He is delusional

Chapter 271 She Has Always Been So Good

Chapter 271 She Has Always Been So Good

Yuchi took it with one hand, and it was also a hot search, #HMVL家主#, dragged the screen down with his fingertips, and read every post.

The content links the topic of Wei's infringement of the four major ports, to the effect that the HMVL hostess publicly exposed the infringement of Wei's president on the galloping ship.

Other than that there is no other information.

Netizens’ discussions focused on Wei’s infringement—after all, as soon as the forefoot lifted Asia’s No. [-] giant wheel, someone issued a lawyer’s letter on the giant wheel. The reversal was too fast and too slap in the face, which is what netizens like most. The melon-eating link.

One wave is about when the old godfather will have this daughter?

The gossip of wealthy families is also the point that attracts the most attention from netizens. Just digging and digging, they failed to dig out useful information about the daughter who suddenly appeared, but the more they couldn't dig it out, the more curious everyone was. All kinds, in short, the four letters HMVL cannot be avoided in today's Internet.

"She is very good at creating momentum for herself." Lu Chubei made a brief introduction.

The hot search must be bought. Although there are many people on board, they are all smart people who can figure out their identities. Without permission, how could they dare to expose the information about the head of the Erno family?So this topic, and Yuchi's topic, were undoubtedly arranged by Yuan Ye.

And strictly speaking, Tobi is also the head of the Elno family, and is only one of the directors in HMVL, but the topic confuses the two. People who don't know the truth at first glance think that Tobi has also become the new godfather of HMVL.

As for why the confusion?Very simple, HMVL has a high reputation among young people, especially its cosmetics and perfumes. Girls born in the 80s, 90s, and even 00s have at least one lipstick from their house in their bags. Bringing HMVL is easy to give She garners more attention.

She has now got her wish.

The second hot search is evidence.

Yuchi's eyes reflected the fluorescence of the screen, seeming to take in all the content in his eyes, but in fact, his attention at that moment was not on the phone, but thinking, and second again.

The "Yangzhou Thin Horse" incident was also bought by someone, and it was also the second most searched. (085)

It's just that she was a little at a loss at that time, the overwhelming noise was blocked by his eight words, the annual ring turned three times, and now it is still this network and this position, but it has become the road she paved for herself A simple sentence can guide public opinion for her and achieve her goal.

He asked in a low voice, "Do you have any photos?"

"Not yet." Lu Chubei said.

Yuchi returned the phone to him, then took out his own, and tapped it a few times.

After decades of brothers, Lu Chubei could more or less guess what he was thinking: "What to do? Let people stare at me, I don't want her picture to appear on the Internet? I am afraid that netizens will recognize that the owner of HMVL is the old 'Yangzhou The Jiang Yuan in "Skinny Horse"?"

Yuchi didn't ask if he was right, and walked to the wine cabinet after sending the message, opened a bottle of vodka casually.

Lu Chubei looked at him: "You don't want to know what she bought her trending search for?" She bought his trending search to discredit Wei Shi, and bought her own trending search for what?
"Since the first step has been done, there will definitely be a second step, and you will know what she wants to do after reading it." Yuchi only responded like this.

Such a casual attitude.Lu Chubei raised his eyebrows. It's not like his character to wait for the situation to develop. He has always believed in taking the first action. Now that he has a countermeasure, or does he not think that Yuan can find something beyond his control? the wind and waves?
Lu Chubei didn't talk too much about him, got up from the sofa, walked in front of him, handed him the kraft paper bag, poured a glass of wine by the way, and said, "She is no longer the ginger from the 'Yangzhou Skinny Horse' period. Tobi, if she doesn't want her photo to appear on the Internet, there are plenty of ways to hide it."

Not anymore.

The strong wine entered his throat like a fire and burned all the way to his lungs, Yuchi's face did not change, but his thin lips were pressed tightly together, and a sense of depression spread around his body.

Lu Chubei felt that what she said was right, it was a trending search arranged by herself, and she naturally wouldn't let others see something that shouldn't appear, so why should he bother?But he looked at Yuchi's face, and he didn't continue talking.

Li Yi knocked on the door and came in, probably because he had something to report, but seeing their conversation, he didn't interrupt.

Yuchi opened the kraft paper bag, it was Lu Chubei who sent someone to check last night about what happened to Yuanye in those three years.

"Three years ago, Mrs. Li Xi brought her back to Yuan's house. It is said that the old godfather liked her very much, and he announced in public that he would hand over both the Erno family and HMVL to her. Although Mrs. Landau's faction strongly questioned and opposed her, but in With the old godfather's insistence and Mrs. Li Xi's support, one month later, she still entered the Yuan family and became the only daughter of the old godfather and the first heir of the Yuan family." Lu Chubei said on the side.

"These things were originally kept under wraps, probably because she made her public appearance, so she didn't hide it anymore. In short, there are many versions about her identity, and this is the most reliable one I think."

There is a photo of Tobi in the middle of the file, which should be taken secretly. She is wearing a small black suit, followed by a secretary, and is walking towards the company's gate. Her hair is blown by the passing wind, without a smile on her face The profile of his face was slightly cold.

Yuchi held that photo, and the most obvious change in Yuanya during this reunion was her temperament.

If the kite in the past was also a rose that people couldn't stop, then the kite now is just a poppy that blooms brilliantly, which makes people want to take it for themselves, but also makes people daunted.

She can make people feel dangerous.

Even though she is smiling most of the time.

She couldn't hide the coldness in her bones.

Hearing this, Li Yi couldn't help asking: "The old godfather has been under Mrs. Landau's control since he was ill in bed. How did Mrs. Li Xi bypass her and arrange for the young lady to meet the old godfather?"

The words "Young Madam" were spoken so naturally that both Yuchi and Lu Chubei were stunned.

In these conversations between them, they always refer to Yuan Ye as "she", which is not to avoid deliberately, but in the past three years they have used Yuan Ye's name and title tacitly, and now they are used to it. Hearing these three words, both of them were silent, and even the air passing by slowed down.

After Li Yi finished speaking, he realized that something was wrong, and quickly looked at Yuchi, and saw that his already calm face sank, it was too calm, making people nervous for no reason, and he didn't know what to say to remedy the situation. Being in a dilemma, Lu Chubei took his words and made a relief: "I can't find such a small detail."

"I just know that she has been training in a subsidiary of HMVL for the past three years, and those directors have given her many difficulties, such as entering the A project team to help complete the acquisition of a certain company, entering the B project team to complete the company's backdoor listing, She has done a good job in following up the project of Project C, solving the public relations crisis of Project D, etc. She originally agreed to take five years to investigate, but it only took her three years to get the approval of the old directors and officially enter the management layer."

"But having said that, you and Mrs. Landau are partners, how could she not even tell you about her recognition of her ancestors?"

Yuchi put all the documents back into the file bag, but Lu Chubei replied with a sentence: "She has always been so good."

(End of this chapter)

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