she swore in front of Yuan Ye, but Yueyue was still very scared, and stammered: "Maybe it's been too long, I'm not interested..."

Teacher Zhuang noticed, "Aunt Ping, you don't look well? Is there something wrong?"

As she said she reached out to touch her forehead, the confinement sister-in-law instinctively frightened, took a step back, and fell to the ground with her left foot and right foot, looking at them in fear.

At this moment, Li Xue stumbled down from the second floor clutching her neck, shouting: "Hurry up! The young lady has escaped!!"


After the car drove out of the range of Wei's mansion, Nanyin urged Qi Gao who was driving: "Drive faster! Go to the pier!"

"it is good!"

Nanyin looked back, although she didn't see the car chasing her, but she was still in a panic, she hurriedly brushed the hair of the "assistant" behind her, looked at her carefully, and said, "We escaped."

"We escaped, Tobiya."

"..." Under the cover of thick and colorful drama makeup, is the red eyes of Yuan Ye.

The bathroom on the first floor of Wei Mansion is just under the stairs, Nanyin excused herself to go to the bathroom to put on makeup, but she was actually waiting for Yuan to come downstairs in the bathroom.

Thanks to the cooperation of other people in Liyuan, who attracted the attention of the housekeeper and servants, Yuan was able to smoothly descend from the second floor to the first floor, connect Nanyin's head, and disguise herself as her assistant.

The make-up in Beijing opera is very thick, but after changing clothes and wearing a wig, basically no one can recognize who she is.

In the past, every time Nanyin came to the Wei Mansion, she would bring an assistant, Xiaobao, who was both an assistant and a partner, and often cooperated with her in singing and also dressed in costumes.

She didn't bring it today, but because the performance was interrupted one after another, the housekeeper and Mr. Zhuang were all turned into a mess, so she didn't notice. Seeing Yuan also came out in a costume, she thought she was Xiaobao.

Kite also used to be the most rational and sober person, but now that the reality is in front of her eyes, she is afraid that it is just a dream.

Afraid that she would wake up when the time came, she was still in that mansion when she woke up, her lips trembled slightly: "Did I really... escape?"

Nanyin smiled: "Of course, you are on the way to the pier now, and you will be completely safe when you board the Chen family's boat."

Chen Jingxian put his hand on her shoulder, and Yuan also turned his head. He stroked her hair along the way, his eyes were so gentle: "You are free, see you later."

As soon as the name "Shijian" came out, so much time in the past ran through my mind one after another, Yuan couldn't hold back her emotions at all, she threw herself into his arms, sobbing: "Brother, big brother... I almost couldn't make it through... ..."

Almost really, depressed.

"You've done a good job. You'll last till I come to pick you up." Chen Jinglian said softly, "I'll take you home now."

Kite also buried herself in his chest and nodded repeatedly.

Chen Jinglian ran along her back to comfort her, while looking out of the car window, his eyes became gloomy, Yuchi...

The bus is about to turn onto the expressway and arrive at the pier at the fastest speed. Although the plane is the fastest means of transportation, it takes a full hour to get to the airport. Jincheng, which belongs to the Wei family, cannot be taken lightly.

And it only takes half an hour to go to the pier, so the distance already has an advantage, and Chen Jingxian transferred the Chen family's boat to wait early in the morning. Once on the boat, it is equivalent to arriving at the Chen family's place. At sea, the Chen family is the dragon king.

Fortunately, there was a traffic policeman at the toll booth in front of him. Qi Gao had to slow down his speed. However, as he got closer, he realized that it was not a traffic policeman at all. Those people were all wearing black suits and did not stop other cars. The act of pulling over and stopping.

Qi Gao had a bad feeling: "Master, look over there!"

Chen Jingxian let go of Yuan Ye, walked quickly to the front of the car to have a look, his eyes narrowed, and he immediately made a judgment: "Drive down the path!"

There is a small road next to the toll booth. They have surveyed the terrain in advance and can also reach the port.

Qi Gao turned the steering wheel without saying a word, and the bus cut into the path at a 45-degree angle, and everyone on board was thrown staggeringly.

Yuan didn't sit on the seat, and didn't wear a seat belt. She almost fell, but fortunately, Chen Jinglian grabbed her arm in time. She hurriedly turned her head to look. Seeing that they wanted to run, the six men in black suits rode on four The motorcycle catches up.

Even the heavy makeup couldn't hide Yuan Ye's face turning pale: "It's from the Wei family!" It must be from the Wei family!Their reaction was so fast!
Nan Yin reassured her: "Don't be afraid, we have already brought you out, so we won't let you be arrested again."

The road is full of potholes, the bus can’t drive fast at all, and they don’t dare to drive too fast, lest someone accidentally overturn the car. In contrast, it’s very convenient for motorcyclists. They increase the accelerator and make a deliberate roar, like a demonstration, like a warning, Two of them even passed their bus directly and lay in front of them.

Qi Gao wanted to brake subconsciously, but Chen Jingxian said, "Drive over."

Qi Gao gritted his teeth and accelerated directly, desperately trying to run over them. Seeing this, the motorcycle blocking the road immediately raised the front of the car, the wheels were still spinning rapidly, and avoided being hit by flying to the side. After catching up, the person in the back seat pulled out two baseball bats and slammed them against the car window——

There was a loud "crash", the glass shattered, and half of the people in the car were shocked, so that the people in the car ran away, and fell outside the car, and the motorcycle wheels rolled over, and the sky was full of stars.

Yuan also turned her head suddenly. The person on the back seat of the motorcycle had obviously practiced before. He even dared to stand up while holding his companion's shoulders. On the high-speed and bumpy road, he found the right moment to rush to the bus, grabbing the window sill to climb in!
This kind of picture that can only be seen in blockbuster movies, never expected to appear in front of you one day!
After the baptism in the Basel Mountain Forest, Tobi's psychological endurance has improved a lot. Without hesitation, she grabbed Nanyin's wooden cosmetic box and threw it directly at the head of the person who was about to climb in!
The man got hit unexpectedly, let go of his hand and fell off the car, rolling into the grass beside him.

But at the same time, another person from the car window had successfully climbed in. He grabbed Yuanye's arm. Yuanye was startled and hadn't made any reaction yet. The next moment the gunshot rang out, the man covered his arm and exclaimed in pain: "what--"

Yuan also pushed him away without hesitation, and ran towards Chen Jingxian, who held her with a gun in one hand and protected her behind with the other.

At this moment, the bus suddenly braked to a stop, and they all shouted: "Master!"

Chen Jingxuan turned his head and saw that there were several black cars blocking the exit of the small road in front of him!
(End of this chapter)

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