He is delusional

Chapter 25 The Coveted Man

Chapter 25 The Coveted Man

Jiang Hongda shook the fat on his cheeks, gritted his teeth and said, "Yuanyuan, it's dad's fault, dad shouldn't hit you, yes, I'm sorry."

Yuan also wanted to laugh, her mother hadn't waited for him to say sorry until now, she slapped him, which actually made him lower his despicable self-esteem.

Is this what she earned?


Of course, it is impossible for Yuan to reply something like "It's okay" or "I forgive you". Anyway, Yuchi is here, so what can he do to her if she throws a face?Simply leave him alone.

Yuchi stopped rubbing the egg until it was cold, looked at her cheeks, the redness had faded a lot, went back and rubbed it again, the trace should be gone tomorrow.

He said: "Let's eat."

After Yuchi spoke, only the people at the table dared to move their chopsticks, and the three members of Jiang's family all heaved a sigh of relief, and finally got over the problem.

The servants who were waiting on the side all had a thought in their minds—my uncle is really a guest who is more like a master than a master.

Because of what happened just now, the dinner table was quiet, even Song Miaoyun didn't dare to chatter with Yuchi anymore.

Song Yangjin chewed the meat in his mouth hard, treating it as a kite, bitch, bitch, bitch!How lucky to be able to marry someone like Yuchi!I don't know what kind of coquettish means he used to let him protect her like that, what a... bitch, bitch, damn bitch! !
Yuan also sighed in her heart, spurning herself for being worthless, she was so angry with him at first, but now as soon as he resorted to gentle means, her fire was extinguished with a puff.

At the end of the meal, Jiang Hongda finally regained his composure and gave Song Miaoyun a wink.

Song Miaoyun scolded the old man secretly, didn't he see that Yuchi didn't want to see her?And let her show up!

But she still had to rely on Jiang Hongda, so she had to do as he ordered, with a smile: "Yangjin, hurry up and serve Ah Chi a bowl of fish soup, you have been cooking this soup for so long, isn't it just for Ah Chi to taste?" Do you want to taste it?"

Song Yangjin immediately filled the fish soup and brought it to Yuchi himself, with a shy and timid look, it seemed that Yuan had no reason to see it, and felt a little pain in her abdomen.

Yuchi nodded in thanks, but brought the fish soup to Yuanye: "Have some soup."

The fish soup was boiled to a milky white color, with a strong aroma and delicious taste, but it was still a little fishy in the nose. Yuanye always felt nauseous during this period of time, and now she couldn't help it: "Ugh—"

Everyone at the dinner table was taken aback.

"Ouch—" Yuan couldn't stand the smell, she turned her head away, "Take it away."

Yuchi immediately picked up the fish soup and moved it to the other side.

Song Miaoyun's eyes flickered, and she suddenly said, "Yuan is not pregnant, is she?"

Yuchi's hands trembled slightly, some fish soup overflowed and wet his shirt sleeves, he looked up at Yuanya.

Yuan also looked at Yuchi for the first time, and the two looked at each other, but neither could guess what the other was thinking at that moment?
In the end, Yuan also looked away first, and pursed her lower lip: "It's just an upset stomach recently."

Of course, Song Miaoyun didn't want Yuan to be pregnant too. If she was pregnant, her position in Wei's family would be more stable. She rolled her round eyes and smiled slightly: "Really? I thought Yuan also had a child."

Song Yangjin couldn't help asking: "Are you sure it's a stomach problem? Have you seen a doctor?"

Jiang Hongda also looked at Yuan Ye eagerly. He was the exact opposite of Song Miaoyun. If Yuan could also conceive the captain’s child, it would be of great benefit to him: “I’m asking you, have you read it? Don't talk nonsense, go for a checkup."

Yuan also couldn't help turning her head to look at Yuchi, the servant brought up a warm and wet towel, he was wiping his hands, his head was slightly lowered, his side face was indifferent, his eyebrows were closed, and he couldn't see anything.

After a while, Yuan also smiled and raised her head to look at the three faces that were scheming and scheming but didn't really care about her: "I just came to my aunt two days ago."

Jiang Hongda coughed and picked up the wine glass, Song Yangjin was relieved and smiled.

Song Miaoyun reproached and said: "What are you talking about, you kid, you don't have to be ashamed to say anything on the stage, but luckily all of you are present here, so pay attention next time."

Yuan also sneered, and asked the servant to pour her a glass of lemonade. Yuchi pressed her hand and said to someone, "Warm water is fine. You have a bad stomach, so don't eat too much sour food."

Song Miaoyun noticed Yuchi's sleeves: "Oh, Ah Chi's clothes are dirty, go upstairs and change one, it just so happens that Yangjin bought two new shirts for... as birthday presents for her uncle, both of which are white. Shirt, make it a point."

As she spoke, she winked at Song Yangjin: "Yangjin, quickly take Ah Chi upstairs."

Song Yangjin hurriedly stood up, graciously asking Yuchi to go upstairs.

Yuan also felt that this mother-daughter pair was a little weird, so she asked Yuchi to hold her hand, and grabbed his wrist in turn: "Ah Chi's shoulders are broad, Dad's clothes don't fit well, don't be too busy."

Taking advantage of the situation, he pulled him up and said, "Go to my room and take it off, I'll wash it, and then dry it with a hair dryer."

