Chapter 274
Except for these three words, he never said anything else.

Tobi didn't even know whether he was apologizing to her for offending her now, or for hurting her in the past.

Look, Mr. Wei is Mr. Wei, every word is so precious, even if you apologize, you can't say it well, it's so vague.

The guests had already left the cruise ship, and only the staff were left to deal with the aftermath. A cleaner passed by in the corridor, but no one was found here, and she dragged the garbage truck away.

As the sound faded away, Yuan also lost the patience to spend with him here, struggling again to shake him off.

She had learned some Sanda in those three years, but she still had obvious weaknesses in front of Yuchi, who had received professional training since she was a child, so she didn't confront him head-on, but took a coincidence and was not restrained by him for a while, and the two of them were in the narrow utility room , one resisted, the other suppressed, and passed several moves in a row.

A dark light flashed across Yuanye's eyes, the unwillingness to win catalyzed the screams in his blood, and he wanted to pull the trigger directly, and it would be over...

Before the thought was completely eliminated, Yuchi found her gap, broke through the defense and grabbed her two hands, folded them into an X and pressed them against her chest, and at the same time pressed her against the wall. Impulsive, I suddenly heard him ask: "When did you think of 'see you'?"

Iris also raised her head.

After all the back and forth just now, they had retreated into the depths of the utility room, the light was dim, and even his expression could not be clearly seen.

Yuchi asked twice in one sentence: "When did you think of 'see you'?"

Yuan was also expressionless, and only looked at him with a pair of eyes that had faded from a fake smile, as if washed by snow water. The biting coldness from the inside to the outside was an attitude and a warning.

She asked him to let her go.

The four eyes met, after a while, Yuchi finally let go of his hand.

Yuan Ye took a few steps back to distance herself, from the address of "Yu Ye" to Zhuang Shu's betrayal, and from Zhuang Shu to the memory of "Shijian", the next day they reunited, they shared what happened on the day they separated. Take them out one by one and ask the other party for an explanation.

Yuan also tidied up the clothes on her body, and said, "Coincidentally, it was that day, I just remembered."

... No wonder she was so emotionally out of control at that time.Yuchi's throat rolled: "Remember everything?"

Yuan also smiled: "President Wei asked this question, did you remember it too?"

He said that he had amnesia, and he just forgot four years ago... Oh, no, it must be seven years ago, what he experienced in Qingcheng, he has been receiving psychiatric treatment, just to get his memory back, so now he has found it? (129)

Yuchi pursed his lips and didn't respond, the utility room was narrow, the only way out was blocked by his tall body, Yuan was not afraid of him, and didn't think he could do anything to her, she could go if she didn't want to answer.

It's just that his tone of voice just now was filled with sighs, which aroused her interest. He wanted to do something about this matter so that he could stand up to his difficult persona.

Suddenly, she was not in a hurry to leave, Yuan also leaned against the iron frame, and the corner of her mouth was raised to smile: "I should remember, I have already remembered."

Yuchi said in a deep voice, "Speak clearly, what do you remember?"

Still want to ask so clearly?how?Test her?Let's see if she remembers it all. If she doesn't remember it completely, he can find a loophole to forcefully explain it again?Yuan also licked her little tiger teeth, looking at the man standing under the only window in the utility room.

It was already dark at the moment, and dozens of strong lights were turned on at the pier to barely illuminate the surroundings. The light closest to the utility room was probably about to break down. Obscure.

The surroundings are too closed, the distance between the two of them is too close, the air he exhales and inhales carries his breath, Yuan can't stay any longer, and wants to walk out of the utility room to an open place, when they pass each other, Yuchi raises his hand to block it Her thin lips pursed.

Remember what is it?
OK, just say it.

Yuan Ye's eyes were as clear as a spring: "I remembered that I was four months pregnant and you asked me to wait for you to come back, and I was waiting for three months in the countryside."

"Thinking of the news that I finally got you in December in the middle of winter, it turns out that you have another mistress at Xinhuan Banshan Villa."

"Thinking of the heavy snow blocking the mountains, I walked to the villa on foot and saw you and Bai Qingqing kissing and lingering. I remembered that I fell in the snow and crawled all the way with abdominal pain. I remembered that you stood in front of me and said that I would leave after the child was born. Because you already hate me, and there are many more. Going forward, there are still how we met, how you pursued me, how we were together, the lotus lantern at Zhinu River, the magnolia flower at Qingcheng University, and the childish worship of heaven and earth, How? Is that enough that I can remember? Huh?"

At the same time, she mercilessly pushed away his body blocking the way.

The man who couldn't get rid of him no matter how hard he tried just now, actually took two steps back when he was pushed by her. At that moment, an extremely complicated emotion flashed across that face that had been calm for many years, and he seemed to want to If he wanted to say something, he finally pursed his lips tightly, only tightening his jaw. In the opaque utility room, his face was slightly pale.

Yuan also slowly sent a mouthful of air that did not smell of him into the lung cavity, and the almost unstable mood had calmed down at this moment, and suddenly felt boring——I said these words originally to see what kind of drama he could sing, but now I think, why does she Wasting time watching him put on a show?Mr. Su is still waiting for her under the boat.

Losing interest and not wanting to talk anymore, Kite also put away her pistol and walked past him.

This time Yuchi didn't stop her.

After walking three or five steps, Yuan also remembered something, turned around and said: "I hate dirty things very much, I hope Mr. Wei will not touch me casually next time, in case I get scared, go off and hurt you , what should I do?"

Yuchi just closed his eyes, half of his face was hidden in the darkness.

Ibi also went straight out.

When he stepped out of the utility room with his back heels, a word came out from behind him: "What's your relationship with Su Xingyi?"

Kite didn't seem to hear it either, and kept walking non-stop.

Yuchi didn't raise his hand until he saw her back completely disappear, and covered his chest where her elbow had hit him just now.

This is the heart, she put a heavy hand on it, and the pain lingered from the outside to the inside for a long time.


Yuan also walked directly to the suite where she lived, her face was calm, she was not disturbed by Yuchi, she first picked up the pillow, and then lifted the quilt, there was nothing like what she was looking for, she thought about it, She turned and walked into the bathroom, glanced at the sink, but there was nothing there.

None, so where else?

She walked out of the room, stood in the living room for a while, entered the guest bedroom, and saw it on the small coffee table at a glance - a diamond hairpin.

Yuan also walked over to pick it up. This diamond hairpin was given to her by Mr. Su, and it was exactly the same as the one he asked Huoyan to give her back then. (040)

It's just that the original one fell into the Wei Mansion, and this one was re-made later.

Wei's mansion... The memory touched a sensitive point, and Yuan Ye's face suddenly turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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