Chapter 279
"I don't know any lawyers in China. The lawyer I want to introduce to you just now was found by Anna a few days ago because I thought you might need it."

Just thought she would need it.

If she wants to, she will fight for custody.

She didn't tell him in advance, but he knew she would do it, and he had everything ready for her before she asked, an attitude of unconditional support.

How should Ibi describe her mood at the moment?It's a cup of spring water making new tea, which is sweet but sweet. Thinking about it, he has been like this all these years. Many times, he knows what she wants to do without her telling him. She straightened up and said jokingly: "Mr. Is it in my belly?"

Is it her roundworm?

Su Xingyi just bent his lips: "Get in the car."

Yuan also immediately said "Yes, sir" and helped him close the car door, but instead of getting into the passenger seat, he got into the back seat, laying down on the long seat, exhaled and said, "My back is so sore, It’s still so comfortable. Mr. Su knows the way, right?”

"Yeah." Su Xingyi started the car. The road conditions in Qingcheng were very good late at night, and he seldom encountered red lights. He glanced at the back seat from the rearview mirror, and Yuan also curled up on the seat motionless, as if sleeping. caught.

He eased off the gas pedal a bit, slowing down and making the car run more smoothly.

When they arrived at Chen's mansion, Su Xingyi parked the car, and without waking Yuan Ye up, he bent down and carried her out of the car.

His movements were very light, and Yuan was also very sleepy. Although he opened his eyes and looked at him, his consciousness was not very clear. After reading it, he fell asleep again. Su Xingyi's light-colored eyes opened a gentle wave, and hugged her go to the room.

Chen Jinglian stood beside the railing on the second floor with his clothes on, taking a panoramic view of this scene, and weighed his thoughts.


The next day, Yuan also went to the ancestral hall, burned incense for her grandparents, and asked the servants to bring clean water and towels, and wiped every memorial tablet and altar. It was almost noon when she was done. , she saw that the time was almost up, so she took out her mobile phone and called the man.

She has a good memory, even if she didn't try to remember it deliberately, she still couldn't get his number out of her mind after all these years.

After three or five rings, it was connected over there, and Yuchi's usual magnetic voice became deeper and deeper under the blessing of the current: "Hello?"

Yuan didn't answer either, she lowered her eyes and stepped out of the threshold of the ancestral hall, not wanting to disturb the tranquility of her ancestors.

It was just two or three seconds of silence, and I don't know how he guessed it was her: "Yuya."

The tone could be heard not as a question, but as a confirmation. Yuan also raised her eyes and saw a few magnolia trees sparsely planted in the yard. The flowering period had already passed, and only the dry branches were left standing alone in the wind. The rockery over there It is dark and damp, and against each other, the picture has a sense of desolation from a movie lens.

"It's me." Answered.

Yuchi seemed to smile a little: "I know."

The phone's radio is very good, and even his breathing rate can be heard clearly, as if it is close to the ear, Yuan is also a little annoyed, so she doesn't need to detour with him, and directly asks: "How are you thinking?"

"About the divorce?"

"if not?"

Yuchi is currently in the airport hall, ready to return to Qingcheng, with people coming and going around, he asked lightly: "What if I don't agree?"

Although it was the expected answer, there was still a sharp look in Yuanye's eyes: "I can only take the legal route, but Mr. Wei, you have to think clearly, if it really comes to the point of the trial, you will not end well."

Li Xue pushed open the glass door of the VIP room, and Yuchi walked in: "Tell me, why didn't it end well for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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