He is delusional

Chapter 272 4 words

Chapter 272

Lu Chubei walked out of Yuchi's room, recalling what he said just now, and then thinking of the first meeting in Xiyuan back then, one blamed and complained that he didn't tell her in advance that he was going to meet a friend and he didn't dress up well enough; Very, the eyes that looked at each other at that time were really affectionate. (052)

Ten miles of cold pond road, the fireworks are half awake.

"Things are right and people are wrong" are really the four most ugly words in the world.

He shook his head and sighed slightly.


"What's the matter?" Yuchi looked at Li Yi.

Li Yicai reported the reason why he came to him: "The captain explained that there may be storms and waves on the sea at night. Judging from experience, it will not pose a safety threat to the giant ship, but it is not so stable and will continue to shake for a while."

When sailing at sea, there is no room for negligence, Yuchi said after pondering: "Please go to the captain's room to discuss with Mr. Chen."

Li Yi agreed, and went to find Chen Jingxian first.

This ship is big and big, with a full eighteen floors, and small and small, in general, it is such a big place. Yuchi turned around the corridor and went to the captain's cabin. He raised his head inadvertently, and saw a man and a man standing there. Female.

The woman was still wearing a light grape purple dress when she met her in the cafeteria, with bauhinia flowers fluttering on the skirt. She was standing on the deck blowing the sea breeze, with a comfortable and comfortable expression, and said something with a contemptuous smile on the corner of her mouth.

The man probably thought she was wearing thin clothes, so he took off his coat and put it on her body. She reacted, first smiled, then put the coat back on him, and said with a snort, "I'm not cold, the weather is so comfortable, If you don't wear it, let Ansha take it back to the room, don't try to 'plant' it on me."

Even if a woman wears high heels, her height only reaches the man's shoulders. If she wants to put the clothes back on for him, she has to stand on tiptoe, but high heels are not so stable, let alone stand on tiptoe on the boat. She fell, and put her hands on her slender waist.


Yuchi watched and raised his hand to touch his left shoulder.

The cup of coffee in the morning was really hot, and it still hurt after several layers of clothes.


Regarding whether the cruise ship should continue sailing or dock when encountering wind and waves, after discussing with the captain, Yuchi and Chen Jingxian decided to speed up and return early with the safety of the people on board as the top priority.

So that night, the cruise ship docked at the port of Qingcheng, and all the guests disembarked in an orderly manner under the arrangement of Wei's family.

Yuan Ye had already stepped off the boat with Su Xingyi, and accidentally touched his pocket, only to find that something was left behind, frowned immediately, and said to Su Xingyi, "You get in the car first, I'll go back and get something."

Ansha took the initiative to say, "Miss, what did you leave behind? I'll get it for you."

"No need, you may not know where it is." Yuan was also anxious to look for it, without saying much, she hurriedly turned around and boarded the boat again.

There were no people on the cruise ship at the moment, the sea breeze was blowing in from the corridor windows that were not closed tightly, and the high heels stepped on the tiled floor, and there was a slight echo.

Yuan also recalled when was the last time she saw that thing, and at the same time quickened her pace, fearing that the cleaning staff would take away her things.

With something in mind, he didn't notice what was wrong around him for a while, when he turned around the corridor, a door next to him suddenly opened, a hand stretched out to grab her, and directly led her in.

Caught off guard, Yuan was also taken aback, before she could react to anything, there was a pain on her lips!
(End of this chapter)

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