He is delusional

Chapter 243 Ms. Miss Zhang Family

Chapter 243 Mister and Ms. Go Home

It takes [-] hours to fly directly from Jincheng to Zurich. Yuan also looked at Yunjuan Yunshu outside the window for a while, and remembered the meal she had with Nanyin two days before leaving Jincheng.

Strictly speaking, this is the second time they meet, but they are as familiar as friends who have been friends for more than ten years.

She said, "Thank you."

She replied, "You're welcome."

They are not hypocritical women, don't like to say too many gorgeous rhetoric, she thanked her for her righteous help, and when she returned to her way to see injustice, that was enough.

The meal was Cantonese style breakfast, two pieces in one cup, with hot tea in the air, Nanyin looked at Yuanye without hesitation, nodded, and left Wei's house and Yuchi, she was finally a little angry, although it was still different from before , but after going through so many things, it is not easy for her to recover to this level.

Thinking about it, it was because of the company of the man who sent her here just now.

Yuan also ate a shrimp dumpling, remembering to ask: "Does Gu Jiu know about this?"

The curvature of Nanyin's lips remained the same, but she didn't smile when she looked closely: "I wanted to say it, but I haven't had time yet. The last time I saw him was a hot search on Weibo."

Photoshoot with a certain flower.

Yuan is also silent, her childhood is good at everything, even if she has disagreements with men and women, but she can't tell what is wrong with her attitude.

Feelings are like things that a person knows when drinking water. What's more, a woman like Nanyin never needs others to teach her what to do, so Yuan didn't say much, just said: "Then don't tell him, they will be Jiang Yuan. He also died in Basel, and you all died at the pier as Jiang Yuan."

"Okay." Nanyin used tea instead of wine to practice for her, "I hope we can see each other again."

"It will definitely." Yuan also clinked glasses with her and smiled at each other.

Before leaving, Yuan also asked Nanyin one thing: "Yuchi knows that you helped me escape, did he deal with you?"

Nanyin tossed her hair, and the red rose in Liyuanhang was not afraid of this, she raised her eyebrows and said, "Your eldest cousin has already promised to cover me, at worst I won't hang out in Jincheng, if you don't stay here, you will have a place to stay with your sister."

"You don't have to worry about me, see you next time, I'll sing "The Story of the White Rabbit" for you again."


"Please give me a glass of warm water." Su Xingyi beside him spoke to the stewardess, and the stewardess responded softly.

Kite also withdrew her thoughts and looked at him.

She knew that Basel was the one who lent her little cousin's manpower, and she didn't know from Anna until two days ago that he also went to that mountain.

Su Xingyi stretched out his hand, and Anna over there handed him the medicine bag. He opened the small table and pressed out the medicine with his fingers: "Look what I'm doing?"

Yuan also held her chin: "I think I have troubled you a lot these years."

Whether it's business or private, she can't solve it, and she always asks him for help.

"There's no need to talk about this between you and me." Su Xingyi took the water from the stewardess, thanked her, and put a bottle of pills in front of her.

Yuan also felt sick when she saw the medicine, and tried to get away with it: "Take it after getting off the plane."

Mr. Su raised his eyes lightly, seeing frost and snow that was the same color as the white clouds outside the window.

Yuan also took the water and medicine with both hands: "I'll take it right away."

After taking the medicine, Yuan also turned the cup in her hand, putting away her jokes: "How is my big cousin?"

Su Xingyi didn't hide it from her: "It's not very good."

Kite also raised her eyebrows.

"We didn't act together, he didn't know I knew you were alive, and I didn't know he knew you were alive."

Su Xingyi and Chen Jingxian are not friends. Although they have each other's contact information, they have been very different in the past ten years. The recent exchanges are also because of Yuanye's matter, which is not a friendship, so they have nothing to do with each other. , and there is no need to notify the other party.

In other words, during the rescue operation of Yuan Ye, the two did not cooperate, and each did their own thing. They just cooperated with each other by mistake—one stopped the members of the Wei family and the Yuan family, and the other rescued Yuan Ye. .

What Chen Jingxian said to Nanyin before, "wait for the opportunity", was not waiting for Su Xingyi to lure Yuchi to Benghazi, nor was it waiting for Yuchi to leave Jincheng on his own, but for the things he had arranged to take effect.

——Ningcheng Bund No. 70 land, which was 8% owned by Wei's shares a year ago, has started construction. He made some manipulations on this land, trying to lure Yuchi to Ningcheng. Originally, it happened in those two days, but Yuchi did not expect He was first lured to Benghazi by Su Xingyi.

Although the land matter did not achieve the purpose of diverting Yuchi away, it also planted the root. Later, because Yuan also jumped into the river and committed suicide, Chen Jingxian was furious and attacked Wei from land No. 8 again.

Chen Jingxian's move was certainly a sigh of relief, but it also gave the second and third members of the Chen family a reason to attack him, saying such things as "personal grievances regardless of the overall situation", "treating the Chen family as their own private soldiers", "offending the Wei family members hinder the future development of Erdong Group" and even encouraged the directors to hold a general meeting to dismiss him as an incompetent president.

Chen Jingxian didn't just sit still, he even changed his usual meek attitude towards the second and third bedrooms over the years, directly "invited" people out of Erdong, and swiftly removed all their positions and real power in Erdong.

——Although he brought out the evidence that the second and third bedrooms were filthy and filthy to make the directors shut up, but the continuous violence has hurt his own foundation.

This is like an emperor who has always been governed by a gentle policy, and his temperament changed overnight. Even if he has sufficient reasons, but with such a big contrast, his subjects will inevitably hurt him. disturbed.

Especially in Chaoshan, a place that pays more attention to blood kinship than other places, others will not think that his second and third uncles are old and disrespectful, but will only think that he is so ruthless to his own second and third uncles, which is really embarrassing. look sideways.

After listening to his words, Yuan also sighed softly: "Scraping the bone to heal the wound."

The eldest cousin inherited the Chen family because of the meaning of his grandfather before his death, but the second and third bedrooms have committed crimes for less than ten years. The eldest cousin has never been cruel before, just because of this blood relationship, but in the past two years they have become more and more serious. It's getting worse, and it's time to clean up.

"En." Su Xingyi only responded with one word, which seemed to agree with her opinion.

Yuan also thought that after she settled down in Zurich, she would find a chance to contact her eldest cousin.

He attacked Wei's family and tidied up the second and third bedrooms. Such a thunderous action was not at all like the usual style of his big cousin, and it was probably because of her. He felt that his gentleness could not protect his younger siblings, so he chose to take the slant of his sword and no longer Forbearance.

It's just that it is so sharp that it will inevitably hurt yourself.

With things in mind, these fourteen hours were not so difficult. Day and night alternated, and the sky just dawned when the plane landed.

Yuan also walked out of the airport, looking at the rising sun from a distance, feeling like being reborn.

At the bottom of the steps, the car from the Rodriguez family has been waiting for a long time.

Anna stepped forward and opened the car door: "Sir, Miss, you are home."

(End of this chapter)

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