He is delusional

Chapter 235 This Last Point of Love

Chapter 235 This Last Bit of Love

Yuan also stared at the leading car, and suddenly felt a strong throbbing in her heart.

The dark clouds gathered on the other side of the sky in the afternoon finally began to spread, covering the entire sky, and the tone of the entire sky and earth was a gloomy and heavy gray.

The car window was lowered slowly, and Kiteya didn't blink her eyes, and as the profile gradually revealed, her face was finally completely pale.

The chasing motorcycle blocked them, preventing them from advancing or retreating, forming an enclosing circle.

The people in the car were as indifferent as ever: "Cousin came to Jincheng, why didn't you tell me, at least let me do my landlord's favor."

The voice was neither high nor low, just enough to be heard by the people in the bus. Yuan also heard this voice at this moment, which made her more terrified than hearing the whisper of the devil. She clutched Chen Jingxian's arm tightly, even her body was trembling.

If the Wei family's reaction was only a little faster than they thought, then the appearance of this person was really beyond their expectation.

Chen Jinglian supported Yuan and sat down on the seat, bent down with his hands on the back of the chair, and looked at her: "Wait for me in the car."

Yuan also looked at him anxiously. She was actually very scared. The last time she was so scared was because the little cousin wanted her to hide behind a tree, but Chen Jinglian was even more agile than the little cousin. He got out of the car after speaking without leaving her any hesitation. In time, Yuan also subconsciously wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Nan Yin: "Leave it to your big cousin."

When Chen Jing got out of the car, Qi Gao immediately followed him. Qi Gao was indeed the only one beside him. After all, he was going to Wei's mansion, so too many people revealed his secrets at once.

He replied lightly to the question just now from the man in the car: "I just heard some things, which were incredible and interesting, so I came here to verify the truth in person. I didn't want to alarm you, Ah Chi, because I was afraid that if it was fake, it would make me laugh out loud. gone."

Yes, it was Yuchi.

Yuchi far away in Benghazi.

Yuchi who said he would not come back so soon.

Coming so abruptly and directly in front of them, blocking their way out.

He didn't get out of the car, but slowly turned his head, the first thing he saw was not Chen Jingxian, but Yuan Ye in the car.

Across the distance of tens of meters and the window glass, the moment their eyes met, Kite also felt a suffocation feeling like her throat was being choked and her breathing disappeared.

"It seems that my cousin has verified it."

Yuchi then turned his gaze back to Chen Jingxian: "I've always wanted to chat with my cousin, but now I have the chance, why don't we go back to Wei's mansion and sit down and talk?"

"I also want to chat with Ah Chi, but our ship has a limited time to dock at the pier, so I'm afraid it's not good to delay." Both of them spoke so calmly, at first glance it sounded like they were at a certain business banquet We met each other by chance, and greeted each other politely.

——Not this kind of situation where swords are on the verge of breaking out and each of them shows their real swords and guns.

There was a dull thunder in the sky, and the surroundings were a little gray and shiny.

Yuchi felt slightly regretful: "Cousin is leaving now? Well then, return the kite to me first, and I'll arrange someone to take cousin to the pier."

"Give it back to you?" Chen Jinglian raised the corner of his mouth, "She is from my Chen family."

Yuchi's voice suddenly sank: "Indeed, it's just that Yuan is already married to me, she is my wife, even if she is a cousin, I can't just take her away."


Chen Jing smiled: "As long as you treat her as your wife in a little bit, I will not take her away in this way."

"It seems that my cousin doesn't want to accept my proposal."

Chen Jing said in a low voice, "It looks like it's going to rain again today, and we have to go back to Qingcheng, so there's not much to say."

Yuchi paused, then said softly, "That's really a pity."

The car window slowly moved up, gradually hiding his jade-like side face, leaving only his voice coldly: "Please young lady go home."


Immediately a dozen men in black got out of the car, all holding sticks in their hands, approaching Chen Jingxian and Qi Gao.

The difference in the number of people seemed to have sealed the outcome, and finally Yuan couldn't help running out of the car: "Yuchi!"

The car window stopped, but it didn't land, only the voice drifted out slowly: "Yuya, I thought I never underestimated you, but now I find that I still underestimated you. Your acting skills are so good that you have deceived us all." In the past, it was amazing."

"I said I would go, so I will go!" Yuan also clenched her hands, "Now my eldest cousin already knows that I am still alive, it is useless for you to take me back and lock me up, they will still come Help me." She rolled her throat and her voice was hoarse, "Or are you going to kill another brother?"

The people in the car were silent for a moment, and then the windows were completely closed. His last words were: "We'll talk when we go back."

Go back, he still wants her to go back with him.

He took it for granted that she should follow him, and was sure that he would be able to take her back, even without getting out of the car, with such a superior attitude.

Kite also really hates the way he thinks he can control the overall situation at all times!
It's been like this ever since!

She grabbed Chen Jingxian's hand, he held the gun in his hand, and pulled the trigger at Yuchi's glass: "Bang——"

The rain that had been brewing for an afternoon finally poured down, and the bullets pierced through the wind and hit the glass. The bulletproof glass of the car was not broken, but it also left a spider web of cracks, which could never be restored to its original state.

She didn't know that the car was bulletproof, and that shot really wanted Yuchi to pay the price for his arrogance. A little affection.

Her shot completely detonated the battlefield, and the men in black swarmed up, and the thunder and lightning accompanied the shouting and killing, and her four words in such a noisy scene clearly fell into the ears of the people in the car.

"Unless I die."

Go back and talk.

Unless I die.

Yuchi's entire face was shrouded in darkness, no emotion could be seen at all.

The man in black raised the stick in his hand high to knock out the gun in Yuan Ye's hand, but before he could make a move, a man flew out of the grass and kicked him away.

This is a path overgrown with weeds, with grass on one side and a steep slope two people high on the other side. The natural terrain advantage is very suitable for ambushes. At this moment, there are more than a dozen people buried on the slope—Chen Jingxian's people.

Naturally, Chen Jingxian would not be unprepared to snatch someone from Wei's house. He didn't expect that Yuchi would come, but he had already arranged a manpower on the mainland alley.

A fierce battle is inevitable.

Everyone on Chen Jingxian's side is a Lianjiazi, they are extremely ferocious, and it's a violent beating if they hold someone down, but Yuchi's people are not vegetarians, they wield sticks and strike ruthlessly, leaving no room for them at all.

Although this place is far away from residential areas, it is not possible to shoot casually. The two shots just now were already the limit. Even if it was just a hand-to-hand fight, it was bloody.

It's blood again, and it's blood again, and under the dilution of the rain, this patch of red continues to expand, soaking into Tobiya's eyes.

Li Yi and Qi Gao faced each other, and the two were evenly matched, as if they were evenly matched. Nanyin was watching this scene in the car, clutching the phone tightly in his hand, trying to call someone. The sound of the nearest engine roared and approached.

She looked over and saw that there was a road above Aipi, and now there was an extra convoy, which didn't belong to either side of the camp, like the third beast mixed in when two tigers were fighting, they turned the accelerator, roaring in the heavy rain It was startling.

The next moment, they indulged their motorcycles to rush down the steep slope more than two meters high, like a predatory beast, knocking people over indiscriminately, and even ran them over!

(End of this chapter)

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