Chapter 244
The temperature in Zurich is half lower than that in Jincheng. It is almost noon now, but the wind blowing over the flowers is still cool.

Anna wore a large flaxen-colored woolen scarf on her arm, walked to the garden, and saw the person she was looking for lying on the stone table, as if she had fallen asleep.

As soon as she put the scarf on her body, she opened her eyes. Anna said softly, "Miss, go back to bed."

Maybe it's because the injury hasn't healed yet, she's always lacking energy, she's been staying at the Rodriguez Manor for three days, and she really wants to go shopping, but every time she gets tired and sleepy after only a few steps.

Yuan also stretched her waist, smiled and said: "I just dreamed about the first time I came to Rodriguez Manor, it seems to be three or four years ago, and it was Sister Anna who came to open the door for me at that time, and opened the door for me. I'll bring it in, otherwise Mr. Su might keep rejecting me."

"I was able to open the door because of my husband's acquiescence, and I really want to see you." After a pause, Anna continued, "It's not that my husband hasn't seen you these years. The Yuan family cared about you, and he also wanted to protect you."

The scarf slipped from Jia's shoulders, and Kite took it back into her arms in time, and a faint scent invaded her nose, and she knew it belonged to that man without identifying it.

She didn't understand it before, but now she does.

It was indeed to protect her.

The Rodriguez family and the Erno family also have a lesser-known kinship relationship—Su Xingyi's grandmother is the daughter of the Erno family.

Although three generations have passed, the two families have a lot of assets left over from history. The Yuan family has always been wary of Su Xingyi, fearing that he will use this as a breakthrough to attack the Erno family—after all, after the head of the family came to the throne, he either invested or invested. Controlling, or annexing, or expanding, and spreading his business kingdom all over Europe, all these measures have demonstrated his ambition to dominate alone.

If he gets closer to her, the Yuan family who know her true identity will definitely want to get rid of her more quickly, lest they have power and the other famous, and annex the Yuan family more logically.

The Yuan family, who didn't know her identity, might also put their minds on her because of this, thinking that she was Mr. Su's important person, and arrested her to threaten Mr. Su.

Because of these, Mr. Su didn't contact her very much. In short, he didn't want to destroy her original life and involve her in the struggle.

It's a pity that there was a mistake, and she still had to face it.

The breeze brought the fragrance of flowers, and Anna said softly: "Miss may not know, Mr. went to Jincheng a few years ago, and lived in Jincheng for two full months." (Chapter 108)
Yuan was also slightly taken aback: "Have you ever been to Jincheng?"

"I've been there, Mr. Huo knows about it."

Yuan also didn't know at all, and when I mentioned it at this moment, I suddenly remembered another thing: "That is to say, the person I saw in Ningcheng that time was indeed you?" (Chapter 126)
Anna pursed her lips and smiled: "It's us, but at that time, the husband didn't want you to know that we were in China, so I lied to the lady, sorry."

So the man who gave her the Kunlun slave mask was indeed Mr. Su?
... No wonder the look in his eyes at that time was so familiar to her. (130 chapters)
Yuan also pursed her lips lightly: "What are you going to Jincheng for?"

It is not until today that Anna tells what happened at that time: "A year ago, the old godfather issued a critical illness notice for the first time, and Mrs. Landau and Mrs. Li Xi began to show their talents. The husband discovered that the Yuan family sent someone to Jincheng. They've got their hands on you."

So he, a person who doesn't like to go out or walk around, ran from Zurich to Jincheng on purpose to guard her?Protect her?Still don't let her know?

Yuan also tightened the scarf in her hand, something pressed down like a tsunami, she didn't know how to respond for a long time.

Anna said this just to let her know that Su Xingyi is not a heartless person, but when she saw her face like this, she was afraid of being abrupt, so she hurriedly changed her tone: "I have visited Miss with my husband a few times, and every time Secretly, I am afraid that people will think we are bad people." (Chapter 111)
Kite just twitched the corner of her mouth.

"Mr. has already arranged everything this time, and no one will find out that you are still alive."

"It doesn't matter if you find out, I didn't intend to hide it for the rest of my life." Yuan also said lightly.

Anna was taken aback, and Yuan didn't explain much, she got up with the scarf and said, "I'll return it to him."


Yuan also knew that Su Xingyi was in the study on the fourth floor, so she walked over and knocked on the door.

No one answered inside, she knocked again, it was still quiet, but the door was not closed tightly, she slowly pushed it open.

Standing at the door and looking in, there was no one there.

not here?Yuan also thought to herself, just as she was about to close the door again, someone grabbed the handle behind the door, and that person directly opened the half-closed door.

Yuan was also taken aback, raised her head, and her eyes directly hit a naked man's chest.