Yuchi looked at her, and said in a gentle voice, "Okay."

Song Miaoyun got up to block their way, pursed her red lips and said, "Don't bother, Yang Jin's two shirts were bought too big, and they should fit Ah Chi."

Yuan also raised her eyebrows: "Then bring it to me. I'll go up with Ah Chi and change. Yangjin is a cousin. How does it look like helping her cousin's husband change?"

I don't know what this passage hit their minds, even Jiang Hongda couldn't help but say: "What nonsense? Yangjin and Ah Chi are sisters and brothers. When you were young, your mother let you and your little cousin go. What does it matter if you bathe in one basin?"

Sister and brother?The relationship between him and Song Miaoyun's sister and brother for decades can produce two children, let alone others.

Kite also judged that they were a little weird based on intuition, but now, if she said that they were not tricky, she wouldn't believe it even if she was killed.

She looked at Yuchi with a smile in her eyes, and then looked at Song Yangjin: "I'm here, why can't I get my cousin, why are you all pushing my cousin? It can't be... there are no plans?"

Song Yangjin stared and said, "Damn, of course not. Didn't I see that you are not feeling well, so I want you to take a rest? Where are you thinking?"

"It's fine if you don't have one." Yuan Ye smiled lightly with deep sarcasm, not being too lazy to talk nonsense with them, she directly took Yuchi upstairs.

After the two left, Song Yangjin ran to Jiang Hongda: "Dad, what should I do?"

"How do I know what to do?" Jiang Hongda's face was livid, "Why are you so useless? Everyone is in front of you, and you still can't handle it!"

The words that scolded Yuan Ye just now were used on Song Yangjin in a blink of an eye. For Jiang Hongda, if he didn't do what he told him, it would be useless and useless.

Song Yangjin gritted her teeth slightly: "It's not that Jiang Yuan is so clingy to Yuchi, I have no chance to get close to him!" Otherwise, Yuchi would have been taken down by her long ago!
Which man doesn't like a gentle and submissive woman?That man doesn't like women who come to his door?Even the young master of Wei's family is no exception, otherwise how could he have a son with that woman in the hospital?

Song Yangjin is confident that he is as good-looking as that woman, as long as she uses tricks, Yuchi will definitely be hooked!
Yuchi seldom came to Jiang's house, and usually they didn't have the chance to see him, so Jiang Hongda was unwilling to let this chance go, so he thought for a while and said: "Miaoyun, go and lure Yuan out, let her Meet me in the garden, Yangjin, take this opportunity to go in and serve Yuchi."

Song Miaoyun was in a dilemma: "Yuan also seems to have become suspicious of us, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to be drawn out."

"Just say that I want to talk to her about Chen Qingwan, and she will definitely come out." A calculating glint flashed in Jiang Hongda's eyes.


Yuan also took Yuchi to her previous room. The furnishings in the room were still the same. She was the serious lady of the Jiang family, and Jiang Hongda still wanted to rely on her to get money from the Wei family. People mess with her things.

It was the first time Yuchi entered her room, and looked around. There was a humidifier on the table, which seemed to be dripped with some essential oil. It smelled a faint fragrance, which matched the layout of the girl's room.

Next to the humidifier is a photo frame, Yuchi picked it up and looked at it, it turned out to be a photo of Kiteya and her mother when she was a child.

Jiang Hongda was actually not bad looking, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to trick the young lady of the Chen family in Qingcheng into marrying her willingly, but Yuan also inherited her mother's looks more and more, and she was a beauty since she was a child.

In the photo, she looks only six or seven years old. Her long black hair is naturally curly and draped over her shoulders. She kisses Chen Qingwan intimately. Both mother and daughter smile with crooked eyebrows, and the slanted sunlight reflects their clear The transparent cheeks, the complexion is clear and gorgeous, like jade and smoke.

The corner of Yuchi's mouth also slightly raised a shallow arc.

Yuan didn't change the shirt Song Yangjin bought for Yuchi either. She thought it was awkward, so she searched in her closet and found a half-new black shirt for him. , There are people coveting and wanting to eat you wherever you go.”

Yuchi put down the photo frame, took off his suit jacket, put it on the edge of the bed, unbuttoned his shirts one by one, and said softly, "Nonsense."

Yuan also leaned on the closet and looked at him, wondering how could she be talking nonsense?Song Yangjin's courteous appearance, and Song Miaoyun's cooperative posture, obviously have other plans for Yuchi.

This man is really a scourge, recruiting people outside, and recruiting people at home... But it's true, no matter his worth or status, just talking about him, his appearance, is indeed very coveted.

Yuan also pouted and handed him the black shirt, but Yuchi opened his hand and raised his eyebrows as a signal.

Come and serve me.

Tobi also: "..."

The eldest young master orders people around quite naturally.

After a long confrontation, she finally stepped forward resignedly and helped him change his clothes.

"Whose one belongs to this?" Yuchi lowered his head to see her star-colored manicure, buttoning it up from bottom to top, like a shooting star flickering across the night sky, her breath lightly landed on his chest, even though separated by Layers of fabric, but also feel the heat.

"It seems to belong to my little cousin." Yuan also said.


This one piece of men's clothes should be clearly remembered, yes, yes, no, no, how could it be "as if"?
Yuchi's dark and moist eyes were somewhat penetrating.

(End of this chapter)

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