He is delusional

Chapter 24 Asking him to apologize to Tobiya

Chapter 24 Asking him to apologize to Tobiya

"Well, Ah Chi has a three-year-old child who is sick and is hospitalized in our hospital. Ah Chi visits him every day. The child's mother is very beautiful and gentle, and Ah Chi treats her very well... Yuanya, you Learn to be good too, Ah Chi can see that she likes obedient women, otherwise you wouldn't have been married for two years and still have no children." Song Yangjin said.

Song Miaoyun pretended to be sympathetic: "It turns out that's the case. No wonder Ah Chi didn't come to your father's birthday today. Yuan also, you are so disrespected in Wei's house, I really wronged you."

The meaning of what their mother and daughter said was that Yuan also had no place in Wei's house, so Yuchi had women and children outside, even if she was beaten, Yuchi would not say anything.

And Yuchi likes gentle women, it is because she is not gentle that Yuchi doesn't like her. If the person who married Yuchi was Yangjin, with Yangjin's character, he would definitely like Yuchi, then take money from Wei's family to Jiang's Isn't it easy?
In the final analysis, even Jiang Yuan is useless!

It's useless to dare to show off here, I really owe a lesson!
Yuan also pushed her away with one hand: "Is it your turn to talk about the matter between Yuchi and me?"

Song Yangjin fell on the sofa, Jiang Hongsheng saw this, and slapped Yuanye's side face with his backhand!
There was a "pop", short and crisp.

Tobi also turned her head to one side.

Song Yangjin covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Dad, how can you beat Yuanye?"

The words were concerned, but the corners of her mouth that were not covered by her palms grinned to the bottom of her ears.

"Just to say the same thing, do you really think I won't dare to do anything to you after you marry into Wei's family? Jiang Yuanye, you have endured you long enough! You have the same temper as your mother!" Jiang Hongsheng cursed.

Yuan Ye's eyes were suddenly bloodshot: "Don't mention my mother, you are not worthy!"

If he and Song Miaoyun, the adulterers, hadn't made love, how could her mother have died? !
Jiang Hongsheng looked around, saw the golf clubs, and picked them up: "I will beat you to death today, you bitch!"

At this moment, a calm and indifferent male voice came from outside the door: "Today is Dad's birthday, Yuanyuan, why are you not being good? You made Dad angry again."

Everyone looked at the door together.

Yuan also heard this voice, and for some reason, suddenly felt certain in her heart.

After realizing this, she felt a little absurd. The day before yesterday, she broke up unhappy, but now she only heard his voice, so she felt at ease?

Wearing a straight light blue-gray suit, Yuchi walked in slowly, his eyes swept over the slap marks on Yuan Ye's face, and his thin lips pursed.

Kite also looks like a hedgehog with all its spikes erected. Anyone who dares to approach her at this time will be stabbed with blood by her.

Yuchi knew Yuanye's temperament, but it was the first time he saw her show her sharpness for this sake.

He glanced at the servants who were holding Tobiya again, the servants only felt that the sharpness was on their backs, and they let go of their hands quickly.

Yuchi walked up to Yuanye, bowed his head and asked her, "Are you all right?"

No one expected that Yuchi, who could not be explained at first, would suddenly appear, and saw the scene of them beating his wife. The expressions of the three members of the Jiang family were extremely unnatural.

Jiang Hongsheng hastily threw the golf club aside, laughed and said, "Ah Chi is here."

Yuchi only looked at Yuanye, held her hand and rubbed it lightly: "I've bought all the presents, obviously I want to spend my birthday with Dad, why are you losing my temper again? Is it because I didn't come with you? Didn't I say that?" , you come first, I'll come over after I'm done with the work in hand."

How can there be any gift?She didn't tell him that today is Jiang Hongsheng's birthday.

Yuan also knew that he said these words to give her face in front of the Jiang family. He wanted them to know that it wasn't that she couldn't invite him, or that she had no status in the Wei family, but that they had agreed a long time ago that she would come first. He arrives later.

Yuan also looked down at him holding her hand, was comforted by his movements, and gradually calmed down.

Only then did Yuchi look at Jiang Hongsheng, and his tone could not be said to be calm or indifferent: "Dad, Yuanyuan has a temper with me, and only contradicts me when I'm in a bad mood. Don't be so fussy like her."

Song Miaoyun smiled and said: "Of course, we are all a family, how can we care about these things?"

Jiang Hongsheng twitched the corners of his mouth: "Yuan was spoiled when she was at home, Ah Chi, don't spoil her too much, she's getting more and more unruly."

Yuchi smiled: "That's no good, I'm just such a wife, who else can I spoil if I don't spoil her?"

Yuan also let go of her clenched teeth, and took a look at Yuchi. Chen Sangxia said that she was from the Ministry of Commerce and could speak. From her point of view, this man was better than her.

Even she almost took it seriously.

The atmosphere at this moment is really weird and awkward, Yuchi only cares about Yuanye, and doesn't give them a look, so the three of them don't know what to say?
Yuchi's aura is compelling, even if he didn't get angry or blame him, just standing there and caring about Yuanye is the best deterrent.

The young master of the Wei family dotes on the person he protects, so how can others have the guts to teach her a lesson?
Jiang Hongsheng tried his best to wink at Song Miaoyun and asked her to play around, but Song Miaoyun didn't know what to do for a while?
Song Yangjin stood in the corner, looking at Yuchi and Yuanye, feeling extremely jealous in her heart——Yuchi treats her so well!Didn't he see the photo she sent him that day?Jiang Yuan is also flirting with other men outside, isn't he angry?
If it wasn't for the fear of being found out that the photos were secretly taken by her, she would have questioned them on the spot.

