He is delusional

Chapter 298 Do You Know Who Leaked The Secret

Chapter 298 Do You Know Who Leaked The Secret

Mrs. Landau said frankly: "Although she and I are both directors of HMVL, she is more than me as the head of the Ernor family, and the other boards of directors give her a little more face, and there is Li Xixi everywhere behind her." Help her, the board of directors has unanimously decided to hand over the matter of the four major ports to her, and on the surface, I can't help much."

"Ma'am can handle the mess very well." Yuchi seemed to laugh, but the meaning was unclear.

"But I will do my best to suppress this matter as soon as possible." Mrs. Landau paused, and finally threw out her hole card, "When this matter is resolved, President Wei, come to Paris, I have A new project, I want to chat with you."

Something flashed quickly in Yuchi's dark eyes, and then he lowered his eyes to cover them again, and his voice was surprisingly light: "It should be noon in Paris now, Madam enjoyed her lunch, don't bother me."

Mrs. Landau returned with courtesy: "President Wei is at dinner time, I also wish President Wei a happy dinner."

After finishing the call, Yuchi returned the phone to Li Xue, bent down and got into the car: "Go to the old house."

In Paris, Mrs. Landau threw her mobile phone on the cabinet and walked to the dining table.

Her favorite medium-rare steak was already set on the table, she smiled, stood on tiptoe and kissed the cheek of the man who was pouring the red wine: "You still know what I like best."

The man took advantage of the situation to hug her, and the two exchanged a huge kiss.

Just like three years ago, the relationship between the man and Mrs. Landau is still so ambiguous and hot.

He is her most trusted right-hand man, and he was personally in charge of chasing and killing Kite in the mountains of Basel.

The two parted for a while, and the man handed her a glass of red wine, and said in a hoarse voice: "HMVL sued Wei for copyright infringement. In the final analysis, it is his business. Why do you seem more anxious than him?"

"Of course I'm anxious." Mrs. Landau licked her lips, her smile became a little darker, "If that bastard really succeeded in suing Wei, how could Yuchi continue to cooperate with me? I can't do without him now."

She sat down to eat, the sharp knife cut open the tender steak, blood flowed out, she narrowed her eyes: "Li Xi has been complacent for too long, I have to find something for her to do."

"In case she protects that bastard everywhere and fights against me."

Without Li Xi, let's see how that bastard still flaunts his might.

It was already 07:30 when we arrived at Wei's mansion. Yuchi went to change his shoes, took off his coat, and called out: "Dad, Mom."

Wei's father was watching the news in the living room, and Wei's mother was making dumplings in the restaurant. They all looked over and said, "Ah, you're late."

Yuchi nodded, and then a half-sized figure jumped out from Wei's mother, and directly rushed to Yuchi: "Father!"

It's Ating.

The main purpose of coming to the old house was to pick him up, Yuchi bent his lips: "Yeah."

Bending down to pick him up, the six-year-old child is already quite heavy, but Yuchi can hold his body firmly in the crook of his arm with one hand. A Ting hugged his neck and rubbed him affectionately: "Dad Do you miss Ating?"

"Yes, so I'll pick you up after work." Yuchi wiped the flour off his nose, "Did you eat well? Obediently listen to your grandparents?"

The older A Ting was, the more his eyebrows and eyes resembled Yuchi's, and he replied crisply, "Yes!"

Father Wei loved this little grandson the most, and peeled a grape from the fruit plate: "Ah Ting is so obedient, of course he is the most obedient, come, eat a grape."

Yuchi put A Ting down, he ran over to eat some grapes, and said seriously: "A Ting is going to help grandma make dumplings."

A six-year-old child, who knows how to make dumplings, just joined in the fun, but still coaxed the old Wei family to smile: "Good boy."

A Ting ran back to the restaurant, and Yuchi followed him with his eyes, and said to his mother-in-law: "Mom, your lumbar spine is sore, let the servant take care of it."

"It's okay, just a little." Weimu smiled, she really likes to make food for them.

Yuchi sat down on the sofa, the servant brought up a cup of hot tea, he took a sip, it was green tea, Yuhua tea from Nanjing.

There is also this Tea Wei Mansion, yes...Yuya, once on a business trip to Nanjing, she liked it once she tasted it, bought a lot of it back, and sent some to the old house, and later she liked other green teas, On the contrary, they all fell in love with Yuhua tea, and they would remember to make up every time they finished drinking it.

His thoughts drifted away for a while, until Father Wei asked, "Is she back?"

There is no subject, but they all know who is asking, Yuchi put down the teacup: "Yes."

Father Wei squinted his eyes: "Is it also related to her that you suddenly sent A Ting here?"

Yuchi nodded: "She wants A Ting's custody."

"Absolutely not!" Wei's father suddenly raised his voice, Wei's mother and A Ting looked over, and then he lowered his voice again, "A Ting is a child of our Wei family, how could I give it to her?!"

Yuchi was silent for a while, and Weifu frowned, thinking about the past few days: "She threatened you with the infringement of the four major ports?"

Yuchi nodded, and Wei's father looked ugly: "What did Mrs. Landau say?"

"The HMVL board of directors has given this matter full power to her."

In other words, Mrs. Landau could not be of much help.

Wei's father clenched his fist and smashed it on his knee, his brows twisted into a Sichuan shape: "How could Ah Ting be her biological child? Wasn't Ah Ting born to that woman surnamed Bai? What's going on between you two? "

"I'll take care of this matter, you don't have to worry about it." Yuchi didn't want to talk too much about this matter, and directly took the subject away, he came to the old house, and there was another matter, "Dad, I have something to ask you."

After soaking for a long time, the tea leaves in the teacup slowly unfold, recovering their original leaf shape, floating and spinning in the water.


Yuchi's voice was warm and indifferent: "Did you tell anyone about the fact that you persuaded me to agree to cooperate with Mrs. Landau?"

Father Wei was stunned: "What's wrong?"

"She can recount the content of our conversation verbatim. We were the only ones present at the time." Yuchi looked at him, "Li Yi came to check, and there is no bug in the old house."

So this matter must have been spread by word of mouth. It wasn't that there was a mistake on his side, or it could only be that there was a problem on his side.

A strange look flashed across Wei's father's face, and it was fleeting, but was caught by Yuchi, so before he said, "I didn't tell anyone."

Yuchi answered quickly: "But do you know who leaked it?"

Father Wei got up, avoiding his gaze: "Maybe the servant overheard it outside the door. I will check the servant tomorrow...Although they are all born in the family, but people's hearts are complicated, and it may change with one."

Yuchi leaned back, leaned on the back of the sofa, and turned the ring.

"Okay, I'll wait for Dad to give me an answer."

(End of this chapter)

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