He is delusional

Chapter 275 The Actor With Poor Acting Skills

Chapter 275 The Actor With Poor Acting Skills

Yuchi is a very good capitalist and a very good careerist, but he is not a very good actor.

I want to pretend to be an insincere and affectionate persona, so at least I pack up my outfit first——Zhuang Shu betrayed her to Mrs. Landau. If Mr. Su hadn't saved her, she would have died in that river three years ago. Zhuang Shu was one of the murderers. One, he knew all this, but he still kept Zhuang Shu by his side.

In addition, he only salvaged her for three days and then withdrew the salvage team. With the blessing of these two points, the "complexity", "heavyness", "helplessness", and "regret" he showed in front of her now are ridiculously fake!

Yuan also chirped, he is really an actor with poor acting skills, and people have no interest in watching it.

But he can't blame him for making such a big bug. After all, he didn't expect that she would come back, let alone that she was not dead.

That's where he made his mistake. He didn't clean up his horse's feet, so he hurried to put on a show in front of her, sorry?how?Still want her to say "It's okay"?
Kite also pinned the diamond hairpin on her temples, her eyes were piercing.

After disembarking, she glanced back at the giant ship, something flashed across her face, and when she looked away, she accidentally saw Yuchi on the second deck, who was also looking in her direction. Unable to see his expression clearly, Kite was also indifferent and bent down to get into the car.

"Let's go."

The car started, and Kite also rested her elbows on the window sill, looking sideways at the passing scenery by the side of the road.

After Su Xingyi replied to the work email, he looked back at her frosty expression, and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

When she turned to him, Yuan also had some warmth on her face: "I wonder if Yuchi and Landau will have internal quarrels."

Su Xingyi didn't even have to think about it: "No."

The corner of Yuan Ye's mouth twitched, she really wouldn't, it was originally an alliance that each took what they needed, and because of what had happened, it was not worth the loss.

"I didn't expect that Landau really didn't reveal to Yuchi that I was still alive." Yuan also pressed a line of the car window, and the winter night wind took advantage of it, which was worse than the heavy snow she experienced in Moscow at the end of last year. Be colder.

Back then when she returned to the Yuan family, she would have exploded a deep-water torpedo in Europe, because everyone thought that the old godfather had no biological children to inherit the business empire, so they just waited for him to kick his legs, and Landau and Li Xi would start a full-scale war. Competing for property, they took advantage of the chaos to carve up the HMVL market, and finally killed her, Cheng Yaojin, one can imagine how shocking it would be.

But because she said she would accept the experience, the old godfather and the directors discussed and decided not to disclose her identity for the time being, in order to prevent someone from secretly assisting or harming her.

Mrs. Landau was among the people who were ordered to shut up, and she really followed the rules, even Yuchi didn't say anything.

Su Xingyi reached out to her, closed the window, and said calmly: "The old godfather may not know what she did, but he left room for not exposing it. She knows how to measure, so naturally she dare not disobey his orders again."

The old godfather is old and sick, but his power is still there, even Mrs. Landau dare not openly contradict him.

She understands the truth, but why did he close her window?Yuan also raised her eyebrows and looked at him, but he didn't change his face: "I'm cold."

Yuan also laughed, obviously because she was afraid that she would catch a cold, Mr. Su was always so wrong.

The car finally stopped in front of the Chen family's mansion.

Although the sea weather is force majeure, Weishi and Erdong still arranged hotels for all the guests responsibly - it is already very late today, and most of the guests are from other places, and they will not be able to leave Qingcheng until tomorrow at the earliest , It’s not easy for them to find a place to live after they disembark.

Yuan also didn't go to stay in the hotel, she hasn't been back to Chen's house for many years, this time she plans to stay in Chen's house for two more days.

Anyway, the good show will reach its peak in two days, so there is no rush.

Before Chen Jingxian settled the guests, he sent Qi Gao and others to greet him at the door. He saw that the car had stopped and quickly stepped forward, opened the rear door to let Yuan also get out of the car, and at the same time showed a heartfelt smile: "Miss, you're home. "

Yuan also bent her lips in response, and went to look at the plaque of the Chen family, it was still the one written by grandpa, she pursed her lips, and walked up the steps with her head down.

Qi Gao said: "You are still in the previous room. The young master has kept it for you. Mr. Daniel's room is on the second floor."

"it is good."

The Chen family mansion also has a lot of history. The structure of the three-entry courtyard can be traced back to the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. But for Yuanye, this is the memory of the most carefree time in her life, which is very precious. .

Walking along the Chaoshou corridor to the wing room, Yuan also told Su Xingyi what he did here and there when he was a child. Su Xingyi listened, and occasionally gave a few responses. Talk about indifferent things, but he is willing to go along with what she said.

Qi Gao was leading the way, and couldn't help but look back. They got along very naturally, and there was an intimacy in this nature that no one else could penetrate. It couldn't be the relationship of ordinary friends, but rather...

He hurriedly stopped, raised his hand and slapped himself on the mouth, not to speculate on the young lady's private affairs.

They first went to Yuan Ye's room, the Chen family arranged for two servants to wait inside, Su Xingyi stopped at the door and didn't go in, just looked around, and then said to Yuan Ye: "Rest early."

Yuan also nodded: "You too."

Su Xingyi nodded, took Anna and followed Qi Gao upstairs.

Ansha knew that Yuan didn't like outsiders, so she asked the servants to leave first, and poured a glass of warm water for her: "Miss, are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?"

Yuan also walked around the room, it was exactly the same as when she lived in the past, even the decorations bought at the night market were still there, it can be seen that Chen Jingxian has been waiting for her to come back, her heart warmed, thinking of Qi Gao's sentence "" I'm home." There was a little heaviness in this warm current, and he shook his head: "I'll sleep for a while."

"Okay." Ansha didn't bother her anymore, she took the door and went out.

Yuan was also lying on the bed. She didn't sleep well on the cruise ship last night, she was really tired, but after lying down for half an hour, she didn't fall asleep at all.

She stared at the ceiling with her eyes open, and the heaviness in her heart was still lingering. Finally, she got up, put on her coat, and went out alone.

She asked the concierge for a car, and drove to the Chen family's cemetery by herself.

She told the mausoleum guard that she was a guest of the Chen family, and the mausoleum guard saw that the car she was driving belonged to the Chen family, so they let her in without stopping her.

More than three years have passed, and Kite still remembers the location very clearly, so she walked over and found the tombstone with the black and white photo of the man embedded there.

She and the man in the photo looked at each other for a while, then slowly squatted down, and stroked the words on it with her hand.

He said softly, "Little cousin, are you okay?"

Chen Moqian in the photo has never changed, still handsome and alienated.

The corners of the mouth slightly curved: "I'm fine."

"I just missed you."

(End of this chapter)

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