Fortunately, the servant appeared in time and said that the food had been served and the table could be served.

Song Miaoyun finally found the steps, and hurriedly greeted: "Then stop standing, let's all sit down and eat. Ah Chi, Yuan Ye, let's all sit down."

Yuan also really wanted to leave immediately, but was grabbed by Yuchi's hand and forced to sit down at the dinner table.

At the dinner table, Song Miaoyun kept courting Yuchi: "Ah Chi is busy with work recently, isn't it? You've lost weight."

Yuan is also expressionless. The last time Song Miaoyun saw Yuchi was at least last year's Spring Festival. Thanks to her being able to say "you're all skinny" in a familiar tone, I don't know why I thought Yuchi often came to her. to it.

Jiang Hongsheng also put on a smiling face at Yuchi, and was about to say something, but Yuchi opened his mouth first, and asked, "Why did Dad hit Yuanyuan just now?"

Jiang Hongsheng's smile froze, and he said unnaturally: "She, she disobeyed me, talked back to me, pushed her sister, and uttered nonsense at home. It's the opposite of the sky!"

"Really?" Yuchi smiled gently, and asked again, "Why did Yuanyuan talk back?"

"She..." Jiang Hongda was at a loss for words. She couldn't say that because he asked her to give him money from Wei's family, she refused, could she?
Yuan also looked at it coldly, and didn't mean to speak.

Yuchi was tepid, even very polite, but his gentle gaze on Jiang Hongda made him more and more restless.

Song Miaoyun said with a dry smile: "When your father was waiting for you, he drank two glasses of wine first, and he was a little bit hot. He and Yuanyuan were just talking about each other, and there was no real conflict, really."

Bao Liang's gaze swept over the debris in the corner that hadn't been picked up in time, the club that the servant had just picked up, and Yuchi looked at Jiang Hongda again: "There is friction in words, do you need to call the servant to subdue Yuanyuan together? There are also ashtrays, golf balls What are the rods for?"

He actually wanted to pursue it to the end.

The three members of the Jiang family lowered their heads and looked at each other, a little at a loss. They didn't expect that Yuchi's protection of Yuan was not enough, and they also stood up for Yuan.

In terms of age and shopping experience, Jiang Hongda is two or three times that of Yuchi, but his aura is far inferior. This is due to the cultural history accumulated by the Wei family over the past century, and the deterrence of the wealth of connections.

He just sat there, calm and indifferent, and his whole body was full of demeanor that no one dared to offend.

People, after all, are divided into classes, some people are born better than ordinary people.

"Yuan is a junior, and if she does something bad, dad should discipline her." Yuchi paused, then changed the subject suddenly, "But since dad can't explain why she should be disciplined, I am her husband, and I will take care of her." It's not too much to ask for an apology for that slap, right?"

Not to mention Jiang Hongda, even Yuan was taken aback, looking at Yuchi, he wanted her father to... apologize to her?
No one knows who Jiang Hongda is better than her. He is selfish, greedy and incompetent, but his self-esteem is extremely strong. Otherwise, he would not have slapped her in anger just now and asked him to apologize. How could he agree?

Yuchi noticed that she was also looking at him, so he exchanged a glance with her, without any special emotion, but his eyes were as black as ink, overflowing with beautiful streamer.

At that moment, Ibi couldn't tell what it was like.
This man is more and more capable of playing tricks on people's hearts. The previous sentence "Do not spoil her", and now the sentence "I am her husband", it seems that he loves her so much.

Obviously, two days ago he gave her a cold meal because of Bai Qingqing.

Yuan also had a complicated mood and didn't speak, Yuchi Xianshi was indifferent and didn't speak again, the scene completely froze.

Jiang Hongda's face was already ugly and couldn't be more ugly, but since it was so, he didn't dare to say anything - even if it was at his home, even if Yuchi came alone.

After a long time, Song Miaoyun still bit the bullet and said: "I'm sorry, Yuanyuan, it's Aunt Yun's fault that she didn't take care of your father, we are all a family, don't be really angry with your father."

Song Yangjin also answered in a hurry: "Yes, Yuanyuan, my uncle loves you so much that he is not willing to kill you. Today he lost his composure because he drank too much. Don't worry about it." Now he changed his name to 'uncle' .

Yuchi ignored them and asked the servant: "Do you have boiled eggs? Give me one."

The servant froze for a moment before nodding again and again: "Yes, yes."

There is a custom in Jincheng to eat round eggs on birthdays. The kitchen had already cooked a basket of boiled eggs, and the servants brought them all to Yuchi. Yuchi took only one and cracked it on the table.

The people at the table watched him peel the eggshells. His hands were well-articulated, slender and fair, and compared with the white and tender eggs, they were not inferior.

Then, he put the egg on Tobiya's cheek and rubbed it lightly.

The egg still had residual heat, it was soft and elastic, and it didn't hurt to roll it slowly on the swelling, but it was a little comfortable, Yuan also pursed her lower lip, wanting to do it herself, but Yuchi avoided it and helped her reduce the swelling herself.

He has done this, no matter how blind the Jiang family is, they can see what he means. If he doesn't say this apology today, he won't let it go!

(End of this chapter)

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