He is delusional

Chapter 280 The Choice of Weighing the Pros and Cons

Chapter 280 The Choice of Weighing the Pros and Cons
The corners of Yuan Ye's mouth twitched: "In the eyes of the public, Jiang Yuan, the wife of President Wei's, has also passed away for many years. If I remember correctly, when President Wei was in my first seven years, he swiped the screen once on the whole network because of his affection. Even Wei's stock has risen by 125%, and now it has been dismantled, do you think it will end well? Huh?"

When she was "first seven", Yuchi and her were in Qingcheng, so they couldn't attend the funeral. In order to perform a full set of tricks to make outsiders believe that she was dead, he declared to the outside world that "I lost my beloved wife and couldn't afford to be sick." , At first it was a marketing account transfer, and then Wei's public relations department saw the popularity, so they took the opportunity to increase the fire, making this matter spread all over the Internet quickly.

This kind of benign enthusiasm naturally led to Wei's stock, which has both fame and profit. Yuchi ate her human blood steamed buns and achieved a win-win situation. (220)

"The Internet has memories. Only three years have passed, and those netizens are still there. Mr. Wei, do you think they will feel angry about being deceived?"

Just because he can buy a marketing account, does he have public relations to guide public opinion?She has already let him see her skills in the hot search of the four major port infringement incidents. If he doesn't understand it deeply enough, she doesn't mind letting him feel it again.

She wasn't afraid of being found out that she wasn't actually dead, but it was him, so it was difficult to explain.

Yuchi was sitting on the sofa. One wall of the waiting room was made of glass, and a large amount of sunlight poured in, but people couldn't feel the warmth of his body. After a short moment of silence, he asked in a low voice: "You still want to take A Ting away?" .”

"He is my child and I have the right to fight for his custody."

"He won't agree to go with you." Yuchi said firmly.

Yuan also pursed her lips, remembering the last time she saw Ating that year, when he suddenly fell ill and passed out in the room. She saw Yuchi carrying him to the hospital through the gaps of the servants who were watching. When Tian Wei came back late, he told her that the first thing A Ting said when he woke up was - I hate you. (217)

She inhaled silently, then exhaled slowly, her face looked calm, but her tone was extremely cold: "I have already given Mr. Wei a choice, since you do not agree to an agreed divorce, then we will see you in court."

She was about to hang up the phone after she finished speaking, when Yuchi suddenly asked: "Since you don't plan to be Jiang Yuanye again, why do you care whether our marriage exists or not?"

"Diaphragm response."

Yuan Ye's words came back quickly, and there was no sound from Yuchi's side, not even the sound of breathing.

She said word by word: "I bear my name and put it with you, even if it's just in a meaningless marriage certificate."

"I also ask Mr. Wei to remove my tablet from your Wei family's ancestral hall as soon as possible."


The call was over, Yuchi walked to the wall, looked at four or five huge monsters on the tarmac, his handsome face was vaguely reflected on the polished glass, his black eyes were particularly clear, but he had to look carefully , to see the water of the Danube flowing inside, faint, as if it contains thousands of unspeakable thoughts.

After an unknown amount of time, things like catkins and feathers fluttered down from the sky, and landed on the plane, on the grass, and on the ground crew, before he said in a low voice, "It's snowing."


"First snow." Yuan also stood on the porch, watching the first snow that had been brewing since last night, said softly.

When she mentioned her tablet just now, she inevitably thought of Li Ningxi's tablet.

She didn't know whether Li Ningxi's tablet entered the ancestral hall, nor was she interested in knowing, but she just recalled how she tried her best to prevent her tablet from entering the ancestral hall of Wei's family, thinking that she was protecting her dignity as Mrs. Wei. Ridiculous.

Li Ningxi's tablet can be a tool he uses to set up her, and her tablet can also be a tool for him to show off to the outside world. Yuchi is a person who has no heart, it is the same for Li Ningxi, and it is the same for her. They treat him That said, it's just a choice after weighing the pros and cons.

And it took her two full years, no, she knew him at the age of seven, and it took her 26 years to see him clearly until she was 19 years old.

Thinking of this, Yuan also looked back at the ancestral hall behind him. He was here back then, and gave her a handkerchief to wipe away tears. She replied "Thank you brother", and her mother and Weimu saw it. Joking and half-seriously settled their marriage.

Maybe without that first meeting, there would be no such things later. (037)

"You can make a wish." Chen Jingxian's voice sounded suddenly, Yuan was also taken aback, and turned her head to look over.

With his hands in the pockets of his long windbreaker, he has a slender figure and long legs as he steps up the steps: "It's very spiritual to make a wish to Chuxue."

Yuan also smiled: "I am no longer a child." She still believes in such fairy tales.

Chen Jingxian just smiled, and stood side by side with her on the porch, until the branches of the magnolia tree were covered with snow, he said again: "Didn't we agree?"

"It's expected." Yuan Ye told him about divorcing Yuchi when he had dinner in the morning, "He will probably use the divorce to negotiate terms with me."

Chen Jingxian said: "You have been separated for three years, as long as you can prove that your relationship is not harmonious, with this prerequisite, the court will also tend to rule on your divorce."

Yuan also nodded: "In addition to this, I have other evidence, and my chances of winning the divorce are very high."

"But that child may not be awarded to you." Chen Jinglian turned his head to look at her, "What's your idea?"

There is no need to hide anything from him, and Yuan also confessed: "There is no sure way to win." It can only be tried.

"But I will do everything I can. From the time I was pregnant with him for three months until he was born, I will be alone. Yuchi doesn't deserve him at all."

When it came to the last sentence, her tone was extremely decisive.

Chen Jingxian was silent for a moment, and said: "Mo Qian kept the secret of what happened between you and Yuchi in Qingcheng seven years ago, and I didn't know anything about it."

If she hadn't told him in the morning, he wouldn't even know that the child named Wei Yanting was actually born to her and Yu Chi.

He had the impression that she lived in Qingcheng for a period of time seven years ago, but it is not uncommon for her to come to Qingcheng often, and every time she comes, she mostly lives with Chen Moqian. She didn't ask any more questions, and she never expected that she would meet Yuchi and have some entanglement with Yuchi.

Yuan also turned to him, frowning and said: "I haven't fully recovered the memory of that year, and I don't know why I even kept it from you."

She remembered most of the things, but she didn't know whether it was a long time or other reasons. She couldn't remember many details, but they were all relatively critical points. She thought about it for three years and didn't remember it. She also tried it in the middle The psychiatrist's treatment had little effect.

So about the matter between her and Yuchi seven years ago, the only person who knew about it was her little cousin...but he is no longer here.

"I will definitely find out what happened in Qingcheng, and I will also find that woman named Bai Qingqing." Chen Jinglian gave her an affirmation.

Yuan also relaxed her heart a little, and bent her lips reluctantly.

At this time, the servant came over and said that lunch was ready, and Yuan walked to the flower hall with Chen Jingxian. Are you married?"

(End of this chapter)

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