He is delusional

Chapter 241 How Much Yuchi Hurt Her

Chapter 241 How Much Yuchi Hurt Her

After that, the doctor did a detailed examination for Yuan, and finally said that as long as the head injury is healed, she will be fine.

Yuan also seemed to be "all right" this time, asked the nurse for a small mirror, took a look at herself, saw Su Xingyi was looking at her, and asked with a smile: "This is just a small injury, why did I alert you to come here in person?" Jincheng?"

Su Xingyi frowned sharply at the first sentence he spoke.

Seeing the change in his face, Yuan also immediately raised her hand in surrender: "Okay, okay, I'm not narcissistic, you're definitely not doing it for me, but also because of work, right?"

Then he said something like complaining or reproaching: "You know, I used to say that you refused to come, and you only came when you needed it."

"Yuan." Su Xingyi couldn't help interrupting her.

Yuan also blinked: "Ah? What's wrong?"


Her reaction was very wrong.

Su Xingyi didn't think that two days of drowsiness would allow her to let go of the past few months. If it was so easy to let go, she would not commit suicide by jumping into the river.

So what's going on with this joking and laughing girl?

Yuan couldn't wait for him to speak, so she just thought he was barking casually, and started another topic: "How long will you stay in Jincheng this time? This is your first time in Jincheng, right? Do you have any spare time? I'll take You go... hiss~"

As soon as the back of her head hurt, she immediately stretched out her hand to cover it, and said with a bitter face: "I wanted to take you to play, there are many interesting places in Jincheng, but my injury will take at least ten days and a half a month, you can't stay for so long, right?" ?”

"Hey, don't we have fate? Every time it's either you or I, we can't meet each other."

Su Xingyi's eyes became dim, and he had a vague guess: "You, do you know how your injury came about?"

"It fell."

Yuan also took it for granted: "Inspecting the tile factory, I accidentally fell down the stairs, oh, by the way, don't tell my family about this, I don't want to see Song Miaoyun play a mother-daughter scene in front of my dad. "

As she said that, she looked in the mirror again, and touched her bald head twice. Because of the operation, her hair was shaved off, and Kite didn't feel sad, but found it quite novel.

"Shorter than Sangxia, I don't even know what my cousin will look like when he sees it."


Su Xingyi slowly let out a breath from his lung cavity, her reaction confirmed his guess, she really...

Yuan also didn't notice the difference in his expression at all, she only concentrated on admiring her bald head shape, and never tired of it for a long time.

Su Xingyi took away her mirror, Yuan also looked puzzled, he said: "I will stay for a long time, until you are well."

"Really?" Yuan also smiled, "That's great!"

Then she started chattering again: "Let me tell you, there are many interesting places in Jincheng. You definitely don't want to go to crowded places. I'll take you to Dajue Temple, where there is a 400-year-old tree that just blooms now." , very beautiful, not many people, you will definitely like it.”

She introduced what is interesting and interesting in Jincheng. After talking about one place, she talked about another place. She also wanted to find pictures on the Internet on her mobile phone and show him: "Hey, where is my mobile phone? Forget it, I will show you later." I know, there is another place..."

Su Xingyi listened without saying a word.

Soon, Anna also discovered that something was wrong with Yuan Ye, and couldn't help but ask Su Xingyi alone: ​​"Has Miss Yuan Ye lost her memory?"

"It's memory confusion."

Su Xingyi's eyes darkened: "It happened two years ago that she fell down the stairs. At that time, she was married to Yuchi. Her matter had nothing to do with the Jiang family. Chen Sangxia cut her hair short last year, but she got mixed up. "

"She removed everything about Yuchi, and reassembled a life for herself."

Removed memory.

Pieced together life.

How deep did Yuchi hurt her that she would be so confused?
Anna looked at the smiling Tobiya who was chatting with the nurse in the ward, her eyes turned red.


"Mr. Huo, why are you back again!"

"Huo Yan didn't come back, Anna didn't fall down, no one kidnapped the hospital, and there are no aliens. No matter what you say, this medicine must be taken."


The woman who failed to divert her attention, both eyebrows drooped, looked at Mr. Su bitterly.

Anna couldn't help laughing, very good, the fifth "competition" in three days, the husband still won, and Ms. Tobiya's plan to throw away the pills three times a day failed again.

Yuan also let out a long sigh, honestly took the pill and the glass in Su Xingyi's hand, brewed up his emotions... still didn't have the courage to take it.

She is not a child, and knows the truth of good medicine, but this pill is completely anti-human. It is the size of a little fingernail, and it is not sugar-coated. She died peacefully. She ate it for three days in a row. Not only could she not get used to its taste, she even became more and more afraid after eating it, and she just wanted to throw it out of the window.

Yuan also muttered, "I'd rather you melt it into a spoonful of potion and I'll drink it in one gulp."

Su Xingyi glanced at her, took the medicine from her hand, and Yuan also dodged: "Forget it, it's even more disgusting to turn into liquid."

She closed her eyes, threw the pill into her mouth, and drank a large glass of water, but she still couldn't stop the bitter taste from spreading in her mouth, and her little face twisted into a ball.

Su Xingyi pressed something to her lips, Yuan also opened her mouth subconsciously, and immediately a sweet and sour feeling spread, overshadowing the disgusting smell of medicine, she tasted pickled sour plums, her eyebrows relaxed immediately, Maiguai said: "Mr. Su is so considerate."

Mr. Su wiped the corner of her mouth with a tissue, and said softly, "Anna bought it."

Yuan also immediately blew a kiss: "Sister Anna treats me well, she is completely incomparable with the straight man Su!"

Anna smiled, but she sighed in her heart. She thought that Miss Tobiya would continue to seek death after waking up, and also thought that she would be sad or resentful, but she never thought that she would forget about Yuchi.

But seeing her smile back to before, the corners of her mouth turned up, her brows raised, and her wits and courage with her husband in order not to take medicine, I feel that perhaps it is best to forget.

The husband said let it be, so let it be, for Ms. Tobiya, maybe it is best not to remember.

Anna exited the ward and was about to go to the doctor to inquire about Miss Tobiya's condition, and also asked if she could change the pill to something else. Miss Tobiya was suffering from pain~
After taking the medicine, which contains sleeping ingredients, Yuan Yeren became a little dazed and began to feel sleepy.

Su Xingyi looked outside: "I've been lying down for a few days, do you want to get out of bed and take a walk?"

It was only then that Tobi raised her spirits: "Okay."

"I'll push a wheelchair over here." Su Xingyi left the ward first.

Yuan also sat for a while, put on her shoes and got off the bed, walked to the sofa, picked up her coat and put it on, her gaze inadvertently glanced at a newspaper on the table.

A headline in bold on the front page reads, "Wei's Group has salvaged the Xiti River for many days, claiming to have lost priceless treasures"?
(End of this chapter)

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