He is delusional

Chapter 299 She Moves Really Fast

Chapter 299 She Moves Really Fast

At the dinner table, Wei's mother looked at Yuchi hesitantly.

There has been so much uproar on the Internet these days, of course she knows it, she wants to ask Yuan Ye, but it's hard for A Ting to speak up here, so she has to endure it for the time being and wait until after dinner before she finds a chance to take Yuchi away. Called alone to the yard.

The mother-in-law immediately asked, "Tobi is back, isn't she?"

Tonight's wind was strong, with the biting coldness of the cold night, Yuchi changed his position to block the direction of the wind, and responded in a low voice: "Yes."

The mother-in-law had mixed feelings in her heart. To this day, Yuanye is still her favorite daughter-in-law. Coupled with Chen Qingwan's relationship, she is really happy that she is still alive, but she has done so many things since she came back. Make a sigh: "She must hate our family now."

As she spoke, she was very worried: "How can she go back to Yuan's house? In that place, her mother was almost stripped of her skin. It was too dangerous. How could she be a match for those people alone? She even sat in the position of the head of the family." , became the target of public criticism, she..."

"She'll be fine." Before he could finish speaking, Yuchi interrupted.

Wei Mu frowned, and Yu Chi's eyes were filled with the stars of the universe, changing rapidly, only one sentence was always firm: "No."


It was already ten o'clock in the night when we left the old house. A Ting fell asleep lying on Yuchi's lap. Yuchi gently stroked his hair and looked at him by the light of the street lamp.

The child's eyebrows and eyes are like him, but the nose and lips are more like a kite, especially in the past two years, they have gradually grown, and they have more and more shadows of a kite.

Yuchi looked at it for a long time before looking back, remembering Weifu's reaction, pursed his thin lips, and said to Li Xue in the front seat: "Pay attention to the movement of the old house."

Li Xueying: "Yes."

The car passed the speed bump and shook a few times. Ating woke up rubbing his eyes. Yuchi held his hand, wiped his eyes with a wet tissue, and suddenly said, "A Ting."

"Mom is back."

The little guy was obviously taken aback, then took back his hand, sat up, crossed his two fat radish-like calves, lowered his head and played with the rope on his clothes, without saying a word.

Yuchi said softly, "Do you want to see your mother?"

Ah Ting is depressed: "A Ting has no mother."

Yuchi frowned: "You can't say that."

The more serious words made Ating angry, and he threw the rope away: "No! No! No mother!"

Li Xue turned her head in shock, A Ting's personality was exactly the same as Yuchi's, he seldom cried and acted wildly, how could he treat the young lady like...

"A Ting." Yuchi warned in a deep voice.

A Ting kicked her leg: "She hasn't come back for so long, and she doesn't want to come back now, A Ting doesn't want her anymore!"

The tentative conversation ended without a problem. When they arrived at Wei's mansion, A Ting opened the car door and got out of the car. He ran all the way up to the second floor. The nanny almost couldn't catch up with him.

Yuchi followed behind, watching the door of his room slam shut, pinched his eyebrows helplessly, and signaled the housekeeper to go up and have a look.

And as if thinking about something, a rare visitor came to Wei's Group the next morning.

Yuan also walked to the front desk, smiled slightly and said, "Please tell me, I want to see Mr. Wei."


The lady at the front desk had already recognized Yuanya, she was stunned for a while before she picked up the phone, called the president's secretary's office, and finished speaking in a stumble.

Li Xue was also very surprised. At that time, Yuchi was in a meeting. After thinking about it, she went into the meeting room and whispered into Yuchi's ear who was sitting in the first seat listening to the executive's report.

Yuchi lowered his eyes, his face seemed calm, Li Xue thought he didn't want to see him, but he got up within a minute and said to the senior executives: "After listening to the rest, Secretary Li will write a report to Me." Then he walked out of the conference room.

Executives: "?"

Li Xue stabilized the audience: "Mr. Wei has something to do temporarily, let's continue talking."

Yuan was also waiting in the reception area, took out her phone and looked at it for a while, when someone beside her suddenly asked, "Are you here alone?"

The man's voice was low and magnetic, and Yuan also raised her head, seeing his beautifully tied bow tie, she naturally nodded: "Yes."

With a calm expression on Yuchi's face, he made a gesture to go upstairs, and Yuan also got up, followed him into the exclusive elevator, and said with a smile, "It's really flattering to have President Wei come down to pick me up in person."

Yuchi replied softly: "I am also flattered that you will come to Wei's."

Her consistent smile was reflected on the elevator wall, neither more nor less, Yuchi's eyes were dark, and when he arrived at the office, he turned around and asked, "Coffee, or tea?"

"It's all right." Kite also sat down on the sofa.

Yuchi asked Li Yi to make tea, and sat down on another sofa: "Three days haven't come yet, Miss Yuan Ye is in such a hurry?"

"Mr. Wei misunderstood, I am not here to talk to you about that matter today, I have a new deal to discuss with you." She also raised her eyebrows as she spoke, "Of course, if Mr. Wei has already considered that matter If you give me an answer in advance, I will be very happy."

Yuchi just bent his lips: "What deal?"

Yuan also said: "I want to buy back all the shares of Jiang's from Wei's hands."

Yuchi didn't seem very surprised: "Jiang's is a subsidiary of Wei's, and it has developed very well in the past few years."

Yuan also thought that his words were implying that Jiang's market value was not low, took out a document from her bag, put it on the table and pushed it to him: "This is the contract I drafted, if Mr. Wei has other ideas , we can talk again."

She spoke straight to the point, and the contract was concise and clear. The quotation was written on the first page. Yuchi didn't even need to pick it up to read it, and commented in a low voice: "This price is overestimated."

Yuan also leaned slightly, her eyes were clear. Compared with Deputy Jiang back then, she now has a stronger aura, more confidence, and confidence: "So, Wei always agreed?"

Looking back at her face again, Yuchi asked, "Why do you want to buy Jiang back?"

Yuan also smiled: "Jiang was invested by my grandfather, and my mother also put in the hard work. It was left to me by my grandfather and my mother. I didn't have the ability to watch it being ruined by Jiang Hongda, and then it was ruined by Jiang Hongda. Mr. Wei bought it, now that I have the ability, of course I want to buy it back."

Li Yi knocked on the door and came in, put two cups of tea on the table, and stepped back in silence. She picked up the teacup, tapped the glass wall with her finger, and said in a gentle voice, "I don't want to be an unfilial daughter."

Yuchi's eyes still stayed on her smile, no matter she was Yuan Ye or Yuan Ye, she didn't have a reasonable identity to discuss this deal, the only explanation was: "Jiang Hongda transferred the legal person status to you?"

Yuan also smiled indifferently and said of course: "All the shares in his hand are mine."

Yuchi figured out that it was impossible for Jiang Hongda to transfer the shares to her honestly, and she was able to receive all the shares so quickly, which shows that she used tricks.

He made a public appearance five days ago, talked about divorce and custody two days ago, and now he has all the shares in Jiang's company, and he has to buy back Jiang's "freedom".

Her movements are really fast.

(End of this chapter)

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