Probably because of his blood, his skin is fairer than that of Asians, but it is not pale and weak at all.

The lines of the muscles are very neat and simple, and you can feel the power contained in them just by looking at them. Yuan also noticed that there is a scar on his chest. Although it is an old wound, it has already healed, but it may be because the wound is too deep. , the trace is still very clear, about as long as a finger, as if stabbed in by a dagger.

To be able to hurt here, it must be close to his body, but with his identity, he is usually protected by someone when he goes in and out, at least there will be Anna by his side. Anna looks gentle and gentle, but in fact she is very skilled. With her around , no one should be able to hurt him, how did he get this injury?

She stretched out her hand while thinking, trying to perceive the story behind the scar, but before she touched his skin, Su Xingyi grabbed her hand.

Yuan Ye just woke up like a dream, realized that her action was too offensive, and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry."

Su Xingyi did not let go of her hand, but looked at her with dark eyes.

Yuan also felt a little embarrassed for no reason, pursed her lips, and explained: "I came to return the scarf, and I knocked on the door, but you didn't answer."

Su Xingyi glanced at the things in her hand, and finally let go of her hand: "I'm taking a shower, I didn't hear it."

He still had moisture on his body, only wearing a pair of loose trousers, Yuan also touched his nose, inexplicably embarrassed, thinking of returning the scarf to him and leaving, but Su Xingyi had already turned around: "Come in."

Yuan also had no choice but to follow him in, her eyes inevitably fell on his shoulder, there was also a scar there, the scab had healed and the flesh was light pink.

It was these two injuries that destroyed this otherwise perfect male body.

"The injury on your shoulder was suffered in Benghazi?"

Su Xingyi put on his clothes: "Anna told you?"

Iris is also the default.

Anna said that Yuchi was ambushed by them in Benghazi and was shot in the abdomen. No wonder he couldn't get out of the car that day, and later his shirt was stained with blood. It turned out that he was injured, and Su Xingyi was also shot by Yuchi. The shot scratched his shoulder, which was not serious, but it also left an indelible scar.

Anna also said...Mr. Su didn't have to go to Benghazi himself, because whether she was dead or alive, he wanted to get back from the culprit for her injuries in the mountains of Basel.

This is the second thing she knows that he did it for her.

Su Xingyi said in one sentence: "It's all right now."

How can it be all right?Once the wound has healed, the scar will always be there, just like the wound on her calf that was suffered in the Three Forests of Basel, the trace is still clear, and when touched, she can even recall the pain at that time. (182 chapters)
Kite also sighed inwardly.

He still doesn't know what Yuchi owes her.

How could she pay off what she owed Su Xingyi?
Su Xingyi suddenly turned his head and coughed a few times, Yuan was also taken aback, and hurriedly stepped forward to pat him on the back: "I've wanted to ask for a long time, what's the matter with your cough? Why do you have it from time to time?"

He coughed badly, Yuan also turned to pour him a glass of water, Su Xingyi took a sip before saying, "I'm used to it."

Yuan also frowned: "What do you mean by getting used to it? If the doctor can't cure it, you can change to another doctor. With the advanced medical technology, what disease can't be cured? You don't need money, so you can save this little medical expenses." No?"

I don't know where is the point of her smile, Mr. Su unexpectedly bent his lips: "Okay."

Thinking of the two wounds on his body, Yuan couldn't help but said, "Don't do dangerous things in the future."

"Okay." He also agreed.

Yuan also took his empty water glass, turned around to pour another glass, and muttered: "Why do you agree with everything?"

Su Xingyi leaned on the sofa, followed her slender back, his eyes were like epiphyllum blooming under the moon.

Pure, precious, and hidden too deeply, a rare tenderness.


But since that day, Su Xingyi has been coughing more and more frequently, even taking medicine has no effect.

Yuan also lived with him on the fourth floor, sleeping at night, and could barely hear his cough through two doors.

In the first week, Anna told her that it would take a while for a small cold to get better, and it was not a specific medicine, so how could it be effective immediately after taking it?

Yuan also thought that this was the truth, so she didn't worry about it too much, and she still did what she should do. However, after half a month, Mr. Su's cough was still the same, and it even had a tendency to worsen. She finally realized that something was wrong. .

She had suspected that his cough was an old disease before, because she had seen him cough to the point of transfusion ten years ago, but both Su Xingyi and Anna denied it, and she no longer believed their words this time, insisting that he go to the hospital for treatment check.

Then one night, Yuan didn't hear the coughing sound, and thought he was recovering, but found out the next day, he moved to sleep on the fifth floor.

Seeing her angry and worried look, Su Xingyi looked calm, raised his hand and touched her head through the woolen hat: "Don't worry about me."

(End of this chapter)

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